Su Chen: "I don't think your aunt will be back for a while. How about we two eat some seafood?"



Wang Dingnan entered the toilet.

By the time she came out after finishing everything, it was already half an hour later.

When she came to the sofa, she saw Lin Miaomiao and Su Chen hugging each other.

"You two finally stopped pretending? I thought you were going to pretend to be just friends for the past half month."

Wang Dingnan wanted to lift the quilt and get in, but Lin Miaomiao held him down.

"'s a bit cold. Why don't you just come in, um..."

Wang Dingnan sat on the sofa and opened a small corner of the quilt.

Put the legs in.

At this time, it felt like the temperature in the quilt was higher than when he left.

Much warmer.

After watching TV for a while, Wang Dingnan suddenly felt a little quiet in his ears.

He rubbed Lin Miaomiao's legs with his feet.

"Miaomiao, why did you suddenly stop talking?"


670: Lin Miaomiao feels uncomfortable in her throat.

Wang Dingnan feels that Lin Miaomiao's current state is a bit strange. Lin Miaomiao is usually very articulate and likes to tell others the plot whenever she watches TV.

Why is it so quiet when I go to the toilet?

Lin Miaomiao smiled bitterly.

She didn't dare to speak at all now, and everything would be exposed if she spoke.

I can only nod and deal with it.

"I... just feel a little uncomfortable in my throat~ I don't want to talk too much..."

"It'll be fine tomorrow~"

Wang Dingnan seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and his face turned red.

Nibble your lip.

He took a deep look at Su Chen, and then stretched out in front of the two people.

"I suddenly feel a little sleepy, you two watch first, Miaomiao, I'll leave the door open for you, you can just get up when you go to bed later."


Wang Dingnan stopped looking at the two of them and got out of the quilt.

When he walked to the bedroom door again, he looked back at the loving couple.

My heart is full of envy.

It was too late for her to meet such a domineering and bold man.

It would be great if we could meet it earlier.

Wang Dingnan entered the bedroom.

The volume of the TV outside is much louder.

Wang Dingnan lay on the bed, retracted his hands, and took a deep breath.

In the future, I will have Lin Miaomiao as my roommate, and I feel like that before going to bed at night.

It requires a lot more preparation work.

too difficult.


Day 2 morning.

Lin Miaomiao and Su Chen appeared at Song Qian's home together.

Qiao Yingzi and Song Qian were both very surprised.

After knowing why she came here, Qiao Yingzi couldn't stop laughing.

"If so, aren't you afraid that Aunt Wang will call you to urge you?"

Lin Miaomiao was eating: "Whatever, I'm out anyway, and I won't go back even if you call me."

Lin Miaomiao thought it was that simple, you let me come out.

I've done the work.

But if my aunt doesn't go back, that's none of my business. It just means there's something wrong with your plan.

Want me to go back.

That's impossible.

Song Qian smiled: "Looking at the way you are eating now, those who don't know would think you have suffered a great deal of injustice when you go home."

"Mr. Song, do you know that I feel really wronged when I go home? I look after the children, I sweep the floor, and my mother watches TV like a jungler. The most important thing is that every time I finish my work, I Come check my work with a cocky look."

"Can I bear this?"

Lin Miaomiao said while holding her neck.

Su Chen: "The question is, haven't you tolerated it for so long?"

Lin Miaomiao: "...Ah, so I don't want to endure it anymore, can't I?"


Seeing Su Chen and Lin Miaomiao bickering, Song Qian and Qiao Yingzi couldn't help laughing again.

While eating, Song Qian asked Lin Miaomiao about her daily life at school.

After learning that Su Chen bought her a car, she covered her mouth in surprise.

His eyes looked at Su Chen in disbelief.

Everyone blinked at her.

[I can also buy you one if you want. 】

Song Qian was very moved, and then she rolled her eyes at Su Chen.

[Don't even think about it. 】

Qiao Yingzi: "Su Chen is so kind to you. There are actually many places where we can travel, but I can only take advantage of Saturdays and Sundays to go shopping. I feel like a lot of time is wasted on the road."

It is revealed between the lines that I also want a car.

Song Qian acted as if she didn't understand and didn't answer her question at all.


Su Chen bought Lin Miaomiao a car because they lived close to each other.

And he can take care of things even if he has something to do.

Qiao Yingzi is in a school by herself, so if anything happens, it's who's fault.

Just let her stay in school honestly.

671: Watching a movie with two beauties and meeting Xue Sumei

There is a new superhero movie released today, and Qiao Yingzi wants to tell the whole family to watch it.

But Song Qian is busy these days and has no time to accompany her.

Su Chen and Lin Miaomiao took this position.

Before leaving, Song Qian couldn't help but remind her not to eat too much spicy chicken food outside which is not good for your health.

Qiao Yingzi also smiled and nodded.

As for whether to listen or not, that’s another matter.

Su Chen thought about whether to call Wang Dingnan over, but when he returned home, he found that Wang Dingnan had finished eating.

I have gone back to the bedroom to rest.

The three people walked towards the cinema.

on the other side.

Two people were going to Cinema 397 in Chaozhou.

"Caiping, you said recent things are really strange. Taozi's boyfriend is clearly back in the imperial capital, why doesn't he come to see me?"

"Am I not treating him well? I feel like I am treating him better than my own daughter."

Xue Sumei looked at Lan Caiping with a depressed face.

Lan Caiping said: "You are pretty good. You see, I only met my uncle here once, and then he took my daughter to the magic city. How about you earn 4 to [-] yuan a month?" What's the use of yuan? You said you won't come back even though it's the New Year, hey."

Xue Sumei rolled her eyes.

It’s useless to earn 4 to [-] yuan, so why do you say it?

Regardless of big cities like the Imperial Capital and Magic City, many people think that 4 to 4 yuan is not much, but you really ask a person to take out [-] yuan from his savings.

There are really not many people who can come up with it.

"Are you just trying to show off your uncle when you come out today? If so, then I won't go shopping with you."

The one person Xue Sumei couldn't stand was Lan Caiping, and she wanted to compete with him in everything.

And this time he didn't even let himself look at his uncle's face, so he didn't know whether what he said was true or false.

Just look at her bragging there all the time.

"I don't think Taozi is busy working overtime recently. Su Qing is also pregnant recently and doesn't have much time to chat with you. I kindly asked you to come out to watch a movie, but you are still not happy."

"If you want to go back, go back."

Lan Caiping didn't care. After all, the way the two of them communicated was by comparing each other.

Comparison is real, and so are feelings.

Talk and laugh.

Two people also came to the cinema.

Looking at the list of movies played above, Xue Sumei was stuck in a difficult choice.

"With so many movies, which one should we watch?"

Xue Sumei was looking at the movie list when she suddenly saw a familiar figure from the corner of her eye.

"Su Chen???"


Lan Caiping was stunned when he heard the name: "What did you just say?"

"Oh, I thought I saw my uncle just now."

Xue Sumei pointed to the screening room No. 12 and asked the front desk: "What is shown in that cinema?"

"Oh, the new superhero movies released today are foreign blockbusters that young people like to watch."

"Give me a ticket."

Lan Caiping took out the money and said, "Here are two."


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