"It took about ten minutes to cook. It only takes a few more minutes. It doesn't need to be too much trouble."

Su Chen was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the other person was talking about something cooking on the pot.

"Ahem, okay, okay. Uncle Ji, you go back first. I'll take it over when it's ready."

"Well, don't be too tired."

Ji Shengli returned to the dining table and continued wrapping. It seemed that he planned to wrap everything before Su Chen and Liu Jing went back.

This way the two of them can go over and eat directly. 423

It took about another 10 minutes.

Liu Jing finally finished taking the medicine.

For external and internal use.

The two of them took the remaining duck to the restaurant together.

Ji Shengli saw Liu Jing coming over and smiled at him, and said in surprise: "Honey, we haven't seen each other for a few months, and I suddenly noticed that you seem to have become younger and more beautiful."

"Really?" Liu Jing put the things on the dining table and touched her face with one hand.

It's really smooth.

Although she knew what was going on, she said: "Maybe it's because I'm in a good mood recently. I go to bed early and get up early. My skin and condition are much better than before."

"As long as you are in a good mood, you must maintain a relaxed mood during this period,".

690: Star Tao: If it weren’t for me, your mother-in-law would have brought a knife to see you.

"Hey, wife, why is there ice cream on your face?" Ji Shengli pointed at Liu Jing's face, intending to wipe it for her.

Liu Jing ducked back nervously.

"Don't touch it, stolen goods."

Liu Jing took toilet paper and wiped it off quickly, then continued to ask: "Is there anything else on your face?"

Ji Shengli didn't know why Liu Jing was suddenly so nervous, but he still smiled: "No, that's all."

Liu Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, his eyes looked at Su Chen, it was all his fault.

Su Chen rolled his eyes.

Why can everything be blamed on me? It's obviously my fault.

Noticing that Su Chen's eyes were scanning her body, Liu Jing instinctively sat up straight.

I feel like I will fall sooner or later if I continue like this.

But I couldn't refuse.

"Honey, I haven't spent any time with you since you came back from the hospital. I'm really sorry."

Liu Jing was stunned for a moment, then smiled softly and said, "It doesn't matter. I have other things to do recently. I have a lot to be busy with. Let's get to know each other."

"How is that possible? You are recovering from a serious illness. How can you go out to work? You must stay at home."

"What I'm talking about is that I can do it at home, and it will also help my condition. Don't worry about the specific matter, I know it in my heart."

Seeing Liu Jing speaking so resolutely, Ji Shengli had no choice but to let her have a good rest. At the same time, he looked at Su Chen and said, "Su Chen, uncle has a merciless request."

Su Chen nodded: "Tell me."

"If I'm not here in the future, can you stay with your Aunt Liu Jing more when you are reviewing for Ji Yangyang? I'm afraid that he will be lonely at home."

Liu Jing: "..."

Su Chen's eyes lit up. Didn't someone give him a pillow when he fell asleep?

Previously, I couldn't take medicine because there were two more people at home.

There will be a place for it soon.

"Of course. I have no other advantages. I just like to help others, especially aunts who are bored at home. It's right to come and chat with me."

When Su Chen said this, he kept looking at Liu Jing.

From now on, I can come here openly.

There's nowhere for you to run.

Liu Jing blushed, and there was a hint of nervousness in her expression.

But soon disappeared.

The corner of her mouth curled up inadvertently, and she was full of expectations for this kind of life.

A peaceful life will always make some waves.

Liu Jing said calmly: "Okay then, just let me know when you come here."

"It must be okay."


In the next few days, Su Chen could be said to have been very comfortable.

There are Wang Dingnan and Lin Miaomiao at home.

There are Song Qian and Tong Wenjie outside.

Occasionally, I can go look for Liu Jing and Huang Zhitao.

Don't live too comfortably.

You just need to be careful when enjoying it at home, but other than that there is nothing to worry about.


Su Chen came to the downstairs of Yang Tao's house as agreed. He had made an appointment last time on the phone.

You have to come and take a look.

"...How is your mother-in-law feeling now?" After Su Chen saw Yang Tao, he hugged her and asked hypocritically.

Yang Tao pouted: "How do you know how your mother-in-law is feeling? If it weren't for me, your mother-in-law would have gone to find you with a knife."

"Every time I go out, I don't know how to wipe my mouth. I've been caught several times."

Su Chen pinched her nose.

"But no matter how you eat it, I'm not coming back to you."

"Bah, glib."

Carambola looked dissatisfied on the face, but was very happy in her heart.


Su Chen's coming today has already given her a great deal of honor.

"I want to remind you that your mother-in-law is not in a very beautiful mood recently, so you should be careful."

691: Su Chen: Mom, don’t give me the same level of experience as Yang Tao

Su Chen was mentally prepared.

The two went upstairs.

Knock on Xue Sumei's door.

Yang Tao nervously grasped Su Chen's arm with both hands.

As a result, the door opened.

Xue Sumei ran over with a smile on her face.

"Su Chen, what brought you here? Don't stand outside. Come in and sit down."

Xue Sumei's invitation confused Su Chen.

Stare at the star fruit with wide eyes.

[Is this what you mean by being in a bad mood?It looks good to me. 】

Yang Tao's big watery eyes were also full of doubts.

"Mom, why are you so happy today?"


As soon as Xue Sumei heard Yang Tao's words, she immediately glared at her.

"What's wrong? You ask when your mother is unhappy, and you ask when she is happy. Then tell me what expression I should have to make you stop asking."

Star fruit: "..."

Good guy, it turns out that this anger is only visible to her.

Just as the two of them were sitting on the sofa, two more figures appeared in the kitchen.

"Are Taozi and Su Chen here? You two will chat first. Lunch will be ready soon."

Su Chen and Yang Tao saw Su Qing and Duan Xifeng.

Look at each other.

Are they reconciled?

"Aunt Xue, they..."

"Why are you still calling me aunt? You two are so close. Change your name."


"Hey! Hahaha." Xue Sumei laughed happily: "Your cousin and cousin-in-law suddenly came over this morning and said they wanted to cook me a meal, so I agreed. I didn't expect that you two would also come today, and our family happened to be here. People have a good meal.”

Yang Tao blushed and pinched Su Chen secretly.

She is also called mother-in-law below.

Just dare to call me mom when you come up.

You changed too quickly.

As a result, Su Chen screamed strangely when Star Tao pinched it.

"Mom, look at Taozi, she is jealous because she thinks I have a good relationship with you, so she pinches me with her hands."

Star fruit:! ! ! ! ! !

Xue Sumei stared.

Yang Tao immediately became frightened when he saw her like this.

"Mom, don't glare at me. It's all his fault. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't do it. Don't, don't, don't."

Xue Sumei has always been both father and mother at home, and she is very majestic.

A glare every time.

Star Tao knew that he was going to be beaten, and he had been beaten frequently since he was a child.

Immediately ran to the kitchen for shelter.

"Mom, don't be angry, we don't have the same experience as her."

Su Chen comforted Xue Sumei, and the two sat in the living room chatting.

Yang Tao's head suddenly popped up: "Su Chen, you will be dead when you go back!"

"Star fruit!!!"


in the kitchen.

Su Qing heard her aunt's angry roar and asked with a smile: "Why did you offend my aunt again?"

"Why should I provoke me? It's obviously Su Chen who provokes me." Yang Tao took a green onion and dug it there: "It's obviously my mother. After Su Chen called her "Mom", she immediately couldn't tell who was her relative. These days God, my face looks stinky, but when Su Chen comes, you can see her smiling happier than anyone else."

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