The two of them let go.

Su Chen also breathed a sigh of relief.



On the table.

I don't know what happened, but Xue Sumei and Lan Caiping were sitting on both sides of Su Chen.

Carambola sat opposite.

Su Qing and Duan Xifeng held their hands on both sides.

The dinner was held in this strange position.

Su Qing was eating her meal: "Auntie, why do you and Aunt Lan sit next to Su Chen? Let Yang Tao sit over."

Xue Sumei: "I think so. We should ask Taozi to come over. Her Aunt Lan, how about we sit over there?"

Lan Caiping: "Okay, let's go together."

The two stared at each other like two peerless masters.

Get up slowly.

It felt like the air around me became calm at this moment.

"No, no, I think it's good like this." Yang Tao said with a smile, sitting across from him.

Not embarrassed at all.

Both mothers sat down at the same time.

Su Chen ate his meal and stared at the star fruit.

Star Tao's originally smiling face froze, and a red cloud quickly floated up.


Xue Sumei felt that something was wrong with Lan Caiping today, especially after seeing Su Chen.

It always felt like this guy was planning to snatch his son-in-law away, although Xue Sumei thought it was unlikely.

But take precautions before it happens.

Lan Caiping felt that it was okay to borrow her son-in-law, but she couldn't let Xue Sumei take it too seriously.

Then when we get married in the future, we won’t be allowed to start fighting each other when we meet? .

697: Drink too much medicine and alcohol, run away

"Come on, Su Chen, hurry up and drink. Today's is specially prepared for you. Don't waste it." Xue Sumei kept pouring wine for Su Chen.

Lan Caiping on the other side kept blocking Su Chen's drink.

"How could you do this? My child just arrived today. It's boring to drink all the time. It's better to chat."

"What do you know, drinking makes you happy-"

"Drinking will only give you a headache, and - you will be happy."

The two mothers were fighting each other, with Carambola lying on the table and her shoulders shaking slightly.

Duan Xifeng leaned towards Su Qing: "What's going on? Why do you feel like Auntie Auntie and Auntie Lan are competing for Su Chen?"

Su Qing nodded.

The current situation is indeed very similar, but I can't be too sure.

Su Chen ignored the two mothers and focused on showing off.

A meal to the end.

The bottle is empty.

Su Chen didn't take a few sips before all the wine went into the stomachs of Lan Caiping and Xue Sumei.

The two people faced each other tit for tat, but they didn't expect that they would end up with a lose-lose outcome.

"Auntie, are you okay?" Su Qing asked.

"We're fine, we just drank a little bit. I think when your dad was here, hangover relief wasn't a big deal."

Lan Caiping continued: "Yes, when we first got married, these were nothing, just like gargling."

"Oh, it's not the time to drink you down anymore." Xue Sumei couldn't help but ridicule when she saw Lan Caiping showing off.

Lan Caiping wanted to say something else, but finally lay weakly on the table.

"Hahaha, I'm still better~"

Xue Sumei also lay down.

Su Qing: "..."

Duan Xifeng: "..."

It is really rare for two mothers to be so angry and angry.

"How are you, Taozi? Are you okay?" Since the two mothers had already laid down, they were not in a hurry.

Star fruit, which had been lying on the table, caused Su Qian's homework.

It seems like I didn't eat much just now.

Hearing Su Qing's words, Yang Tao shuddered and breathed a sigh of relief.

He glared at Su Chen.

"It's okay. I just had a stomachache just now. It's much better now. Why don't we give my mother and Aunt Lan a room nearby so they can rest? Let's go directly."

Su Qing nodded.

Just as he was about to take his uncle in, Duan Xifeng took the lead.

"It's up to me to do this kind of thing. Be careful with the child in your belly."

Although there are rifts in the relationship between the two of them, there is still a tacit understanding.

Su Chen didn't say anything here. He must have helped. After all, Yang Tao was inconvenient now.

Help Xue Sumei and Lan Caiping into the room to rest.

Su Qing suddenly saw the bottle that he had poured wine into before and picked it up.

There are a lot of things in here, such as ginseng, deer antlers and so on.

The main thing is the contents of the bottle of wine that Su Chen drank before.

He stared at Su Chen and the three of them.

"Auntie, the two of them... will it be okay if they sleep together after drinking this bottle of wine?"

Su Chen: "It's hard to say..."

Duan Xifeng looked embarrassed.

Both of them were very touched by the effect of the bottle of aphrodisiac wine that Xue Sumei brought last time.

It can be said to be very powerful.

A certain memory of Yang Tao and Su Qing was brought back, and they blushed.

"Either let's go first." x4

The opinions of the four people were surprisingly unified.

Pack your things quickly and leave.

Afraid of hearing something.

The moment they closed the door, there was a sound in the master bedroom.


Came downstairs as if running away.

Several people looked at each other.

He kept silent about what happened upstairs.

Duan Xifeng: "Why don't you come and sit at our house?"

Su Qing gave him a hammer.

"Forget it, we still have things to do, so I won't disturb you anymore." Kou.

698: Let me go just after the crisis? It’s not appropriate, right?

Suchen drank and was unable to drive.

We can only let the star fruit bloom.

sit in the car.

Su Chen's hand couldn't help but grasp the handle on his head. He didn't know what this thing was used for before.

Now he feels.

This kind of thing should be used by customers to enhance their sense of security.

At least I felt better after catching it.

"Don't you trust my driving skills?" Yang Tao looked back.

"Trust, 100% trust." Su Chen didn't let go.

"Then you're still holding on?" Yang Tao didn't believe it.

Su Chen said: "This is my subconscious behavior. No matter who is riding in the car, I will pull him. This way I feel safe."

Hearing Su Chen's words, Yang Tao could only roll his eyes.

"When we were eating just now, I was so afraid that my sister and brother-in-law would quarrel. I didn't expect that they were fine. My mother and Aunt Lan quarreled first."

Yang Tao glanced at Su Chen: "You dare to say that you were borrowed by me to be my boyfriend. Do you plan to tell my mother the same thing next time you go to Weiwei's house?"

"You are still smart." Su Chen really planned to do so.

At least it could temporarily stop both mothers from talking about it.

Even if the neighbors say so.

Neither of them would be shocked that their daughter's boyfriend has the same name.

Now the two of them just keep praising each other's son-in-law for how good they are.

It's like praising yourself.

That's great.

Yang Tao couldn't help laughing: "You are the only one who has many evil ideas."

Su Chen: "I still have many tricks up my sleeve, no matter how many there are, not as many as your brother-in-law. If you didn't look at him till the end, then you just wanted the two of us to go there, so that your sister wouldn't drive him away."

Yang Tao couldn't help but want to laugh when he thought of Duan Xifeng's last expression.

But in the end I could only sigh.

As long as there is a crack in something like feelings, it is basically irreparable.

It just depends on how the two of them go about it.

Soon the two people came to Yang Tao's residence and came upstairs.

Su Chen was familiar with the road and took off his clothes.

Star Tao covered his eyes and shouted, "What are you doing? Put your clothes on quickly!"

"When I ate just now, I smelled of alcohol all over my body. You have to let me take a shower first."

"Then hurry up."

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