663: Wang Shengnan: I also want to persuade him to divorce, but he is my sister

"Tell me if this is his fault! He actually dares to yell at me! When he is making money, he always yells at me, but when he comes home, he yells at me! Do you think I should teach him a lesson?"

Wang Dingnan was holding a beer with blurry eyes. It was hard to imagine that someone could drink too much beer on this sunny day.

Su Chen drank with her: "Indeed, this is all his fault. How can there be such a person who scolds his wife just because he is afraid of losing money when he makes money? This kind of person should teach him a lesson!"


When a person complains in front of you, what he needs is not that you can reason with him.

Argue about who is right and who is wrong. If you do, you may lose a friend.

If the other party is still a woman.

Congratulations, you may have one less girlfriend.

All they need is for you to accompany her and scold her until she is happy.

It doesn't matter who is right or wrong.

The important thing is that he is willing to ask you to come out to drink with her, and you need to be bolder for the rest.

Only in this way can there be progress.

Otherwise, it will really be like a licking dog, just wandering in the same place.

Don't say that others don't give you a chance.

These things are totally out of control.

For example, this time, Su Chen sat on the ground and kept drinking with Wang Dingnan.

After shouting, Wang Dingnan fell into his arms.

Suchen pushed her hair away.

"You drank too much. Let me help you go back to your room and sleep."


Lin Miaomiao's home.

Lin Miaomiao held her brother and walked around the room.

Wang Shengnan received a call from Tang Song and heard what was said on the other side.

There was also a burst of anger on his face.

"Tang and Song, you don't need to worry about her. This girl was spoiled by my mother. It's obviously her fault, but she still has to blame it on you. The more you admit your mistake, the more proud she will be. So I will let him go for a few days. I will I don’t believe he won’t go back!”

Lin Miaomiao whispered beside her: "If I lived at Su Chen's house, I would definitely not want to go back."

Wang Shengnan heard this and glared at her angrily.

Don't even look at what she is doing.

He would say some sarcastic words next to him.

There was also a helpless voice on the phone.

"It's indeed my fault. When he made money, I should have asked her to take the money away instead of continuing to invest. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been so inflated..."

Wang Shengnan felt helpless when he heard Tang Song's words: "Your temper is too soft. If you are tougher, my sister will not be like this. You and my mother are used to it."

I also added in my mind that I deserved it for being used to it.

Tang Song just called Wang Shengnan to see if there was any way she could get Wang Dingnan to go home.

Wang Shengnan didn't have any good solution, so he could only agree in vain.

hang up the phone.

Lin Miaomiao asked: "My aunt and her husband are so kind to him. He has lost so much money and he still protects her like this."

"What a fart, now your aunt is just a child who hasn't grown up. She has no idea how hard it is to make money." Wang Shengnan rolled his eyes: "Do you know that he lost more than 20 this time? This money needs The two of them live without food or water, and have to work for several years to survive."

3.9 "He is not a good person. He doesn't know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive. He spends money lavishly when he makes money. When I went back last time, I saw him buying a few brand-name clothes. Now that he has lost money, he can't sell his brand-name clothes."

Wang Shengnan sighed: "Sometimes I think it would be better for your uncle to divorce him, but after all, she is my sister, so I can't say that."

Lin Miaomiao curled her lips.

Then why are you telling me? .

664: Lin Miaomiao came without telling you, please control her later.

"By the way, Miaomiao, do you have a way to get your aunt back?"

"There is nothing I can do. I take care of my children at home every day. I never leave the house without leaving the door. I have almost become our full-time nanny." Lin Miaomiao complained dissatisfied.

Originally, she wanted to stay at Su Chen's house for a few days to relieve the stress of the past few days.

Unexpectedly, I didn’t go out.

Instead, I introduced my aunt there, and now I have no place to go.

Lin Miaomiao's complaint was automatically filtered by Wang Shengnan, but 11 it was her words that reminded Wang Shengnan.

"By the way, you have such a good relationship with your aunt. If you go to live at Su Chen's house, your aunt will definitely not want to fight with you. In this way, he will look for a place outside. When he can no longer live in it, he will naturally Have to leave."

Wang Shengnan took his brother in Lin Miaomiao's hand and said, "Hurry up and take your things to Su Chen's house and squeeze your aunt back."

Lin Miaomiao, who suddenly lost her brother, felt a little disappointed, but the pain in her arms made her ignore it for a moment.

Lie comfortably on the sofa.

"I don't want to go anywhere now, I just want to lie here and rest."

Let me come back to take care of my brother, and I will come back and leave as soon as I can.

Why do you think it is so beautiful?

Just when Lin Miaomiao was thinking this, her ears suddenly hurt.

"Go if I tell you to. Where did all this nonsense come from? After half a year in college, have you become bolder and dare not to listen to your mother?" Wang Shengnan pinched Lin Miaomiao's ears, making her moan in pain. Just call.

"I'm wrong, I'm wrong, go right now! I'm going right now!!!"


10 o'clock in the morning.

Lin Miaomiao pulled her suitcase to the door of 402.

Looking at this door that I haven't seen for a long time, I feel quite happy.

"After half a year, I finally came back."

Lin Miaomiao was about to knock on the door when she suddenly remembered that she seemed to have a key.

A proud smile appeared on his face.

Take the car key and open the door.

"Da da!~ I'm back! Su Chen, do you miss me?"

Empty living room: "..."

"no one?"

Who can understand the feeling of finding a carefully prepared surprise that no one appreciates?

Did you go out to eat?

Lin Miaomiao walked to the refrigerator very naturally, took out a piece of cake and took a bite.

The wonderful taste made Lin Miaomiao shudder: "This is the taste. I haven't tasted it for a long time."

"By the way, where's my aunt?"

Lin Miaomiao didn't find Wang Dingnan in the room, so she went to her side and knocked on the door.

There was nothing inside either.

Push the door and look in.

There was nothing but a neatly folded quilt.

"It's really strange. Are the two of you going out to eat?"

"I came at the wrong time."

Lin Miaomiao thought for a while, how could she go out to eat without taking her with her.

He took out his cell phone and called Su Chen.

As a result, the cell phone rang in the master bedroom.

380 Lin Miaomiao:? ? ? ? ? ?

"No, it's already 10 o'clock and you still haven't gotten up yet?"

Lin Miaomiao came to the door of the master bedroom while eating cake, and just put her hand on the doorknob.

The doorknob was pulled open.

A handsome face that made him extremely friendly was reflected in his eyes.

"Da da!~Have Su Chen thought about it?~"

Lin Miaomiao felt almost suffocated.

Only then did Su Chen let go: "It's indeed the cake I made. It's delicious when you eat it."

Lin Miaomiao blushed like a fresh and delicious tomato.

Su Chen took him back to the living room and closed the door without leaving a trace.

If Lin Miaomiao turned around at this time, she would find that there was someone else inside.

Wang Dingnan.

665: Lin Miaomiao: There is someone in your bedroom!

Lin Miaomiao sat on the sofa very obediently, with her legs together and her hands on her legs, motionless.

Su Chen felt a little funny seeing him like this.

It’s also a little cute in contrast.

"What are you doing here today?"

"By the way, I almost forgot, where is my aunt?" Lin Miaomiao raised a pair of watery eyes and looked at Su Chen.

Su Chen: "Maybe he went out."

"That's fine." Lin Miaomiao said, "My mother still wants me to move in today and then squeeze her out."

Then Lin Miaomiao told Wang Shengnan's plan.

The main thing is that I want my aunt and uncle to reconcile quickly.

Otherwise, with my aunt's temper and her current concept of spending money, she may never find another home again.

"How about you come with me to persuade my aunt?"

Su Chen: "This... I'm afraid it's difficult. Your uncle called here last night. Your aunt took the mobile phone, but she cursed and drank a lot."

Su Chen pointed to the beer bottles packed beside the coffee table. Those things were evidence.

Lin Miaomiao lay helplessly on the sofa: "Am I the only one who can squeeze my aunt away?"

Su Chen: "Is there a possibility that you can't squeeze out at all?"

"My side bed is so big, sleeping on it is perfectly fine, or have you two never slept together before?"

Lin Miaomiao: "..."


Even if I come over, I will most likely live with my aunt.

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