How can it be your turn to show off to me here?

Xue Sumei didn't care: "Since we've already called you mom, giving birth is not casual. Besides, I've been preparing for this, you see."

Xue Sumei picked up a bottle of wine.

It's still the same bottle of aphrodisiac wine from before, but there are more things in it.

It all looks complicated.

"Ouch, no way, your son-in-law is so weak? There are so many things that need to be taken care of after giving birth." Lan Caiping held the wine bottle and took a look.

I feel like this is too exaggerated.

Various animal organs and many traditional Chinese medicines.

Pour this thing out and take a sip.

My mouth was probably full of bitterness, and I couldn't taste the wine at all.

Xue Sumei would definitely not be happy to hear Lan Caiping talking about her son-in-law.

Grab the wine.

"I told you, this is just support. The specific situation depends on my son-in-law. Nowadays, young people are not nervous at all about having children. If I don't help, the child's affairs will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey. go."

Lan Caiping looked at it and said it was not taken away quickly, with disdain.

But I felt that I should also prepare.

Strive for the child to be born earlier than others.

Xue Sumei put the wine away and couldn't help shouting before the star fruit came out.

"Where's the star fruit? Taozi! I asked you to find someone, but where did you find it? Where is my son-in-law?"

"Come, come, Tiantian, your son-in-law, your son-in-law, have you forgotten that I am your daughter?"

Lan Caiping looked over curiously.

As a result, they saw a man with a face covered in volcanic mud following behind Yang Tao.

"Taozi, your boyfriend really likes skin care." Lan Caiping always felt a little familiar the moment she saw Su Chen.

Where have you seen it?

But when I think about it carefully, I can't remember it.

Xue Sumei waited for Yang Tao: "What are you doing? Wash your face quickly."

Yang Tao shook his head: "This is what your dear son-in-law is willing to apply. It has nothing to do with me. If you want him to wash it, just say it yourself."

Seeing the star fruit like this, Xue Sumei was so angry that she stretched out her hand to hit it.

Su Chen quickly stopped him.

"Mom, I also want to show my best face to see your friend, so just let me apply it for a while."

Xue Sumei's eyes softened: "Okay, you must wash up before eating."

Su Chen nodded.

Star fruit lowered his head feebly.

It's really over.


in the kitchen.

Su Qing judged Yang Tao strangely.

427 "You weren't chatting with your aunt outside, so why did you come back and be rushed over by your aunt?"

"No, I thought of it myself." Yang Tao picked up the green onion again: "Sister, what do you think I should do if I make a mistake and am about to be exposed?"

"Is this a big mistake?"

"I don't think it's big, but others think it's big."

"Then, how big does that other person think it is?"

"Maybe, it's almost like the sky is falling."

Su Qing turned around and said, "I advise you to confess to your aunt directly. You will die early and be born early."

"No, I just said if, but I didn't say it must be me..." Yang Tao still wanted to save her.

But don't know what to do.


695: Identity exposed, keep suppressing it

Star Tao didn't dare to go out and face the two mothers, so he could only help in the kitchen.

Su Qing and Duan Xifeng saw it in their eyes.

Smile at each other.

Although they didn't know what mistake Yang Tao made, they would know it soon.

Just at this time.

Lan Caiping suddenly stood at the door of the kitchen and called Yang Tao.

"Taozi, come here."

Star Tao trembled. The last thing he wanted to hear now was the screams of these two mothers.

"What's wrong, Aunt Lan?"

Lan Caiping walked into the kitchen and said hello to Su Qing and Duan Xifeng.

He whispered to Yang Tao: "Taozi, tell my aunt honestly whether you and Weiwei have discussed this."

"Discuss...what?" Yang Tao wanted to struggle again.

"You still need me to remind you? My boyfriend is Su Chen."

The voice of these words was a bit loud, and Su Qing and Duan Xifeng on the side stopped and looked here.

Lan Caiping smiled at them and whispered: "How long do you two plan to hide it from me?"

Seemingly knowing everything, Yang Tao closed his eyes: "Actually, we don't really want to hide it from you, but we really have no choice. Who told us both..."

"I know that as parents we push you too hard, but you shouldn't join forces to lie to us."

"I know, but not everyone can accept this kind of thing."

"Hey, I understand, but you can hide this kind of thing for a while, but you can't hide it forever. I think it's better for you to tell your family clearly as soon as possible. Otherwise, what will happen when Su Chen and Weiwei get married? You guys will continue to hide it. Go down?"

"Well, now that you know everything, then I'll find a chance to talk to my mother..."

Yang Tao was explaining honestly when he suddenly looked up at Lan Caiping: "Aunt Lan, what did you just say?"

"Su Chen and Weiwei are married. You can't keep lying to your mother about using Weiwei's boyfriend to pretend to be your own."

Star fruit:! ! ! ! ! !

What is this ghost?

However, the smart Yang Tao soon understood that this was the only way out for her without being scolded today.

Then he continued: "Let's lie for a while, otherwise my mother will also feel very uncomfortable."

Lan Caiping nodded, feeling very happy when Yang Tao admitted it.

After all, it’s even a star fruit.

The boyfriend she is looking for is still from our family Weiwei, which still shows that her daughter has good taste.

Yang Tao: "Aunt Lan, can you not tell my mother about this? I'm afraid she will be sad."

Lan Caiping patted her chest: "Don't worry, since I came here to confirm with you, I will definitely not tell your mother directly how strict my mouth is."

"..." There are so many flaws in this sentence that Yang Tao doesn't know where to start.

Yang Tao asked in a low voice: "Aunt Lan, how did you know about this?"

"It seems like Su Chen said it himself."

Lan Caiping said with a smile: "I was going to the bathroom just now. Su Chenchen told me the ins and outs of this matter at this time. I was not sure at first, but now it is clear."

"It doesn't matter. Your mother has no human feelings. I do. I won't push you young people so hard. Get married and have children. There's no rush."

Lan Caiping learned the truth and went back happily.

Starfruit stuck his head out of the kitchen.

Looking at Su Chen at the dining table, all the volcanic mud on his face was washed away at this moment.

I don't know if it's the volcanic mud.

Or he is handsome to begin with.

In Yang Tao's eyes, Su Chen is now the most attractive person in the living room.

His eyes could not look down on anyone else except him.

696: The contest between Lan Caiping and Xue Sumei

Lan Caiping returned to the living room.

Xue Sumei patted Su Chen on the shoulder: "How about it? The simulator is very handsome, and he can talk. None of the men I have seen before can compare to him."

"Yes, he is also the best man I have ever seen." Lan Caiping laughed.

"The most important thing is that his family conditions are not bad, and he is filial. The money he earns allows his parents to travel outside, and he does not use it to stay busy at home. Very few people can do this now." Xue Sumei continued. Praise.

Lan Caiping continued to echo: "Yes, it's really rare to see such a filial child these days. Once you see one, you really have to hurry up."

Xue 427 Sumei praised here.

Lan Caiping agreed.

The more the two of them talked, the closer they got to Su Cheng. In the end, one of them even held one arm of Su Chen.


Xue Sumei felt something was wrong: "Caiping, what do you mean?"

"What, what do you mean?" Lan Caiping wondered: "Aren't you praising your son-in-law? Aren't I praising your son-in-law too? What's the problem?"

"Haha, it's just because you keep praising that there is a problem." Xue Sumei hugged Su Chen's arm: "You have to remember that you have a son-in-law. No matter how good my son-in-law is, I can't change it for you."

Lan Caiping did not back down: "Of course I know, and I don't intend to let you change. I just want him to know who he is."

The two mothers are facing each other tit for tat here, with Su Chen at the center of the battlefield.

Very embarrassing.

I feel like I'm sweating on my neck.

Su Chen looked towards the kitchen, where a head was staring at him with gloating.

[What are you looking at? Come over and help. 】

[Why are you helping me? I think you are coping well~] Star Tao was proud of himself.

Su Chen rolled his eyes: [If you don't come over, you will be responsible for the consequences tonight. 】

Star Tao blushed.

She was suddenly asked to think of a solution, and even Star Tao's little head couldn't figure out what to do.

At this moment, Su Qing's dish came out.

"dinner's ready."

Star Tao quickly helped serve the dishes and clear the table.

When Su Chen heard this voice, it was like hearing the sounds of nature, and he hurriedly said to his side.

"You two...Mom, the meal is almost ready, why don't we eat first?"

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