Clothes and stockings were scattered about, and even a few strands of cloth.

"It's true, auntie, even if she's not at home, she doesn't have to live so freely."

Lin Miaomiao changed her clothes and tidied the room.

Only then did I wake up.

After opening the door, she found that Su Chen had already woken up and was already preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

Lin Miaomiao smelled the fragrance and jumped over, holding Su Chen behind her back.

"Su Chen々‖~"

Lin Miaomiao put her face against Su Chen's back and poked her head under her armpits.

"what to do?"

Before he could take a second look, Su Chen's fingers pressed against his head and pushed him back.

"You drank so much yesterday, why did you wake up so early today?"

"Whoever drank too much, I gave you a chance, but it didn't work for you." Lin Miaomiao defended.

But in fact, Su Chen knew clearly whether he had drunk a lot or not. If Lin Miaomiao really didn't drink a lot, her expression this morning would never be like this.

It would definitely be like crazy.

The fact that she was still chatting with him like this meant that she didn't know anything about what happened last night.

Su Chen smiled and shook his head.

Lin Miaomiao didn't think much about sitting at the dining table and waiting for food.

Su Chen finished the things.

"Is your aunt awake?"

"She just got up and said a few words to me. She fell asleep again anyway. How about I call her?"

"Forget it, there is food in the refrigerator anyway, the two of us can just go next door."

Lin Miaomiao happily carried the dinner plate to 403.

Qiao Yingzi had just woken up at this moment.

"Where's Miss Song?"

Qiao Yingzi looked around vaguely: "Isn't my mother at home?"

Looking at her like this, she definitely didn't know where she was.

Three people eat.

After dinner.

Su Chen and Lin Miaomiao packed their things and went home.

As soon as you go out.

I happened to bump into Liu Jing going upstairs.

Lin Miaomiao: "Aunt Liu Jing."

"It's Miaomiao, she's back." When Liu Jing saw Lin Miaomiao, her expression was a little unnatural.

She came to see Su Chen for treatment today.

If Lin Miaomiao was at home, the two of them might not be able to continue.

"...Who is Aunt Liu Jing coming to see?" Lin Miaomiao asked strangely.

Liu Jing: "Oh, Ji Yangyang is not studying abroad recently. He doesn't know many things. He asked me to come over and ask Su Chen if there is a better way to study."

Lin Miaomiao: "Didn't I hear that the happy learning method is used in foreign countries? It's okay if you don't want to study?"

"The so-called happy learning method is only for ordinary children. Since you are going abroad, you must still study hard, otherwise it will be meaningless."

Liu Jing looked at Su Chen with a look in her eyes: What should I do?

Su Chen smiled.

"Then since it's Ji Yangyang who wants to ask, I'll go take a look."

Su Chen turned around and asked, "Lin Miaomiao, are you going?"

"You go teach Ji Yangyang to study, but I won't go. I just want to relax when I finally get to college, but my head hurts when I hear about studying."

Lin Miaomiao returned to 403 as if running away and closed the door.

Make sure no one is at the door.

Su Chen said: "Aunt Liu, please lead the way.".

686: Can you please stop letting it change? It’s too cumbersome.

"Aunt Liu has started to feel uncomfortable again recently?"

On the way, Su Chen looked at the front of Liu Jing and felt that it was much bigger than before after several adjustments.

Even though he often massaged Li Meng and Song Qian, he never saw them change so quickly.

Is this a natural talent?

Liu Jing blushed a little: "Well, I don't know what happened recently. It suddenly became so strange."

Two people came to 103.

There is nothing cluttered in the room. It is very clean and tidy. At first glance, it looks like a place where a housewife who likes cleanness lives.

"The conditions in my 423 place are relatively simple. You can sit wherever you like." Liu Jing stood up and poured a glass of water for Su Chen: "I haven't gone to the hospital for a checkup in the past few days, but I can clearly feel that the lump is indeed much smaller, but it's strange The whole thing is getting bigger and bigger.”

Liu Jing said a little embarrassedly: "I wonder if you can stop it from changing. It feels a bit cumbersome."

If other women heard this, their jaws would drop.

There are so many people who want to make their breasts bigger but can't find a way to do so. Some even go to beauty shops to fill them with silicone gel.

Suffer and suffer.

Just to add a little change to your figure.

Arrived at Liu Jing.

Natural changes are not yet welcome.

But Su Chen didn't refuse, and just asked: "Actually, don't you think this is a good thing?"

"What good thing?" Liu Jing wondered, the recent changes made her a little confused.

I was quite tired when I went out, and there were many people listening and watching.

It feels very uncomfortable.

"You didn't have surgery before, and the doctor cut off half of it. That way you feel that your right to be a woman has been deprived of you. It's very uncomfortable."

“Isn’t it a good thing that there is now a way to make it come back, even better than before?”

Su Chen's words made Liu Jing think about it, and it seemed that they were indeed right.

During her senior year of high school, she underwent a lot of psychological preparation for this surgery.

The reason is not because the doctor wants to remove all the breast glands.

When I heard this, I felt that I was no longer a complete woman.

I even thought about giving up.

In the end, she had the surgery with the comfort of her family, but she still only had half of it cut off at the critical moment.

Even so.

It was still very uncomfortable after I came back.

Now there is a way to be better than before and she should be happy.

"Well, let's start quickly, I'm afraid someone will come."

"Okay, just sit here."

Liu Jing sat on the sofa, and Su Chen came behind her.

"In fact, no matter what you do, you have to relax and accept it. Changes are good, and they are better than nothing."

"'s just that the sudden change is a bit scary."

"It's okay, isn't it me? If you have any questions, just tell me and we can solve it."


"How is your sleep quality recently? Is it better than before?"

"It is indeed much better, and my skin is also better, and the hair I shaved before has grown back."

When she said this, Liu Jing still had a smile on her face.

Su Chen pressed it for a while.

Feeling a little uncomfortable sitting here, I glanced at the kitchen.

Su Chen asked Liu Jing to stand in the kitchen so that she could prepare lunch.

Liu Jing originally disagreed, but she couldn't stand Su Chen's insistence.

Moreover, the cause of my illness is still in the hands of the other party, so I can only agree in the end.

Two people came to the kitchen.

Liu Jing prepared things while Su Chen stood behind to help.

Calling it helpful is almost a disservice.

Every time Liu Jing made trouble while doing preparations.

No matter how good-tempered Liu Jing was, she still said it back.

"Can you be more honest?".

687: I am being treated and someone is here.

Su Chen used a move called Shift of Heaven and Earth, and Liu Jing was beaten back steadily.

Then use Tai Chi.

Just like playing with the fitness equipment in the square, the movements on the left and right are sometimes slow and sometimes fast.

Liu Jing was dazzled by the beating.

Liu Jing really had no choice but to ignore Su Chen's attack and continue cooking.

Just at this time.

Suddenly there was a sound of opening the door.

Before Su Chen finished his work, the door had already opened.

Ji Shengli came in with roast duck.

"Honey, I haven't seen you for a long time recently. Today I bought a roast duck for the two of us to eat slowly."

At this moment, Su Chen's movements were fixed there, instantly minimizing his sense of presence.

Ji Shengli couldn't see him, but Liu Jing felt very sad.

He and Su Chen were frozen there.

Although the two of them were treating illnesses, the movements of doing Tai Chi would always make people suspicious.

While Ji Shengli was putting things away without looking up, Liu Jing quickly asked Su Chen to squat down.

"We are treating a disease, why don't we just say no?"

"Speak directly, what do you want me to do? This won't work. You squat here first, and I will think of a way to let you go later."

Liu Jing wanted to go out and comfort Ji Shengli and not let him come to the kitchen.

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