"Long time no see, Su Chen."

Su Chen was also startled when he saw the chat coming, and smiled and invited her in.

"Aunt Liu Jing, don't stand outside, come in and sit down."

After the two sat down, Su Chen poured a glass of water for Liu Jing.

Su Chen briefly exchanged greetings, including asking about Ji Yangyang's situation.

After all, this guy went abroad directly, and he couldn't be called out for the last dinner party.

It feels like a pity.

Liu Jing also told Ji Yangyang's recent situation and asked him to take a look at photos of Ji Yangyang's life abroad.

everything is normal.

"Su Chen, there are other reasons for Auntie's visit this time."

Liu Jing looked at Su Chen: "I just want to ask, I heard from Fang Yifan's mother that the massage technique here is very good and can cure all kinds of diseases?"

"Huh???" Su Chen rolled his eyes: "Aunt Liu Jing, massage is just an ordinary massage, not a luxury package. How can it cure all diseases? Even a hospital would not dare to say this."

The original hope in Liu Jing's eyes was completely extinguished after hearing these words.

"Really? Excuse me."

Seeing Liu Jing preparing to leave in despair, Su Chen couldn't help but ask, "What's going on?"

Liu Jing turned to look at Su Chen, thinking of the grievances she had suffered in the past few days and having nowhere to tell her.

I felt aggrieved.

Plus, here, it really made her feel like she was at home.

Liu Jing was relieved and told Su Chen everything about her.

"Hey, there is nothing I can do now. I don't dare to tell Yang Yang about this, just for fear that he will be worried and anxious."

Liu Jing was so emotional that she almost cried.

I talked for a long time and it was all my own guesses.

It's just that the symptoms now are similar to last year, and he doesn't dare to go to the hospital for examination again.

Su Chen thought about it and felt that what Liu Jing was talking about didn't sound like cancer.


Just like ordinary gynecological diseases.

"Actually, if Auntie doesn't mind, then I can give it a try."

"Really?" Liu Jing grabbed Su Chen's hand excitedly: "Then please help me, no matter what the cost, you can pay it."

"There is no need to pay any price, but during the treatment..." Su Chen looked at Liu Jing's capital: "I need your full cooperation. Let's go out for a walk."

Hearing Su Chen's words, Liu Jing blushed, but still nodded in agreement.

The hearts of doctors and parents.

She couldn't think too much about it.

Although it is getting late.

But Su Chen still changed her clothes and went out with Liu Jing. The two of them mainly went out for a trip.


648: No human intervention, so it is very beautiful

Su Chen and Liu Jing arrived at the foot of the mountain very late and ate some red date steamed buns at the store.

Xuanfa's steamed buns are very delicious.

Soft and squishy.

Especially the red dates on top make the originally sweet steamed buns even more attractive.

After all, Liu Jing is also someone who has eaten delicacies from the mountains and seas. She doesn't want to eat such a boring steamed bun too much.

He didn't even want Su Chen to eat. He directly told him that the disease was cured and he could treat her to more delicious food when he went back.

But Su Chen told her.

This is also part of the treatment, and it must be done if you want to cure the disease.


Liu Jing could only do what Su Chen said, but she didn't have a good appetite.

I can't swallow the steamed buns.

I can only take a bite of red dates.

But just this one bite was enough to make her linger.

It really deserves to be a white-noodle steamed bun shop at the foot of Shuangzi Mountain.

Just when Liu Jing felt that today's treatment was about to end.

Suchen took out another secret ice cream.

It looks like an old popsicle.

But it took Su Chen a long time to find the raw materials for this thing.

Liu Jing gritted her teeth, it was too cold now.

Who wants to eat an old popsicle?

But Su Chen told her that this was the last step.

For external and internal use.

Liu Jing already regretted traveling with him at this time.

But when things have come to this point, if all the previous efforts are really wasted.

Then her previous efforts would be in vain.

In the end, she chose to believe Su Chen's words and ate the old popsicle seriously and boldly.

Wait until the object in your hand disappears.

Liu Jing really felt some changes in her body.

The most visible change is that her skin has improved.

"Is all this true?" Liu Jing looked in the mirror in disbelief.

"Of course this is true, and this is the most basic treatment plan. If you can let me do in-depth treatment, I think the treatment time for both of us can be shortened by half."

Listening to Su Chen's words, Liu Jing also fell into deep thought.

Treatment like this tonight is indeed a bit of a waste of time.

But it was within her tolerance.

after all...

Everything is still within control.

Liu Jing thought for a while: "Let's do this for now."

Su Chen nodded in agreement.

Liu Jing changed her clothes and returned home, and couldn't wait to return to her room.

Feel the location of your illness. .

It seems really small.

But she wasn't sure yet if it was a psychological effect.

But everything is going in the right direction.

this evening.

Liu Jing had a dream.

He dreamed that Su Chen not only took him to Twin Mountains, but also entered Twin Cave.

Look at the amazing stalactites inside.

I even heard Su Chen asking why this is the Gobi Desert?

Liu Jing could only reply: "This is how it is naturally here without artificial intervention. After all, only this kind of landform can produce this kind of scene."

After Su Chen knew that it was naturally occurring, he was even more excited to visit here.

That excited look.

Liu Jing was afraid that he would destroy the things here if he got excited.

3.9 can only keep comforting.

Su Chen waited until he was tired from running and then stopped next to her.

Finally tell her.

"Actually, if you run like this every day, your illness will heal faster."

"Can this really make things better quickly?" Liu Jing was unsure.

But she was sure of it.

If she really did that, she would really fall.

Or take a step first.

Let’s see how the treatment works.

649: Star Tao: My brother-in-law seems to have cheated on him

Day 2 morning.

Su Chen came to 403 for dinner.

Song Qian was eating and looked up at Su Chen: "Last night I heard Tong Wenjie say that Ji Yangyang's mother didn't sleep at night. She seemed to have something on her mind."

"Aunt Liu, are you okay?" Qiao Yingzi had a good impression of Liu Jing. When she heard that she was worried, she was actually quite nervous.

Song Qian shook her head: "Your Aunt Tong asked, but didn't say anything. But judging from her sad face, it couldn't be that the disease has relapsed."

Qiao Yingzi: "Huh?"

Su Chen: "Don't worry, no, she came to see me last night, and I did a simple check. It's not a recurrence, but there is a lump on 11."

"Oh, as long as there is no recurrence." Qiao Yingzi thought about the suffering Aunt Liu Jing had suffered in the hospital.

It would be so painful to have to go through it again.

Song Qian raised her eyebrows: "Check? How to check?"

If I remember correctly.

Liu Jing's disease was not a gynecological disease, and Su Chen could accurately tell that there was just a lump inside.

The meaning had to make Song Qian think about it.

Su Chen didn't hide it: "Sister Tong told her about my massage skills and wanted me to help treat her illness, so I tried it here. The effect should be pretty good. I believe that her illness will be cured in less than a month." It will be completely cured.”

Song Qian: "..."

How can this be done?

I can only sigh.

However, this is also legitimate help, and it should be regarded as accumulating virtue and doing good deeds.

Qiao Yingzi has already talked to everyone on the phone, and they also agreed to go out to play.

However, this route is not too certain yet and requires Qiao Yingzi to plan it in detail.

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