Fang Yifan said nonchalantly: "I just say that because my parents are here, and I haven't even gone to sing karaoke with them."

Lin Miaomiao: "I don't care, but would Lin Lei'er want to go to that kind of place?"

"I can do it." Lin Leier said quickly.

Su Chen looked at Tong Wenjie: "How do you feel, Sister Tong?"

"I...I can do it." Tong 420 Wenjie sat there panting.

Fangyuan: "Are you really okay? Otherwise, we should go back to rest and let the children sing."

Tong Wenjie glanced at Su Chen.

"Su Chen, if you go to sing, can you sing?"

"I guess not. I'll probably stay in the corner and do something else."

"Ah? I remember you sang very well, why don't you sing."

Lin Miaomiao remembered that Su Chen had a very nice voice when she sang.

Especially love songs.

The singing is particularly moving.

"That's it, let's sing together." Qiao Yingzi followed.

Tong Wenjie: "Then let's go together. We'll talk in the room then."

Fang Yifan was naturally very happy.

His suggestion was approved by everyone, which gave him a sense of presence.

The group of people left the Jiang family kitchen.

I also met Star Tao and her mother at the door.

Fortunately, there were many people here such as Su Chen, and he also minimized his presence.

Otherwise, relying on his initial sense of presence, Xue Sumei would definitely be able to see him at a glance.

A group of people took a car to the KTV.

I ordered a few bottles of wine and some food, and opened a large private room.

Follow the waiter through the door.

Three sofas are placed together in a U shape.

In the middle is the coffee table, and the waiters place their orders on the table.

Help debug the equipment in the room.

After debugging.

Fang Yifan was the first to run to the singing booth.

While ordering, he asked: "Just tell me what song you want to sing, and I will order it for you."

Lin Miaomiao and Qiao Yingzi were talking beside them.

Fangyuan was straightforward: "I remember there was a Huang Sanshi? Please click on all his songs so that you can take a good look at my true level."

Tong Wenjie: "I...I won't order anymore. I'll rest nearby for a while. You guys have fun and don't worry about me."

"Don't worry, Sister Tong is with me. I will take good care of her and make sure she doesn't feel uncomfortable."

Everyone saw Su Chen's serious expression and nodded.

Fang Yifan even said: "Then I'll leave my mother to you. Don't let her interrupt when we sing later, otherwise we will lose all interest."

"Don't worry, I won't give him a chance to interrupt." Su Chen said seriously.

As the first song played, Fang Yifan picked up the microphone and started singing.

Su Chen held Tong Wenjie's hand.

"You performed very well today, and you will continue to do your best in the future."

Tong Wenjie: "Is it okay if you don't behave well? Then you, the guy, will expose everything. You really don't think about the consequences at all."

"If I don't consider the consequences, I should be like this."

Su Chen said this and did something bolder. Tong Wenjie's eyes widened.

Looking at him incredulously.

"How is this going?"

"Nothing happened. I just wanted to test whether it would work."

682: The scream hidden under the song

After seeing Su Chen's actions, Tong Wenjie slowly accepted this fact.

Watching Su Chen put on a hat.

She knew that the other party was serious. Su Chen was like this the last time he was in the cinema.

very bold.

But the people around him acted as if they didn't see it at all and allowed him to perform there.

This time Su Chen wanted to be the same as last time.

The hat was simply put on Tong Wenjie's head.

The two of them were sitting on the sofa listening to them singing and dancing together.

It's like dancing with them.

But no one saw it.

The singers around me were singing so high that they didn't notice what was going on around them.

Even Lin Lei'er started fighting to be Mai Ba after taking a few sips of wine.

"Lin Lei'er, how much have you drunk?" Fang Yifan saw Lin Lei'er's state and remembered the last time he was in the hotel.

At that time, even Tong Wenjie's nickname was dared to be called out.

It can be said to be lawless.

Lin Lei'er squinted her eyes: "I didn't drink much, I'm not drunk at all. I just want to have fun with everyone and have fun, otherwise it would be too boring to sit next to you."

Fang Yifan looked at Fang Yuan for help.

If his mother saw this, he would be dead.

By the way, where is my mother?

This idea flashed through his mind, and he suddenly spotted Tong Wenjie's shadow in the corner of the room.


The thought disappeared instantly.

Fangyuan couldn't help but laugh after seeing Lin Lei'er's state.

"Lei'er, if you are in this state, aren't you afraid that your aunt will punish you?"

"Wenjie? I'm not afraid. Who is my brother? He is very powerful now. If anything happens to her, she will still protect her from me."

"Hahaha." Everyone laughed.

Lin Miaomiao now confirmed that Lin Lei'er drank too much and was talking drunkenly.

dong dong dong~

dong dong dong~

Dynamic music, accompanied by rhythmic sounds, kept ringing in the room.

Let's all have a good drink together.

to chat with.

Dance your heart out.

Wantlessly venting hard-won youth.

Fang Yifan even ordered the song Qinghai-Tibet Plateau near the end.

to achieve his final high-pitched session.

"Alasso~That's Qing~Zang~Gao~~hara!!!"


A scream was covered up by Fang Yifan's singing, and everyone was having a great time.


Back to Shuxiang Yayuan.

When Qiao Yingzi opened the door, she found Song Qian sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Qiao Yingzi happily ran behind her and hugged Song Qian.

"What's wrong? Why are you so happy all of a sudden?" Song Qian touched Qiao Yingzi's arm and asked, and suddenly there was a smell of alcohol on the tip of her nose.

Then he turned and looked at her.

"Did you go out for a drink?" Song Qian frowned subconsciously.

... .. 0

I want to say that she is still too young to drink.

But think carefully.

Qiao Yingzi is now 19 years old and an adult, and his behavior is completely in line with common sense.

Even if she drinks, she can't control it.

"How much did you drink? Do you know that you can't drink so much next time?"

"Hehehe, I didn't drink much. After watching the movie, we met Fang Yifan's family. Then we went to dinner together and sang karaoke. What we drank during the karaoke was just some beer, not much at all."

Song Qian rolled her eyes. She didn't drink much at all. What state are you in now?

At the same time, Song Qian also understood.

When Qiao Yingzi wakes up, she must tell her about this.

She must be vigilant when asking her to drink with others in college.

"Oh Mom, don't you want to ask why, do Fang Yifan and his family go to the movies?"

683: Tong Wenjie: The two of us will try to prevent him from finding anyone else.

Qiao Yingzi wanted Song Qian to ask her this question, but Song Qian didn't care.

After all, it is a family matter.

Don't talk about going to the movies.

Even if the family discussed wanting to go to outer space, she wouldn't be able to care about it.

Qiao Yingzi explained the matter.

"Fang Yifan's father is going to Shanghai to cooperate with an entertainment company and get dubbing training."

"Fang Yifan's mother was transferred to Magic City to open up new markets. Fang Yifan may actually enter the entertainment industry directly in the future."

Qiao Yingzi was happy on behalf of her friend, but when Song Qian heard these words, she had another meaning.

"Tong Wenjie is going to the Magic City???" Song Qian was a little stunned.

How come she doesn't know this news?

It's quite hidden.

Others don't know what she is doing, so doesn't Song Qian know either?

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