This is obviously running towards people.

Song Qian still wanted to ask some questions, but Qiao Yingzi was already asleep on his back.

"You kid." Song Qian said dotingly, preparing to help Qiao Yingzi back to the bedroom.

But think again.

He took out his cell phone and took a photo of Qiao Yingzi's current state, preparing to help her recall it tomorrow.

Then Qiao Yingzi was sent back to the bedroom.

Lie down in the bedroom by yourself.

I thought and thought.

Finally, I decided to call Tong Wenjie to ask about the situation.


Fang Yifan and the others went home.

The three big men basically drank too much.

back home.

She didn't even change her shoes and wanted to go back to her room to sleep, but her ears were pinched by Tong Wenjie.

"You three, go take a shower quickly. No one can sleep without a shower!"

"Ah~~~Mom, can you be reasonable? Look at how tired we are now. Let's wash it tomorrow."

Fang Yifan bargained, but Tong Wenjie obviously didn't know this trick.

"Do you think it's homework and you have to wash it tomorrow? Get to me now!"

Tong Wenjie threw all three of them into the bathroom, and she didn't care what they wrote.

Thinking back on this afternoon's experience.

Another blush appeared on Tong Wenjie's face. She had never experienced such an exciting thing in so many years.

A bit above.

Eat the marrow and know the taste. I can't forget it.

But being tired is really tiring.

Tong Wenjie sat on the sofa, closing her eyelids, and what she had experienced tonight came to her mind.

Compared with KTV.

The experience at the dinner table was even more unforgettable for her.

Just when Tong Wenjie was about to fall asleep, the ringing of her cell phone woke her up...

Open it and take a look.

It's Song Qian.

Just think about it and you'll know what's going on.

Yingzi must have told her mother about her going to the Magic City when she went back.

This is the plan to raise an army to investigate.

The matter was similar to what she thought. After the call was connected, Song Qian asked whether the matter was true or not.

The answer was true.

"You go to the devil to do business? I'm embarrassed to point you out."

"If you don't point it out, don't point it out. Who told you not to go?" Tong Wenjie said on the phone, completely unrestrained and very bold: "Last time you also said that he had so many confidante in the capital. If you are separated from him, It's been too long, who knows if he will stay there and not come back."

"I'm thinking about myself, what about you? Do you want to go to 3.9 together?"

Song Qian was really moved, but all his resources were in the imperial capital.

If you go to the Magic City, you will be completely blind.

Start from scratch.

That situation made Song Qian feel insecure.

I thought and thought.

"I still won't go. If you go to the Magic City, then all the time Su Chen has when he returns to the Imperial Capital will be mine."

Tong Wenjie didn't care: "Yes, the two of us will work hard to prevent him from having the energy to find others."

684: I drank yogurt all over my face.

The two chatted for a while.

Fangyuan, Fang Yifan, Lin Leier and the others came out of the bathroom.

They were all wearing bathrobes.

After such a rinse, the three of them were quite awake.

"Honey, why don't you go take a shower too? It's very comfortable." Fangyuan wiped her hair and said to Tong Wenjie.

Tong Wenjie shook her head: "I didn't drink, just wash my face. It's already so late, so go to bed quickly."

When Tong Wenjie passed by Fangyuan, she was suddenly stopped.

"Honey, please wait a moment."

Fangyuan moved Tong Wenjie over and faced him.

Tong Wenjie was confused: "What's wrong?"

Fangyuan reached out and gave Tong Wenjie a smack on her face, then let Tong Wenjie look.

"Did you drink yogurt just now? It's all on your face."

Tong Wenjie blushed and wiped his hands clean with paper.

"Just tell me this kind of thing directly. Please reach out quickly, it's so dirty."

"It's just yogurt, why is it dirty?" Fangyuan smiled, but Tong Wenjie always likes to be clean at home.

I thought she was shy.

Watching Tong Wenjie run into the bathroom, Fang Yifan wondered: "Has my mother's skin gotten better?"

Fangyuan Difference: "Do you still know if your skin has gotten better?"

Lin Lei'er swayed.

"No matter whether a woman's skin has changed or not, just praise it when we meet."

Fang Yifan patted Lin Lei'er on the shoulder: "Dad, did you hear that, even Lin Lei'er understands women better than you?"

Fangyuan is ready to fight.

Fang Yifan hurriedly ran and found Lin Lei'er standing still.

Run back and pull him away.


Su Chen and Lin Miaomiao went home.

Lin Miaomiao had fallen asleep leaning on Su Chen.

Wang Dingnan saw the two people coming back and was about to speak when he saw Lin Miaomiao on Su Chen.

"You just went out to watch a movie, why did you come back so late?"

Wang Dingnan didn't realize that his current tone was like a wife complaining that her husband came home late.

Su Chen carried Lin Miaomiao to lie on her side, and then looked at Wang Dingnan.

"..." Wang Dingnan was startled by Su Chen's eyes, and then took a few steps back.

Su Chen: "Don't be afraid. We just met our friends after watching the movie, went to have a meal and sang karaoke together, and we just came back now."

Wang Dingnan nodded.

Just when she was checking Lin Miaomiao's condition.

Someone hugged me around the waist.

"What do you want to say to me when you wait so late for me?"

"Nothing... hmm."

Day 2 day.

Song Qian found time to find Tong Wenjie.

The two chatted about the specific details.

"By the way, you said Fangyuan found an entertainment company for post-dubbing. Which company is that?"

"It seems to be Boss Yang's company, but we won't know where it will be allocated until we get it."

"Boss Yang's company."

Song Qian's lips curled up inadvertently.

If not wrong.

That should be where Su Chen is, if Su Chen 420 really agreed to Boss Yang to act.

Then the two of them will definitely meet.

It would definitely be interesting if Tong Wenjie found Su Chen on the set when she went to visit the studio.

"Song Qian, what are you looking at? So happy."

"It's nothing. I just feel that you must have a very happy time after going to the Magic City. I am happy for you again."

Song Qian took Tong Wenjie's hand and smiled, but Tong Wenjie always felt that something was not right.

Lin Miaomiao turned over and found someone beside her.

Suddenly opened his eyes.

I found out it was my aunt.

This is relieved.

"This guy Su Chen really sent me into the room at such a good opportunity???".

685: Go to Liu Jing’s tutor Ji Yangyang to study?

Lin Miaomiao felt a little disappointed after seeing Wang Dingnan.

Unexpectedly, the two of them had been separated for so long and had no idea at all.

Has my charm disappeared?


Just when Lin Miaomiao was thinking wildly, Wang Dingnan snorted softly.

Opening one eye, she saw that Lin Miaomiao was awake.

"Miao Miao~ Are you awake?" Wang Dingnan asked in a hoarse voice.

"Auntie, what's wrong with your throat?"

"It's okay, maybe a little dry."

Wang Dingnan didn't want to answer, so he turned over and continued to sleep.

Lin Miaomiao glanced at the room.

I found this place to be very messy.

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