"Hmm...then, that's not certain~".

674: Lin Miaomiao: Don’t blame me for being unjust if you are unkind.

Lin Miaomiao broke away from Su Chen's restraints and ran towards the toilet.

After leaving the theater, I felt numb all over my body.

While I breathed a sigh of relief, I also felt a bit disappointed.

"I have such a deep obsession with Su Chen. I'm really hopeless."

Lin Miaomiao complained softly, but something strange about her body forced her to run towards the toilet.

When I arrived at the women's restroom, I actually saw Qiao Yingzi. She was washing her hands at the moment.

"Yingzi, now the movie is about 11 to Gao Chao. Why did you go to the toilet? If you missed it, you can only watch it again."

Qiao Yingzi noticed that after arriving at Lin Miaomiao, she blushed and lowered her head in embarrassment.

"I'm fine. I just suddenly felt a little unwell. It's really great, otherwise I wouldn't be able to bear it."

Qiao Yingzi knew her physical condition and if she didn't want to make a fool of herself, she had to go to the toilet quickly.

She felt very uncomfortable too.

"Is it really over now?"

Lin Miaomiao grinned: "I lied to you, it hasn't started yet, hurry up and go."

Qiao Yingzi nodded and ran over quickly.

But the posture is a little wrong.

Lin Miaomiao took a deep look and rolled her eyes at Su Chen in her heart.

This guy also recruits two girls at the same time. He is really getting bolder and bolder.


Qiao Yingzi returned to the studio and trembled the moment she saw Su Chen.

But he still walked over honestly.

Pass him.

Sit back to your seat.

Subconsciously, he pulled up the armrest between the two of them.

Su Chen held her hand: "Are you feeling better?"

"Hmm~" Qiao Yingzi blushed, but the entire cinema was dark.

Except for Su Chen, no one really saw it.

At this time, Lin Miaomiao also came over, and she tacitly understood the current relationship between the two.

After all, this was how she came through back then.

But when I first sat down, my body became tense again.

Lin Miaomiao rolled her eyes at Su Chen angrily and whispered, "Are you going a little too far?"

Su Chen pretended not to hear and kept staring at the screen.

Lin Miaomiao curled her lips.

If you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous.


Qiao Yingzi raised her head: "What's wrong?"

"No...it's okay~" Lin Miaomiao asked intermittently: "How do you feel about this movie? If you like it, I think you can ask Teacher Song to watch it again if you have time. .....”

"That... that's not bad~"

"I feel good, but my mother will subconsciously consider the physical issues when watching this kind of movie. The last time I watched the movie, my mother kept complaining to me about the unreasonable design in it, which made me very depressed."

Lin Miaomiao will remember the last time she and Song Qian watched a movie together.

When she spoke, she paused, just like Lin Miaomiao now.

And what he said was unreasonable in setting the physical rules of the movie.

I feel like watching this kind of movie is a waste of time.

Lin Miaomiao gritted her teeth: "The more this happens... the more he should be allowed to experience the charm of this kind of movie... The more he watches it, the more he can get used to it with you."

"That seems right." Qiao Yingzi wanted to move to the lower handle, but a big hand was placed on her right hand and she couldn't move.

She could only scratch with her left hand.

After Lin Miaomiao said this, she slapped Su Chen angrily.

The result was a storm of revenge.

Every attack made by Lin Miaomiao would only hurt herself in the end.

But now I feel uncomfortable lying flat.


675: Tong Wenjie is going to work in Shanghai

A movie ends.

Lin Miaomiao almost lay on Su Chen's arm.

Not wanting to move.

The movie is over.

Few people actually stood up and left the cinema. They were all waiting for the last Easter egg.

But at this time, many people had already started chatting.

Lan Caiping and Xue Sumei were about to leave, but found that the young people in the factory were still sitting in their seats, wondering what they were doing.

Just such a period of time.

The easter egg was played on the big screen, and everyone exclaimed.

"The movies young people watch now are really interesting. It's so fun to watch the behind-the-scenes." Xue Sumei didn't know much about this type of movie.

I thought it was a sideshow.

Lan Cai gave her a flat look: "If you don't know what to say, don't talk nonsense. That's what they say. Easter eggs are foreshadowing the next movie."

The two people complained to each other and left outside.

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the two mothers leaving.

Otherwise, they would be really under a lot of pressure here.

If it's discovered, it's over.

Qiao Yingzi slapped her thighs and stood up, slouching in comfort.

“We’ve finished watching the movie, let’s go々‖?”

Su Chen helped Lin Miaomiao get up, but the girl couldn't straighten her legs.

Su Chen looked at her: "How about I carry you?"

Lin Miaomiao was not seen outside, with her arms raised in the air.

Just waiting for Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled and turned his back to her.

Lin Miaomiao hugged her.

Qiao Yingzi looked at the two of them with a flash of envy in her eyes.

When will he get such care?

The three of them left the cinema, and Qiao Yingzi looked at Lin Miaomiao.

Suddenly I remembered that when I was watching a movie before, my mother seemed to be like this after watching the movie.

"Miaomiao, what's wrong with you? Why do you feel so tired?"

"I'm fine..." Lin Miaomiao stuck out her tongue at Qiao Yingzi: "I just want him to carry me."

Su Chen patted her thigh with his hand: "Be honest, if you keep talking nonsense, I will throw you down."

"Hey~ Where are we going? How about eating first?"

Just when the three of them were planning to find a restaurant nearby to eat.

The movie in the other screening room has also ended.

"Then next time, could you do some foreign movies? Every time I watch the kind of cartoons you do, it feels so inconsistent."

"I think so too, but most of the roles I dub are protagonists in domestic TV series. Nowadays, most of the foreign movies are native, and there is no market for dubbing."

Fang Yifan and Fang Yuan were talking. Lin Leier pushed up her glasses and said, "...This is normal. The longer the time passes, the more people like the original flavor."

"After a while, I'm afraid TV dramas will also have to require actors to be original voices."

"But I believe that this kind of thing is a cycle, and I'm afraid it will turn back again in a few decades."

Fangyuan looked at him in shock: "A few more decades? Trouble, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive for a few decades."

"If you can't speak, just shut up and stand aside." Tong Wenjie slapped Fangyuan.

This was the first time I saw someone cursing himself in front of so many people.

"After watching the movie, are you looking for a place to eat, or are you planning to go somewhere?"

Since she was promoted, Fangyuan found a new job.

The number of such family gatherings is becoming less and less.

Tong Wenjie naturally cherishes every opportunity.

Fangyuan: "Today, I mainly celebrate that your mother can go to work in Shanghai. She is our financial backbone. You must listen to her carefully, otherwise your financial source will be cut off."

676: Encountered Tong Wenjie and had dinner together

"What nonsense?"

Tong Wenjie glared at Fangyuan: "Today is also the day when your dad and your uncle officially join a certain crew in Magic City."

"He will earn a lot of money in the future. If any of you fall in love, remember to ask him for money. It is best to leave it all and don't let him hide it in his small treasury."

Lin Lei'er and Fang Yifan both laughed.

Now that they have grown up, they are both able to make money by their own abilities and do not need to rely on their parents' support at all.

The family of four was talking, and Fang Yuan suddenly looked ahead.

"Look at those three people, do they look like Su Chen, Miaomiao and Yingzi?"

Tong Wenjie heard Su Chen's name and looked over immediately.

Seeing the figure of a girl in front of him, Tong Wenjie immediately recognized that the figure was Su Chen.

417 But she suppressed the throbbing in her heart and did not cry out.

Everyone in the family is here.

How could she be the first to recognize him?

Fang Yifan lived up to expectations and shouted to the front: "Yingzi, Su Chen, Miaomiao!!!"

The three people in front heard someone calling them and stopped.

Glanced back.

Qiao Yingzi was surprised and a little nervous at this time: "Fang Hou, Lei'er, why are you here?"

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