"Today my parents got promoted, and they will have to work in Shanghai in the future. Let's watch a movie today and then have dinner together. Why are you here?" Fang Yifan said excitedly, completely unaware of Tong Wenjie behind him.

His expression was already a little awkward.

Finding Su Chen staring at her, Tong Wenjie looked away in panic.

Fangyuan said proudly: "Thanks to the production skills that Su Chen taught me, I have now been spotted by a big company's dubbing company. I plan to audition for a show in the next few days. If the cooperation goes well, I will work for them in the future. Now that I have worked in a company, I no longer have to endure the hardships of private work.”

Although there is no freedom when working with a large company, the most important thing is stability.

Stable job and stable salary.

Moreover, the wages and benefits in Magic City are not bad. The most important thing is that Tong Wenjie will also go to Magic City by then, and the two of them will still have a chance to meet.

Lin Lei'er: "Why are you here now? Are you planning to go to a movie?"

"We just came out of the cinema and were planning to go to dinner. How about we go together?"

Qiao Yingzi felt a little guilty and said nothing. Lin Miaomiao lay on Su Chen's back and said comfortably.

Fang Yifan and Lin Leier naturally agreed, but they still had to seek the opinions of Tong Wenjie and Fangyuan.

After all, they are the protagonists today.

Fangyuan smiled and said: "Of course it's good, it's lively when there are many people."

"Then let's eat together."

When several people were walking together, Tong Wenjie deliberately walked up to Su Chen: "Actually, I originally planned to wait until the Chinese New Year, where we would all have dinner together before announcing the news, but I didn't expect that we would meet here today."

Su Chen smiled and said nothing.

Lin Miaomiao: "That's great. When we get to the Magic City, we can meet each other. Xiaoqi and Didi will be there by then, and we'll go to Mouse's Jiang's kitchen for a big meal!"

Tong Wenjie smiled, but her eyes kept looking at Su Chen.

I was a little disappointed to find that he didn't respond at all.

There are so many of them.

Naturally, he didn't continue to look for restaurants around the cinema. Instead, he got a car and went directly to Jiang's kitchen.

If you have money, you naturally have to be generous.

With Su Chen here, there will naturally be no shortage of private rooms.

Everyone sits in.

Qiao Yingzi subconsciously reached Lin Miaomiao's other side.

Let Lin Miaomiao and Su Chen be next to each other.

It's still on Su Chen's left hand side.

It was replaced by Tong Wenjie.

When ordering.

Tong Wenjie's throat tightened and she almost broke her voice.

677: Tong Wenjie is awkward when ordering food.

Fangyuan looked at Tong Wenjie.

"Wife, what's wrong?"

"Well...it's okay, I just got bitten by a mosquito~"

Tong Wenjie held the menu and spoke calmly. At the same time, her eyes looked at Su Chen full of grievances.

The watery eyes were full of joy.

"Aunt Tong, you have to be careful. Mosquitoes in winter are very poisonous. If you are bitten, you may be swollen for several days." Su Chen looked at Tong Wenjie with concern, but his hands did not stop.

Tong Wenjie nodded: "Well..."

She suppressed the shame in her heart and continued to order.

"Hmm...squirrel mandarin fish~"

"Dongpo Pig Knuckle."


Tong Wenjie put the menu on the table and pressed it with one hand.

"Fang Yuan, you should order the food. I want to rest for a while."

Seeing Tong Wenjie's appearance, Fangyuan could only order a few more dishes from his menu.

Fang Yifan and Lin Leier also clicked a few.

Tong Wenjie lay on the table.

Faces are full of smiles.

This kind of scene where everyone is present is really something that once you experience it, you want to experience it a second time.

Not exciting.

"Su Chen, what do you want to order? Also take a look at the menu and see if there's anything you want to eat." Fangyuan handed the menu to Su Chen.

But Su Chen couldn't answer it at the moment.

At the same time, Tong Wenjie shook her head, not wanting Su Chen to take it.

But more so.

Su Chen reached out and took the menu right in front of her.

Tong Wenjie: "..."

"Let me see what you all ordered. You've almost ordered everything you want to eat. Miaomiao, let's see what else you want to eat."

Su Chen handed the menu to Lin Miaomiao again.

Tong Wenjie looked at him with wide eyes.

[Why are you picking it up if you don’t click it? 】

Su Chen smiled: [I'm happy. 】

Lin Miaomiao took the menu and was about to flip over it when she suddenly felt that it was a little wet on the menu.

"Which of you washed your hands just now?"

Su Chen: "Sorry, there was some water on my hands just now. I think I wiped them clean."

The waiter said quickly.

"How about I change the menu for you."

Lin Miaomiao shook her head: "If it's okay, I'll just order a few more dishes. It's too troublesome to change the menu."

Tong Wenjie pressed Su Chen's right hand, blushing so much that she almost felt ripe.

Su Chen gestured like a boo.



Everyone chatted while eating.

Fang Yifan talked about what happened in the past few days, especially after knowing that Tong Wenjie and Fangyuan were going to the Magic City.

He was also very excited.

"At that time, I knew that my parents were going to Shanghai, and it would take several years before they left. You don't know how sad I was."

Lin Leier was trying to make trouble next to her: "Cousin, are you really sad? I remember when I heard the news from my aunt and uncle, you seemed to jump up with joy."

... .. 0

"You're just like Fang Hou. What does sadness have to do with you?" Qiao Yingzi looked at Fang Yifan with disdain.

Lin Miaomiao: "Do you feel that suddenly no one in the family feels particularly happy, as if they are liberated?"

"Don't talk nonsense. My feelings for my father and my mother are different, but the sun and the moon can tell. If you don't say anything, I will be in jail." Fang Yifan's funny expression made everyone laugh.

Fang Yifan: "But to be honest, this is just right. When I have my next vacation, I can go directly to the Magic City to find them, so that I can play in the Magic City."

"Moreover, my dad still works in post-production at an entertainment company. If I get acquainted there, not to mention the leading role and supporting roles, but I go there to play a supporting role, no one will say anything about me."

"What if I run away..."

"Uh-huh!~" Mouth.

678: Tong Wenjie: Can Su Chen help me out?

Just when Fang Yifan was talking about the excitement, Tong Wenjie on the side suddenly made a noise.

Everyone looks over.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Fang Yifan had a strange expression and didn't know why she made such a strange sound.

"Auntie, are you feeling uncomfortable? Why don't we stop eating and go to the hospital." Lin Leier said with concern.

"Yes, honey, do you want to go to the hospital?" Fang Yuan asked from the side.

Lin Miaomiao and Qiao Yingzi also looked over.

With everyone paying attention like this, Tong Wenjie blushed even more.

"No...it's okay. I might have a stomachache. I'll go to the toilet and I'll be fine."

Tong Wenjie wanted to get up.

But when his legs went weak, he almost sat back down. Fortunately, Su Chen supported him from the side.

"Honey, how about I help you over? I'm afraid you won't be able to go far if you look like this."

Fangyuan was about to give him a hand, but was interrupted by Tong Wenjie: "We're both having a treat, and who cares if they leave? Just sit here and Su Cheng can help me."

"It's a bit inconvenient for Su Chen to go to the women's restroom. How about I help you." Lin Miaomiao planned to get up.

As a result, Tong Wenjie also pressed her down: "It doesn't matter, Su Chen just takes me to the door. Auntie is not light and you can't support her."

This sentence also made Qiao Yingzi give up the idea.

Talk and go.

At present, only Su Chen is the most suitable.

Tong Wenjie looked at Su Chen: "Do Auntie a favor, okay?"

Tong Wenjie's tone contained a request.

[Desire, excitement, excitement]

When everyone else heard this, they all thought that Tong Wenjie wanted Su Chen to help her over, so that she could finish her personal matters and then help her back.

This is normal.

They didn't think much about it.

Naturally, Su Chen would not refuse, and the two of them just went out clinging to each other.

They looked like a couple.

"My mother is gone now." Fang Yifan turned to look at Fangyuan: "Dad, there are many beauties in the Magic City, not to mention the film and television industry. You have to control them when the time comes."

"It's a joke. It doesn't matter who your father is. How could you not be able to hold on? But if your mother visits me often and sees those little fresh meat, what if she runs away." Fang Yuan said confidently.

Not confident enough.

The main reason is that he has a weak will. If he has a strong will, why have he been so honest in the past few years?

Not to mention Qiao Weidong.

Since I got rid of the things I didn’t do, I’m living more honestly now. .

It doesn't have any fishy taste at all.

Xiaomeng and him were strangers to each other, and they didn't look like boyfriend and girlfriend at all.

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