Lan Caiping took the tickets and the two of them entered.

I kept complaining when I walked in.

"The two of us are watching a movie. Are you ready to abandon me when you see your uncle? Don't even think about it."

"It just so happens that I haven't seen what your uncle looks like, so I can come and take a look."

Xue Sumei smiled: "My uncle is definitely handsome, otherwise he wouldn't be as good as our Taozi."

Lan Caiping disdains that no matter how handsome he is, can he still be as handsome as my uncle?

Two people have their own concerns.

His eyes quickly wandered around the cinema.

I want to find the back I just saw.

And right in the middle, Su Chen's eyes suddenly widened.

"Let me go, why did the two of them come together?".

672: Almost discovered, the movie begins

Su Chen never expected to come to the cinema to watch a movie and meet Xue Sumei and Lan Caiping.

This is Yang Tao and Lan Weiwei's mother.

If this is recognized by them.

This is interesting.

Su Chen quickly minimized his presence to avoid being seen by them.

It's intermission now, and all the lights in the cinema are turned on, and there are staff cleaning the countertops in front.

There was also an endless stream of people entering the venue.

In such a noisy environment, Su Chen only needed to minimize his presence so as not to attract anyone else's attention.

Only Lin Miaomiao and Qiao Yingzi sitting next to him could notice him.

Now I feel more at ease.

"Su Chen, are you a little nervous?"

"I do not......"

Before Su Chen finished speaking, Qiao Yingzi and Lin Miaomiao put their hands on his.

"What if this doesn't make you feel more at ease?"

Su Chen caught them both with his backhand: "This way I feel more at ease."

Lin Miaomiao made a face.

Qiao Yingzi blushed, but did not withdraw her hand.

But Su Chen's eyes were always paying attention to the movements of the two mothers.

Just as the two of them passed by Su Chen in the aisle, they both glanced at Su Chen at the same time.

Su Chen's big eyes quickly checked his existence value.

has reached the minimum.

But actually I'm still a little scared, because this kind of thing that exists is really very useful to strangers.

After pulling it to the lowest level.

As long as you don't interact with them, they are basically just like malicious lovers.

But for people who know him, even if his presence is as low as possible, he may still be recognized.

Especially at such a close range.

Just when Su Chen looked into the eyes of the two mothers, just when the author thought he was about to be exposed.

Xue Sumei suddenly pointed to the seat behind Su Chen: "That's where our seats are."

"Oh, in the back, I thought it would be too embarrassing to sit with two little girls." Lan Caiping and Xue Sumei happened to be sitting behind Su Chen and the others.

Su Chen couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Is this intentional?

Lan Caiping asked: "You said you were looking for my uncle just now, have you found him now?"

"No, I just saw him coming in, but I couldn't find him anywhere."

Xue Sumei's eyes were still searching here, but she couldn't find anyone.

Lan Caiping: "Could it be that you have misjudged the person? It seems that your uncle looks quite ordinary, otherwise how could you admit your mistake."

Xue Sumei frowned: "I just saw a figure from the back. If I see the face, then I can definitely confirm whether it is my uncle."

Su Chen smiled slightly.

Xue Sumei is quite protective of her shortcomings.

At this moment, the lights in the cinema suddenly went out.

.... 0 ...

Advertisements started playing on the big screen.

Su Chen was actually quite surprised. Would anyone really watch this kind of advertisement played in the cinema?

It feels more deceptive than the ads on video websites.

At this time, Lin Miaomiao also took out the popcorn she had prepared for a long time.

Be prepared to watch while eating.

But one of her hands was held by Su Chen, so she could only eat with the other one.

This is very troublesome.

He wanted to take his hand back, but Su Chen didn't give him a chance.

Qiao Yingzi is very honest.

Let Su Chen hold on to her, unwilling to take it back even if her palms were sweating.

The movie starts soon.

Lin Miaomiao and Qiao Yingzi's eyes were attracted to the movie.

Su Chen suddenly remembered what happened in the cinema before.

Let go of both men's hands.

He quietly touched his mouth.

673: The movie ends, Qiao Yingzi goes to the bathroom

After Su Chen let go, Qiao Yingzi felt very disappointed.

But there is no way.

Just when he was about to focus all his attention on the movie, he suddenly felt something strange on his leg.

"Su Chen?"

"Shh, keep your voice down and don't disturb the people around you watching the movie." Su Chen said to Qiao Yingzi.

Qiao Yingzi blushed and looked around nervously.

And no one was around to look at them, so they breathed a sigh of relief.

He grabbed the armrests on both sides with both hands, his muscles tense.

I was still nervous.

But she was nervous and very exciting at the same time. This was simply addictive for Qiao Yingzi.

This is much more powerful than playing sports like those big pendulums in amusement parks.

At the same time, the words of my roommates came to mind.

Did he think about this?

So if it's true, what should we do?

Just cooperate like this?

That's not impossible...

Qiao Yingzi was thinking a lot and kept staring at the screen.

And Lin Miaomiao on the other side.

She seemed much calmer.

It's just that I was supposed to have eaten half of the popcorn at the beginning of the movie, but now I've only eaten less than a quarter.

Eat the remaining ones slowly one after another.

Patience is something he needs to learn today.

Lan Caiping and Xue Sumei, who were sitting behind the three of them, looked in front of them strangely.

"Is there something wrong with the actions of these three little guys?"

"What's wrong?"

"I can't tell. Look at the two girls who have been holding on to the armrest. Aren't they lovers? The right thing to do is to cling to each other."

Xue Sumei stared at the three people in front of her.

She always felt that the man in the middle looked familiar, but she just couldn't remember where she had seen him before.

A man's name kept popping up in my mind, but I couldn't catch it.

It's annoying.

Lan Caiping said: "You don't understand this. Falling in love is not as troublesome as they think for young people nowadays. Confessing love via V letter and breaking up with V letter are all routine operations for young people nowadays."

"Not to mention watching a movie. The two of us should be watching a couple and a friend, three people."

"But the actual situation may be that the man in the middle is also the boyfriend of the two girls next to him."

"If they can be so good, that's not bad." Xue Sumei looked at Lan Caiping: "What would you do if Taozi and Weiwei both fall in love with the same man?"

"Impossible..." Lan Caiping shook his head and said with a smile: "My girl's boyfriend is so handsome, so rich, and treats her very well. How could she fall in love with Tao Zi's boyfriend?"

"What you said is a bit damaging to the relationship between the two of them."

When Xue Sumei heard this, she felt that what she said was a bit wrong.

Wave your hands quickly.

"Hahahaha, I was just joking, let them solve their own problems."


Xue Sumei spoke a bit loudly, which made people around her dissatisfied.

Xue Sumei also quickly expressed her embarrassment.

Just at this time.

A girl sitting in front suddenly stood up and walked to the side. 3.9

Lin Miaomiao watched Qiao Yingzi leave, and then pressed Su Chen's arm.

"Yingzi, what are you doing?"

"Let's go to the bathroom."

"This is her favorite superhero movie, and she's going to the toilet?"

Lin Miaomiao looked at Su Chen strangely, feeling that this guy was dishonest.

"Otherwise, would I still treat her the same way I treated you?"

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