Doesn't this let others know who she is?


After returning home, Liu Jing didn't sleep all night.

I waited until dawn, washed my face, and came back up again.

This Su Chen opened the door.

"...You..." Liu Jing looked at Su Chen's bare upper body, her eyes involuntarily attracted to his eight-pack abs.

But he still said nervously: "Why don't you wear clothes?"

"I'm wearing them." Su Chen pointed to the pants.

Seeing Liu Jing blushing, Su Chen smiled and said, "Aunt Liu should have experienced changes this week. I didn't lie to you."

Liu Jing nodded.

"If I had known you were so powerful, I should have come directly to you for treatment. Why not go to any hospital and suffer so much?"

There was a bit of complaint in this sentence, if Su Chen could have said it to him earlier.

Then it all seems much simpler.

Su Chen smiled.

"Aunt Liu, please be more reasonable. If I told you earlier, would you believe it?"

"And even this time, that's what Sister Tong told you. If I tell you, there is a high probability that you will be regarded as a hooligan."

Liu Jing: "...".

661: Wang Dingnan: I got up quite late, little landlord.

Su Chen looked up and down at the image of Liu Jing.

She is not the slim type to begin with, she is plump and has a gentle temperament.

Has a unique feeling.

Today Liu Jing wore a long cashmere dress with moderate elasticity.

Clothes cling to the body.

It makes her lines particularly obvious, and her uniqueness is really reflected at this time.

That is, there are some places where I feel better than Song Qian.

Seeing this, Su Chen asked: "Aunt Liu, are you here for treatment today?"

Liu Jing thought for a while and nodded seriously.

"I feel like my condition has been relapsing recently, and I feel like it's better to come in once a week, but I don't know when it will be completely cured."

Liu Jing was a little embarrassed when she said this, always feeling like she was just trying to make an excuse.

373 Su Chen smiled: "Actually, if Aunt Liu wants to get well soon, you can consider my suggestion."

"Well... Let's talk about it. Can you help with treatment now?" Liu Jing sat on the sofa, her body tense.

He looked at Su Chen with a look of anticipation and fear.

Su Chen glanced at the man lying on his side.

"It's a bit inappropriate outside. Go out for treatment."


Su Chen pulled Liu Jing into the car.

fasten your seatbelt.

The two of them went to the same place today, but there seemed to be a few camels suddenly here.

Liu Jing didn't want Su Chen to see it, but Su Chen still felt that it was too late.

You have to go up and see how the camel is doing.

Although Liu Jing was holding him, Su Chen couldn't really ride on it.

But it’s okay to touch the hump.

"Aunt Liu, this is a real camel hump. It's so powerful. I heard it's all fat, just to provide energy for the camel."

"Hmm...I understand, should we change places?"

"That's fine."

Su Chen took a look at the camel and tried to ride it the next time he came.

When you come here, of course you have to continue eating the specialties here.

Red date steamed buns.

It's sweet and soft, even Liu Jing will take a bite this time.

It's truly unforgettable.

In the end, I was even a little bit fascinated by what I ate.

Su Chen smiled and said: "If Aunt Liu is fine, you can taste more by yourself. This will be good for your condition."

Liu Jing: "Well...really?"

"Of course it's true, but it also needs to be combined with my special ointment, which can be taken internally and externally."

Su Chen took out the extractor: "It's just that you need to get this yourself. Take as much as you can. I have a lot more, don't mind."

Liu Jing felt a little embarrassed like this, so she still took some.

Fortunately, for internal use, you can just drink it when you take it.

For external use, you have to use other methods.

The two of them played outside for more than an hour.

When leaving, Liu Jing was a little tired.

But he felt so refreshed at the end of each trip that it was hard not to believe that the treatments were effective.

This also gave Liu Jing enough confidence that she would be completely fine even without going to the hospital for treatment.

After Su Chen returned home, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When you wake up again.

Wang Dingnan had already gotten up and was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"You got up quite late, little landlord."

Wang Dingnan's face was rosy and he looked at Su Chen who had just gotten up with a smile on his face.

"I just took a nap, and you thought I was sleeping like you until now."

Su Chen complained and walked towards the kitchen.

Want to get something to eat.

Wang Dingnan looked at Su Chen's back: "By the way, did I say anything after drinking last night?".

662: Wang Dingnan is a bit unable to stand it.

When Wang Dingnan said these words, his face turned red and his eyes trembled.

It wasn't that she didn't know what happened last night, she just wanted to confirm Su Chen's attitude.

Su Chen took a sip of water: "Are you sure you want me to help you recall? If I recall, I might be able to tell you the details. After all, my memory is better."

"Then forget it..." Wang Dingnan lowered his head in embarrassment.

Usually he just thinks about it.

I didn’t expect that I would dare to do it after drinking.

Su Chen walked to her side: "Don't worry, no one will know this if you don't tell me and I don't tell you."

Wang Dingnan suddenly raised his head: "Why do you say this so skillfully? Do you often say it to others?"

There was an unknown charm in Wang Dingnan's eyes, and there was a little more charm on his face.

Finally, I have a bit of femininity.

After Su Chen saw it, there was an evil smile on his lips.

This smile made Wang Dingnan's heart tremble with laughter, and he subconsciously wanted to avoid Su Chen's eyes.

But Su Chen pinched his chin and couldn't move.

"What do you want to do?" Wang Dingnan asked shyly.

He is sitting on the sofa at the moment.

Looks very stiff.

But Su Chen boldly sat there, and the two of them were very close to each other.

He was so close that Wang Dingnan could hear Su Chen's breathing and feel the fiery temperature in his eyes.

My heart melted at this moment.

Su Chen smiled and said, "You are quite cute when you are jealous, but you have to understand our current relationship. It is best to maintain the status quo. It will be good for both of us."

The king-top man gritted his silver teeth, feeling as if he was being raped.

But she still said firmly.

"Of course I know this. I will tell you. After all, if others find out about old cows eating young grass, they will definitely accuse me."

"That's fine."

Wang Dingnan felt disappointed as he watched Su Chen leave. He didn't expect that his first boldness would lead to such a result.

But think about it.

He is only 19 years old this year and is in the prime of his youth.

How could he have true feelings for her?

At this moment, Wang Dingnan's cell phone rang. It was her husband.

"Ting Nan, I heard from your sister that you are renting a house to live outside now?"

"Yeah, what's wrong? You didn't say you don't want me to live at home, then I will live out according to your wishes. You are not going to take care of me even when I come out to live. Are you taking too much care?"

Wang Dingnan took out the anger he got from Su Chen on the other side.

If a normal man heard these words, he would definitely feel confused.

But Wang Dingnan’s husband apologized repeatedly.

"Top man, I know you are still angry now, but I can't help it. The two of us have saved so much money for so many years. If you could just go in and get half of it, anyone else would definitely be angry."


"Okay, then you don't blame me. You were very happy when you made money earlier. When I bought you a tie, you also smiled and praised me for making money."

"Who knows that when you lose money, you will be more angry than anyone else, and no one else can bear it."

Wang Dingnan shouted into the phone.

Su Chen saw this scene and suddenly felt very interesting.

Those who made mistakes are angry here, while those who did not make mistakes apologize profusely on the phone.

This scene feels very weird no matter how you look at it.

Fortunately it's not his girlfriend.

This licking dog thing is too tiring.

Finally, Wang Dingnan hung up the phone and shouted angrily to Su Chen: "Is there any more wine?"

"Yes~" mouth.

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