As a result, Liu Jing stepped out, and Ji Shengli was ready to come in with the roast duck.

"What are you doing?" Liu Jing blocked the kitchen door.

Ji Shengli held up the roast duck: "Isn't this roast duck? Of course I want to slice it."

As he spoke, Ji Shengli continued walking towards the kitchen.

How could Liu Jing let him in?

He took the roast duck from his hand and said, "Just wait in the living room. I'll go to the kitchen to cook."

"How can this be possible? Although it has been more than half a year since you had the operation, you are still in the recovery period. You should not be too tired, otherwise it will be easy to relapse."

Ji Shengli firmly disagreed.

In addition to warmth, Liu Jing felt a little helpless.

Why have I never seen you care so much about me before? Why did you suddenly show up like this today?

Su Chen was in the kitchen listening to the noise outside, thinking about whether to jump out of the semi-open kitchen.

Just control the sound of the landing.

Absolutely no one will find out.

Just when Su Chen was about to take off, a cell phone ring suddenly rang outside.

Su Chen saw Ji Shengli walking toward the living room with the phone in hand, talking as he walked.

Then Liu Jing came in with roast duck.

"Looks like we have to wait a while." Liu Jing took the roast duck and started filming in the kitchen.

Su Chen didn't care.

Looking at Liu Jing's back: "Actually, massage has many benefits. Do you want to try it?"



After Ji Shengli answered the phone, he turned around and saw Liu Jing playing duck there.

Walk to the front of the semi-open kitchen.

Liu Jing's hand paused, as if she was startled.


"Haha, you were so focused on cutting the duck that you didn't notice me coming?"

Ji Shengli smiled.

"Hmm..." Liu Jing hummed softly and pressed one hand on the table: "Next time when I come back, just buy the ones made by others. Don't buy the whole's hard to clean up."

"I originally planned to make it myself when I bought it. Wouldn't it taste better if I made it myself? Who knew you would snatch it away." Ji Shengli originally wanted to make a joke, but found that Liu Jing started to frown and could only say: " Okay, okay, I listen to you and I won’t buy the whole thing next time.”


Ji Shengli watched as Liu Jing cut the duck, sometimes quickly and sometimes slowly, and the pieces of duck meat came out in different sizes.

"Honey, it seems that your cooking skills have deteriorated a lot since you haven't cooked during this time."

"Why um... Do you have any objections~~~" He said.

688: Liu Jing: Su Chen, he teaches children to study in the bedroom

[nervous, exciting, excited]

Liu Jing originally came from a rich and wealthy family, and her personality was also about seeking excitement.

But after marrying Liu Shengli, she became an official wife.

Every move she makes must represent Ji Shengli, so she has been suppressing her personality.

Suppressing inner impulses.

I am afraid of causing some bad news to my husband.

But today, the suppressed aspect of her heart seemed to be slowly recovering again.


From the first time she started treatment, there were signs of recovery in the other side of her heart.

It's just more obvious now.

This feeling made her want to stop.

When Su Chen noticed her mood, he was stunned for a moment, but he soon understood what was going on.

A person's nature cannot be changed.

The longer you suppress it, the harder it will rebound.

This is a fact.

Now it seems that Liu Jing's character originally had these exciting aspects, which is similar to other women.

Although I will stop it symbolically.

But it's just symbolic.


It took Liu Jing half an hour to finish the duck.

Ji Shengli took out the sliced ​​duck meat and looked back at her: "My wife, come over and eat together."

"Don't... don't... don't worry. There are still some bones here. I'll make you some soup. You eat first and don't worry about me."

Generally speaking, when eating roast duck, you only eat the outer layer of skin and the bit of meat under the skin.

The rest, like the duck rack.

Many places will ask you if you want virginity or salt and pepper.

It's like eating two things for one duck.

Nor will it go to waste.

Ji Shengli was also very happy when he heard that Liu Jing was going to make duck soup: "Remember to give me another bowl of noodles."


Just when Ji Shengli was about to start, there was a knock on the door.

"Honey, you cook, and I'll open the door."

Ji Shengli came to the door and opened it to find Lin Miaomiao.

"Miaomiao, I just bought the roast duck. Your Aunt Liu is still cooking duck soup in it. Do you want to eat it together?" Ji Shengli happily invited.

Lin Miaomiao shook her head: "Uncle Ji, I came here to tell Su Chen that the meal is ready. I will finish my review in a while. Remember to send it to the teacher's house for dinner."

Lin Miaomiao's words made Liu Jing tighten her fingers and sweat broke out on her forehead.

Why did Lin Miaomiao come suddenly? What should I do now?

"Su Chen?" Before Ji Shengli could ask, Lin Miaomiao turned around and ran away...

Ji Shengli closed the door and looked at the kitchen strangely.

"Honey, Su Chen came to our house?"

Liu Jing didn't know how to answer. Her original feeling disappeared and she found that Su Chen pointed to the bedroom.

"Oh~ Didn't Yang Yang always say that he couldn't learn and understand many things in Germany, so I thought about calling Su Chen over to see if I could teach him."

"Right now we are video-recording remotely in the bedroom."

"Oh~~~Yes, yes, I almost forgot if you didn't tell me. Yang Yang has been studying hard since he got there. This small request should be met."

Ji Shengli stood in the living room for a while: "It's time to eat now. I'll call Su Chen out for something to eat first."


Liu Jing's sudden voice startled Ji Shengli. 3.9.

Seemingly feeling a little excited, Liu Jing calmed down and said, "The children are studying hard. Don't disturb their thoughts. Let them study hard. When the review is over, they will come out naturally."

Ji Shengli nodded and clasped his hands behind his back: "Well, the roast duck will be finished soon. Let him eat some by then. I will treat him to a good meal later when I find an opportunity."

Liu Jing pressed her hands on the stove: "Hmm~".

689: Taking medicine for internal and external use

Ji Shengli returned to the dining table and looked at his phone for a while.

When he looked up again, he found that the person in the kitchen had become Su Chen.

"Su Chen, hahaha, class is over?"

Su Chen: "Hello, Uncle Ji."

"It's okay, don't shout so loudly." Ji Shengli smiled, shook his hand, and suddenly asked, "Why are you here? Where is your Aunt Liu Jing?"

Ji Shengli sat still on the dining table and asked strangely.

Su Chen replied: "Aunt Liu Jing asked me to look at the pot. She went to the bathroom."

"Oh, that's it. Then don't stand in the kitchen. Come to 11 and eat roast duck together. I'll take a look at the pots in the kitchen."

"Hiss!~ Don't come here!" Su Chen suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly stopped him.

Ji Shengli looked at him strangely.

Su Chen scratched his chin: "Aunt Liu Jing asked me to watch here. It's not good for me to go out like this. Uncle Ji, how about you hold on there for a while while Auntie and I finish our work and go there together."

Su Chen couldn't stop him. If this happened, it would be a lot of fun.

Liu Jing was getting medicine and couldn't be disturbed.

I'm really sorry.

Ji Shengli smiled: "You're a really obedient kid. Okay, you just watch the pot in the kitchen, and I'll make one for you to try first. How about it?"

After Ji Shengli said this, he rolled up a roast duck for him and took it over without waiting for Su Chen to refuse.

Liu Jing felt nervous when she heard the footsteps approaching.

At the same time, a strange emotion arose in my heart.


This sudden excitement was a feeling that Liu Jing had never experienced before.

Now I actually enjoy it.

This made Liu Jing a little scared, feeling that this was completely unlike herself.

But this feeling is irresistible.

Feel it with your eyes closed.

Su Chen didn't think so much.

He leaned forward, tried to fit as close to the cabinet as possible, and took the things in Ji Shengli's hands in advance.

Put it in your mouth.

"Hmm~ It tastes really good." Su Chen praised the taste without eating much.

No procedures at all.

But Ji Shengli really did this. After all, no one wanted to go out to buy things by themselves. What he got was criticism.

There must be someone so ignorant.

Don’t even think about eating it again in the future.

"It tastes pretty good, but it's a little cold, otherwise it would taste better." Ji Shengli was very confident in the roast duck he chose.

I also stared at the kitchen for a while.

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