Wang Dingnan was lying on the sofa with his two long legs stretched out.

Su Chen complained: "Why don't your family members have short legs? When you are here, it's like they have a genetic mutation?"

"Go to hell." Lin Miaomiao really resented her short stature in the past.

But Su Chen helped her improve her appearance and took off her glasses.

This resentment gradually disappeared.

After all, she is not a goddess, so don't try to force her to do it.

It seems like it would be good to take the cute route.

"Auntie, the things we gave you are back."

Lin Miaomiao put the things she prepared on the coffee table.

Wang Dingnan took a look and looked at Lin Miaomiao strangely: "Us? When did we become so close?"

"That's us." Lin Miaomiao said a little nervously: "Isn't it us or them?"

Wang Dingnan looked at Lin Miaomiao and suddenly laughed: "I was just joking, why are you so nervous."

"Why did you suddenly come over to see your aunt today?"

Lin Miaomiao felt relieved when she saw her aunt eating noodles.

I thought my little secret was discovered by my family.

...... 0

It's not that Lin Miaomiao is unwilling to announce her relationship with Su Chen.

I just feel like this would make me feel particularly embarrassed in front of my relatives.

It's just like.

It's like being caught in puppy love.

Lin Miaomiao sat next to Wang Dingnan: "You also know that my mother has been asking me to take care of my brother during this period, while he rests next to me. I definitely can't bear this, so I find a time to sneak out, but I don't Place to go…”

Wang Dingnan seemed not to understand, and complained: "Yes, I also think you are a bit arbitrary. We also have our own ideas, why should we listen to his arrangements in everything."

Lin Miaomiao nodded: "Yes, that's why I escaped. I may have to live here for a while now."

Wang Dingnan: "Okay, it's been a long time since the two of us slept together."

668: Three people watching TV and doing foot massage

The development of the matter was similar to what Su Chen expected, that is, Wang Dingnan and Lin Miaomiao lived together in a side bed.

This was somewhat beyond Lin Miaomiao's expectations, but it had little impact on him.

That is to say, I received a lot of criticism when I was on the phone with Wang Shengnan.

"I asked you to persuade your aunt to go back, but you two ended up living together????"

"There's nothing I can do. I can't tell my aunt that I'm here. You can go."

"Why can't you tell me? Give him the phone. If you don't tell me, how can he, an elder, have the nerve to squeeze in with a junior if I don't scold her properly?"

Wang Shengnan’s reporting voice appeared on the phone.

Su Chen and Wang Dingnan looked at their phones with strange expressions.

Lin Miaomiao raised her eyes: "Auntie, will you answer the phone?"

"I don't want to pick him up. Should I wait for him to scold me if I pick him up?" Wang Dingnan leaned back.

Rejection is written all over his body.

Lin Miaomiao could only answer truthfully, which made Wang Shengnan who was opposite him very angry.

In the end there was no way.

We can only let Wang Dingnan continue to live here.

However, their vacation only lasted less than two months, and Wang Dingnan thought that he would not be able to stay for long.

Wang Shengnan couldn't believe that he had the nerve to live there after Su Chen and Lin Miaomiao left.

hang up the phone.

Lin Miaomiao was very happy: "Auntie, we can live together!"

Wang Dingnan nodded: "Yes, we can live together."

The three of them went out for a big meal in the afternoon.

When I went home in the evening and watched TV, Su Chen and Lin Miaomiao were lying on the side.

Wang Dingnan lay on the other side.

This was a very natural method, and none of the three people noticed anything was wrong.

But in fact, this division has exposed the fact that Su Chen and Lin Miaomiao are together.

But Lin Miaomiao didn't feel it.

The three people were covered with quilts.

Lin Miaomiao watched the content on TV with relish: "Su Chen, I tell you that I have been waiting for this drama for a long time. If you dare to spoil it again, I will bite you to death."

Su Chen pinched her lips: "Open your mouth and bite."


Even if she couldn't open her mouth, Lin Miaomiao still had to show a fierce attitude.

Wang Dingnan looked envious.

How much she wanted to have a man who could allow her such intimate interaction, but everything was just a delusion.

Not right either.

It actually works now.

"Su Chen, just watch TV and don't touch my thigh." Lin Miaomiao twisted her body restlessly.

Su Chen's face was filled with questions.

But when he moved his eyes to Wang Dingnan's face, he found that her eyes were evasive, and everything made sense again...

When Lin Miaomiao turned her attention to the TV again, Su Chen felt someone moving under the quilt.

Before she could formally attack, Su Chen grabbed it with one hand.

Su Chen could clearly feel that the other party was stiff.

Then press carefully.

You know, there are a lot of acupuncture points on the feet, and you can just touch a certain acupuncture point.

Not to mention that Su Chen is also a massage master.

This kind of thing is nothing to him.


Su Chen gave Wang Dingnan a simple foot massage.

"Cough cough cough..."

Lin Miaomiao looked at Wang Dingnan: "Auntie, what's wrong with you?"

"I...I'm fine..." Wang Dingnan took a sip of water: "It's just that my throat is a little dry and I feel like coughing. Hmm, cough, cough, cough...3.9..."

While speaking, he stared at Su Chen.

But Su Chen was unafraid. You will be in the first year of junior high school, and I will be in the fifteenth year.

What are you afraid of?

I can only say that you are not good at studying and I caught you.

"Auntie, is this Korean drama good?"

"Hmm... looks good~"

"In fact, there were several other series, but they were all spoiled by Su Chen, and they were spoiled from season 1 to season 2. It was really annoying."

669: Su Chen: Let’s eat some seafood while my aunt is away.

Wang Dingnan stared at the TV, but all her thoughts had flown away with her ankle.

Lin Miaomiao was at her feet.

Isn't this a bit too obvious? What if you are discovered?

What should she say?

He was thinking wildly in his mind, but the feeling in his body made him not want to give up.

for so long.

This was the first time this happened, and Wang Dingnan found that he liked this place more and more.

I prefer the 11 ways to get along with Su Chen.

It always brings her a fresh feeling.

"Auntie, do you think the male protagonist of this drama is handsome? Someone recommended his drama to me in our dormitory, but I didn't have time to watch it at the time."

"Hmm...handsome, but not as handsome as the landlord."

"Haha, auntie, you've noticed it too. Actually, I don't know why. I always feel like Su Chen is becoming more handsome every day. It feels a bit like my illusion."

Lin Miaomiao was very proud to show off Su Chen's appearance. After all, the relationship between the two people had taken a step forward.

If you can make your relatives accept Su Chen, things will be easier to handle in the future.

Wang Dingnan narrowed his eyes and nodded, not sure whether he heard it or not.

Su Chen had a smile on his face.

Press your fingers on the soles of your feet.

"Hmm~" Wang Dingnan's eyes suddenly widened.

"Auntie, what's the matter with you?"

"I'm fine, I just want to go to the toilet suddenly."

Lin Miaomiao watched Wang Dingnan limping towards the toilet.

Lin Miaomiao bumped Su Chen with her elbow: "Can you please stop causing trouble?"

Su Chen held Lin Miaomiao's waist with both hands and placed her chin on his head.

"How could it be so bad?"

"Don't think I can't see that you were holding on to my aunt's feet just now." Lin Miaomiao let herself lean back.

This way, he could completely lie in Su Chen's arms.

"Have it?"

"Haha, what do you think?" Lin Miaomiao rolled her eyes.

Lin Miaomiao had the most say in the matter of grabbing feet. Every time she tried to use her feet to cause trouble for Su Chen, she would always be caught inexplicably.

What followed was a period of brutal and inhuman punishment.

It’s a bit scary to think about it now.

But the final ending was quite enjoyable.

Now that Lin Miaomiao guessed Su Chen, she stopped hiding it: "She was planning to kick me just now, so of course I have to fight back."

"Hmm~" Lin Miaomiao softened: "But he is my elder after all, you have to save some face no matter what you do."

"I've already saved face, otherwise do you think he can still go to the toilet?"

Lin Miaomiao: "..."

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