Otherwise, it would be too much trouble to play wherever you go.

After dinner, Song Qian went to work.

Su Chen did not bother Qiao Yingzi and took a car to Yang Tao's shop.

"Why are you calling me in such a hurry?" Su Chen entered the store.

Ignoring the other guests present, he hugged Star Tao.

Yang Tao didn't dodge and lay quietly in Su Chen's arms.

The strange thing is that no one around the guests turned around, as if they couldn't see it.

"Something happened at home, and I want you to help me."

Star Tao nuzzled in Su Chen's arms like a kitten.

Su Chen touched her thin back: "What's wrong?"

"My brother-in-law..." Yang Tao raised his head and looked at Su Chen: "I heard from my sister that my brother-in-law Duan Xifeng has been in a bad situation recently and seems to have cheated on him."

"Cheating?" Su Chen frowned.

If I remember correctly, he also specifically reminded this guy why he still cheated.

Su Chen asked about the situation.

Su Qing is not completely sure now, but Duan Xifeng often works overtime these days.

He didn't say a word when he came back.

No matter how Su Qing asked, he didn't say anything. He just said that the company was too busy.

To know.

Women are very sensitive to these 343 things, and they can feel if there is anything wrong with their man.

What's more, Duan Xifeng, this is not the slightest bit wrong, this matter is completely wrong.

Su Qing only needs to make a simple call to the colleagues he knows in the company to know the whole story.

Duan Xifeng's lies are unstoppable.

Yang Tao: "What should I do now? My sister is still pregnant. I'm really afraid that after the child is born, my father will be gone and my sister will be a single mother."

"Aunt Xue doesn't know."

Yang Taoyao shook her head, not daring to tell her mother about this.

Otherwise, you will just worry along with it.

It doesn't make much sense.

The most important thing now is to figure out what happened to Duan Xifeng.

650: Traveling with star fruit

Su Chen comforted Yang Tao and planned to go to Duan Xifeng immediately to find out the situation.

As a result, Yang Tao was feeling too uncomfortable these days and wanted to take Su Chen on a trip.

"I heard from Weiwei that you have a lot of confidante in Shanghai, but there are quite a few of them?"

"There is another person named Star Tao."

Yang Tao hooked Su Chen's neck and looked straight at him.

Su Chen hugged her waist: "Don't I miss you? As soon as I hear the name Yang Tao, I can't help but think of you."

"Bah, if Lan Weiwei hadn't told me the real situation, I would have believed it."

Su Chen: "..."

"It seems I can't do it without taking you on a trip today?"

"What do you think?"


Although it is winter now.

But Su Chen and Yang Tao are very enthusiastic about traveling.

They drove to the countryside.

The ground here is covered with fallen leaves, which is completely opposite to the situation in the Stalactite Cave that Su Chen went to last night.

Overgrown with trees and weeds.

But Su Chen also likes it here, and Su Chen comes here often.

As I come more often, there are also some small vendors here.Su Chen found that women seemed to like eating popsicles in winter, and she didn't know why.

Star Tao was eating popsicles and following Su Chen around.

But she soon became tired and had no choice but to be carried away by Su Chen.

There is quite a chaotic beauty.

At this moment Lan Weiwei called and Yang Tao picked it up.

"How's it going? Have you gone shopping with Su Chen recently?"

"Well...we are traveling, and the scenery here is very beautiful."

Yang Tao and Lan Weiwei didn't have the slightest feeling of avoiding suspicion when they called each other, and they spoke straightforwardly.

Lan Weiwei also knew what the two of them were looking at, and smiled and gave some instructions.

"Then you tell Su Chen that the two cars in the villa also need maintenance. Don't forget them when you come back."


Yang Tao held the phone: "Did you hear it too? Your car."

"Remember, but that will have to wait until school starts. Now let's take care of the family car first."

She was extremely tired when she came back with the star fruit.

Su Chen could only find Duan Xifeng by himself.

Came to Duan Xifeng's company and called him.

After asking for the address, I went upstairs.

"Su Chen, what brought you up here? Come and walk around."

Duan Xifeng is also the leader of the company and has his own independent office.

Su Chen walked in.

Duan Xifeng poured him a cup of tea.

Su Chen looked at him: "...I am mainly here to ask you one thing today. Have you cheated?"

Duan Xifeng was stunned and said with a wry smile: "Did Su Qing tell you?"

Su Chen shook his head: "It's Taozi. He found that my cousin's mental state has not been right these days. I feel that the problem should be on your side."

"I..." Duan Xifeng sighed: "To be honest, I did make a few mistakes, but I promise only a few, definitely not many."

Then, Su Chen knew the general situation of the matter.

Pretty much the same as what he knew.

It was while accompanying a client that I met a bartender.

After getting drunk, I couldn't help myself.

Of course, these were Duan Xifeng's words. Whether he couldn't help it or not, he knew in his heart.

Su Chen looked at him: "You should handle this matter before Su Qing knows about it. What should we do now?"

"I can't help it..." Duan Xifeng said helplessly: "Originally, he only wanted a little money, and I gave it to him. Who knew she was so greedy that she asked me to help rent a house, and then asked me to give her money,".

651: Stop pretending, you can deceive Duan Xifeng just like this

Of course Su Chen knew the whole story. To put it simply, the bartender was interested in Duan Xifeng's identity and money.

I want to become a full-time mistress.

This kind of thing happens all the time in big cities. Otherwise, what do you think those women are doing in bars?

Are you really just looking for a one-night stand?

Stop it.

Many people want to find someone to take advantage of.

Su Chen looked at Duan Xifeng.

Is he worthy of pity?

Totally not worth it.

If you know that the other person is a barmaid, aren't you afraid of getting sick?

But Duan Xifeng also cried pitifully.

"Su Chen, you must help me. My child will be born soon. I don't want him to be born without a father."

Duan Xifeng also knew that his matter had been exposed, and it would not do him any good to drag it out like this. Now he must resolve the matter quickly.

The longer it takes, the less good it will be for him.

The only one I can count on now is my brother-in-law.

Su Chen sighed, no matter how Duan Xifeng deserved it.

But now he is also his friend after all.

If you can help, please help.

"Take me to meet that woman."


In a community in the imperial capital.

A black car stopped slowly.

Su Chen and Duan Xifeng came out.

"That's it." Duan Xifeng was a little embarrassed.

Bringing others to see your mistress is so awkward to think about.

"You know you're embarrassed now? Why didn't you think about being embarrassed when you were in the bar?" Su Chen rolled his eyes.

Duan Xifeng stopped talking.

Take Su Chen upstairs.

Come upstairs.

Knock on the door.

"Zifeng? Why did you come here so early?"

The woman inside appeared, she was like a wife looking forward to her husband coming home soon, very gentle.

Welcome Duan Xifeng in.

"Who is this?"

"he's mine......"

Seeing that Duan Xifeng wanted to introduce his identity, Su Chen refused: "It goes without saying my identity. I am mainly looking for you today for one thing. I want to ask you how to leave this guy."

After Deng Jiajia saw Su Chen's appearance, she felt good in her heart.

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