Feeling inadequate has become a problem for them.

Not only do I have no interest in some things.

I feel like I have no interest in the opposite sex.

However, children like them didn't know about this, and they thought that Fangyuan just felt that his concentration was very strong.

Fang Yifan curled his lips: "Every man feels this way before cheating, but it changes when he actually meets a beautiful woman."

Qiao Yingzi: "How do you know so much, Fang Hou? Did you experience it when you were in school?"

Lin Miaomiao: "Hahaha, I didn't expect Fang Yifan to have quite a lot of emotional experience."

Lin Lei'er: "Really? Cousin? Why haven't I heard you say that?"

3.9 "What are you all doing? I'm just going to tell you what happened in the TV series and see how excited you all are." Fang Yifan quickly explained.

At the same time, he said to Fangyuan: "I don't think you need to worry about my mother. She is there to develop new business, so she must be very busy."

"Even if I have time to see you, who is as handsome as Su Chen? If you want to fall in love with her, you will definitely fall in love with Su Chen, and the first one who is closest to you will be the first to win."

679: Xue Sumei calls at the door of the toilet

Fang Yifan's words were heard by everyone. If he thought about it carefully, he seemed to be quite right.

With such a handsome guy by your side day and night, whether you fall in love at first sight or fall in love over time, you should be right with this person next to you.

How could I suddenly fall in love with a different city?

If Su Chen were around, he would definitely correct their idea.

Change a city, change your mood.

You really don’t necessarily fall in love with anyone.

This is the case in many long-distance relationships. The person who broke up with the other half is not even as good as the person on the phone.

But just because it's close.

no way.

Fangyuan suddenly reacted and patted Fang Yifan.

"You are a good son. You have arranged everything for your parents in just two sentences. You will definitely cheat on me as soon as you go out."

"If we get divorced, we won't want you, so you can just fend for yourself."

Fang Yifan panicked: "I can make money now anyway, so it doesn't matter."

"Hey, your wings are stiff, let's hit them first."

The private room was filled with laughter and laughter.


Toilets outside the private room.

Su Chen was not seen at the door.

It was at this time that Yang Tao came here supporting Xue Sumei.

"To be honest, Taozi, I seemed to have bumped into Su Chen when I went to the cinema, but he disappeared in the blink of an eye."

"You can call him later and ask him if he has been to the cinema. I think this matter is not simple."

Xue Sumei said to Yang Tao with a serious face, mainly because she did not want her daughter to be deceived.


No mother wants to see her daughter cheated.

So after she and Lan Caiping separated, Xue Sumei immediately called Yang Tao.

Yang Tao had listened to what her mother said and knew in her heart that Su Chen must have been to the cinema just now.

But he still comforted her: "Mom, don't worry, the relationship between the two of us is very good, and we will never separate because of other things."

The two walked through the door of the women's restroom and entered inside.

A neat row of cubicles, with the door at the end tightly closed.

There are people inside.


And it seems like it’s still working hard.

But they definitely wouldn't go and grab the star fruit, they just found one at random.

Xue Sumei said: "How about you call Su Chen now and find out where he is?"

"Mom, it really doesn't matter. I trust him. He will never do anything to regret me." Yang Tao didn't want to make this call. If he was making out with someone, it would be a good idea to interrupt him.

"No, you hit him now. I want to know where he is and what he is doing."

Star Tao said across the cubicle: "Mom, can we take a walk after dinner later? This is the toilet. Don't you think it's disgusting to talk about these things here?"

dong dong dong! ~

Yang Tao's words made Xue Sumei slap the wall with anger.

"Call now!"

The two of them came out of the bathroom and stood at the door. Yang Tao had no choice but to take out his phone and call Su Chen.

As a result, a cell phone ringtone appeared in the toilet.

Neither Yang Tao nor Xue Sumei paid attention.

"Hello?" Su Chen's calm voice appeared inside, but there seemed to be a bit of echo in the background.

And it seems to be still at the construction site.

Yang Tao raised his eyebrows. Why did this sound seem to come from another direction?

"Su Chen, where are you now?" Yang Tao glanced at Xue Sumei: "I wanted to ask if we can have dinner together tonight."

"Maybe not today. I'm still working overtime. If Auntie wants to have dinner together, then wait until Friday. There should be time on Friday."

680: The sound of piling? You heard it wrong?

Yang Tao looked at Xue Sumei: "Mom, is there anything else you want to ask?"

"Ask him where he works. Why is there the sound of a pile driver in the background?" Xue Sumei was not frightened by Su Chen's two words, so she still had to ask more carefully.

Yang Tao asked on the phone: "Su Chen, where do you work? It feels like there is a construction site behind you? Why is there still the sound of a pile driver?"

"Piledriver? Oh, that's the sound you're talking about."

On the phone, the originally quiet voice became louder again.

Xue Sumei nodded: "Yes, yes, it's this kind of sound. It feels very strange."

Starfruit blushed.

"Auntie is here too. This is actually me stamping. There are too many documents to be approved, so I just engrave a stamp. This is the sound you hear."

Xue Sumei suddenly realized.

It turns out that the stamp sounds like this, which is quite unique.

Yang Tao suddenly turned his head, and the source of the sound was behind him.

Suddenly I felt a lot clearer.

This stinky guy is so brave, he has never done this to me.

Yang Tao didn't dare to stay here any longer. As time went by, it was difficult to ensure that Xue Sumei couldn't hear the sounds inside.

"Mom, you shouldn't be worried now. Let's go eat quickly. The food will be cold in a while."

After Xue Sumei was sure, she still had doubts about the back figure she saw before.

But now I feel like I can't even meet my uncle, so I'm not that worried anymore.

Two people leave.

Tong Wenjie breathed a sigh of relief and pinched Su Chen at the same time.

"Seal it, you're pretty good at speaking."

"That's the truth. Don't make trouble. My documents haven't been corrected yet."



45 minutes later.

The dishes in Fangyuan's private room have been served, but Su Chen and Tong Wenjie haven't returned yet.

"How about we eat first? Anyway, Su Chen must have had enough food here. He doesn't care."

Fang Yifan was already thinking about using his chopsticks. The food was in front of him, and he was starving to death.

"Don't move. Even if Su Chen has eaten, your mother hasn't eaten yet. Is this the same?"

Fang Yuan interrupted Fang Yifan's fantasy.

"How about I go to the toilet and take a look, otherwise I don't know how long it will take."

Lin Miaomiao's words were agreed by everyone. No matter what, go to the toilet and ask.

If there is still time, they will start.

Lin Miaomiao just opened the private room door.

Su Chen and Tong Wenjie appeared outside the door.

"Miaomiao, where are you going?"

"I plan to go find you two. The food is ready. If you don't come back, it will be cold."

Fang Yifan: "...Mom, you usually say that we occupy the latrine, but you took a long time to go to the toilet this time. Shouldn't you talk about yourself this time?"

Fang Yifan started to get angry again, and Tong Wenjie glared at him: "If you say something like this at the dinner table, do you want to be beaten again?"

Fang Yifan wanted to defend himself, but all he got was contempt from Qiao Yingzi and the others.

Fangyuan looked at Tong Wenjie: "It seems that it is really comfortable to do this. Her face is flushed, as if she had just finished an essential oil spa."

"Really? I've been paying more attention to my diet lately, and I've been eating all kinds of beauty products." Tong Wenjie touched her face and laughed.

Su Chen: "After Sister Tong goes to Shanghai, I will introduce you to several beauty salons. I guarantee you will be more beautiful then."

Tong Wenjie looked at Su Chen charmingly: "That's good, but your sister Tong doesn't have that much money, so it will be up to you then."

"Promise to complete the mission." Su Chen promised, patting his chest.

We do not know.

How to help find a beauty agency, you are guaranteed to complete the task.

He didn't think much of it.

Start eating.

681: Tong Wenjie was nervous when she sang karaoke after dinner

Tong Wenjie would cough quietly while eating, which made Fangyuan and the others confused.

I asked her how she was and she kept saying it was fine.

He just kept picking up food for Su Chen.

A meal is over.

Fang Yifan suggested that everyone go sing K together.

"Fang Hou, are you too bold? Your parents are here, so you just go to sing K?"

Qiao Yingzi pulled Fang Yifan and whispered.

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