Su Qing smiled: "Who can blame you? Who asked you to find such a good uncle? Anyone else would be happy."

"Okay, let's not talk about him." Yang Tao threw the remaining scallions on the chopping board: "Sister, you have a big belly, why don't you come in to cook."

"Look what you said, I can't cook because of my big belly?" Su Qing felt that the contents of her belly did not affect her actions at all.

There is no need to be so nervous.

Duan Xifeng was helpless: "Your sister is like this, no matter how much I try to persuade her, I have to start cooking."

Look at the two of them.

Yang Tao asked: "Have you two reconciled?".

692: Carambola’s collapse, Lan Caiping’s arrival

As soon as Yang Tao finished speaking, Su Qing and Duan Xifeng fell into silence.

"So it's not good?"

Two people:"......"

The two remained silent.

Yang Tao was helpless: "Whether it's okay or not, please tell me something. It makes me so anxious."

"Actually, it's not over yet." The smile on Duan Xifeng's face gradually disappeared: "Your sister is going through a divorce at this time. I actually think it's not impossible..."

"But after all, we can't show this kind of thing in front of my aunt, so I suggested that we should separate before marriage and separate first. At least there will be a father to call after the child is born."

Yang Tao now understood what happened.

Although Su Qing did not make a fuss against Duan Xifeng, this did not mean that he forgave him for what he had done.

Everything is silent.

Just choose divorce.

Duan Xifeng also felt that what he did this time was very unfair.

Also agreed to divorce.

But think about it, a child is born without a father.

My heart is also very sad.

So they decided to live separately and calm down for a while, at least until the child was born.

The main reason I came here today was to show off to my aunt. The two of them are doing well, so don't worry.

As for the future at home?

Yang Tao already knew this, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

Seeing my loved ones living like this.

She was not feeling well either.

Su Qing smiled again: "What about you? I heard that your store in the city center is doing well, and you are planning to open a branch?"

"No, the brand effect is good, but the items sold are too expensive and the traffic is not enough to meet the needs of opening a branch in the same location." Yang Tao knows his store very well.

The stuff inside is not cheap.

Only in places like the city center can there be customer flow. If it were in other places, no one would buy it.

And the city center is only such a big place.

The rent is very expensive.

Even if she wanted to open an identical store on the other side, she couldn't afford it.

You must know that now she can barely save some money for herself after paying off the rent.

Several people chatted for a while.

The dishes are almost done, and they are put on the table.

The three came to the living room.

All the original sadness disappeared, and there was a happy smile on his face.

There was no telling what was said in the kitchen.

"Auntie, Su Chen, stop talking and hurry up and have dinner."

"Okay, let's go, good boy, let's go eat."

Su Qing and Duan Xifeng had strange expressions when they heard Xue Sumei's name for Su Chen.

Star Tao rolled his eyes.

It had only been less than half an hour, but he was already calling his son.

As a result, it was so late that Xue Sumei came to her.

"Hurry and get out of the way. You didn't see me and my son coming over for dinner."

"I..." Yang Tao was completely helpless about the pick-up and could only vent his anger on Su Chen.

Getting ready to do it.

Xue Sumei pointed at her: "If you dare to do anything again, I won't let my son marry you. Be careful."


"Mom, I am your daughter! You are too biased!" Yang Tao shouted loudly: "Even if we are not together, it is only me who refuses!"

Xue Sumei was stunned.

It seems to be such a reason.

He shook his head and sighed: "Su Chen, I'm really treating you badly. You have to endure such a bad temper from my daughter."

Su Chen sighed: "Mom, I'm used to it. After all, I love her very much."

"Ah!!!!" Yang Tao was beside him, going crazy.

Su Qing and Duan Xifeng were holding things and holding back laughter. The young couple in front of them were so funny.

Just when Star Tao was going crazy.

Doorbell rang.

"I'll open the door."

Carambola walked to the door and opened it.

A middle-aged woman with permed hair appeared outside the door.

"Su Mei, why don't you treat me to dinner today? Why eat home-cooked food?" Kou.

693: The toilet is blocked, what should I do?

"Aunt Lan???" Yang Tao was shocked when he saw the person coming outside.

How could she be Lan Weiwei's mother?

How did she come?

Su Chen ran into the toilet the moment he saw Lan Caiping.

This should be found.

The consequences could be disastrous.

"Oh, Taozi is here too. Your mother always said she would treat me to dinner, and it turns out you are here too. How about it's my brother Jian, let's go out to eat." Lan Caiping said with a smile.

"Why are you going out to eat? Su Qing and Duan Xifeng are cooking today. Let you try my daughter's cooking."

Xue Sumei pulled Lan Caiping into the door and rolled her eyes at Carambola at the same time.

"You've been standing at the door for so long, and you didn't even know to let your Aunt Lan in?"

Star Tao closed the door and quickly looked behind.

He was relieved when he found that Su Chen was not here.

Although it is quite annoying, at least it still has some eyesight.

Lan Caiping came in and looked at the excited Xue Sumei: "You asked me to come here today, you wouldn't just eat the food cooked by Su Qing, otherwise you wouldn't laugh like this."

Lan Caiping knows Xue Sumei very well.

It makes her so happy.

Definitely not your average family dinner.

There must be something else wrong.

Thinking that Yang Tao was also there, Lan Caiping thought about it and could probably guess what was going on.

Xue Sumei did not hide anything: "I originally planned to let you see my niece today. She is not going to give birth recently, and I want you to see more."

"I didn't expect that my son-in-law would be here today. It would be a shame if I didn't let you meet." Xue Sumei took Lan Caiping and took a look around the room.

"Huh? Where is my son-in-law? Star Tao, your husband is gone, why are you still standing here? Call him out quickly! Pull him out quickly and let your Aunt Lan take a look."

Yang Tao covered her face. After hearing Xue Sumei's words, she hurried over and said helplessly: "Mom, why did you ask Aunt Lan to come over? You didn't say hello to me in advance."

"You and Lan Weiwei have been playing together since childhood. You are just like family when you come. Why should I say hello to you in advance when she comes?"

Xue Sumei's face was full of confusion, and she urged Yang Tao to find Su Chen quickly.

He pulled Lan Caiping and the two of them chatted on the sofa.

Yang Tao had no way to explain, so he could only look for Su Chen in the room.


"What should I do? Now I am blocked in front of my house..."

In the bathroom, Yang Tao asked Su Chen.

I didn't expect to encounter such a situation when I came to have a meal today.

If this is encountered by two mothers.

They're finished.

Star Tao paced back and forth in the bathroom, not knowing what to do.

Su Chen also touched his chin.

He can actually lower his presence and leave now, but Xue Sumei can't pass this level.

And Lan Caiping is not easy to fool either.

As long as he doesn't go out today and the two of them compare information about their respective sons-in-law, his identity will still be exposed.

in fact.

Su Chen felt that it was remarkable that his identity could be concealed until now.

Even if it is exposed, it can only be said that there is nothing we can do.

Just when Su Chen was thinking about 3.9, his face suddenly felt cold.

He saw Carambola holding a facial mask and applying it on his face.

"This method again?" Su Chen didn't resist and allowed the star fruit to be smeared on his face.

Yang Tao was also helpless: "It's not about old tricks, as long as you can use them. Let's get over today first, and then we can slowly talk to the two mothers about this later."

"Oh, I didn't expect to encounter this when I went home for a meal. It's so helpless. I have to be more careful every time I come back."

694: Starfruit: What if the sky falls?

"Caiping, let me tell you, my son-in-law came today and called me mom the first time he saw me. You don't know how happy you made me at that time."

"I was so happy when I called you mom the first time I met you. Seeing how promising you are, if you want to be happy, you should wait until Tao Zi is pregnant."

Lan Caiping felt sour in her heart, if her daughter hadn't still been in the Magic City.

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