Hearing the sound of the shower in the bathroom, Yang Tao slowly put his hand down.

The complexion is pink.

Thinking of this guy's behavior while eating, Yang Tao felt nervous.

I don’t know what I will do soon.

The moment the sound in the bathroom disappeared, Yang Tao felt that his body was being held in someone's arms...

"I just had a little drink, let's chat for a while."

"Then can you put me down, then you... um."


The New Year is getting closer and closer, and the faces of people on the street are also full of smiles.

Even a place like Shuxiang Yayuan, a high school senior’s nightmare.

During this time, the students also had happy expressions on their faces.

Everyone is in the street saying hello to each other.

It looked very lively.

Su Chen asked Song Qian to lie on the window and look out.

"Sister Song...how is it outside? Isn't it very lively?"

"Yeah~ Can we stop watching it?"

"No, it's only once a year~it only lasts a few days. It's a waste of 3.9 if you don't watch."


Just as the two of them were observing the expressions of passers-by outside, their cell phones suddenly rang.

Su Chen and Song Qian went there together.

Song Qian glanced at the phone number of a student's parent.

"I want to take a call~"

"You answer it, I'm not stopping you." Su Chen said seriously.

"Then don't make trouble."

"Hey, Xiao Min~~~What do you want on the phone~".

699: Wang Dingnan: I’m afraid I won’t want to leave if I don’t leave again.

Su Chen adjusted the fort and carefully observed the enemy's deployment.

"Teacher Song, we met last time in the college entrance examination room. I am Chen Zhuo's girlfriend. Do you remember?"

Generally speaking, small things will be discussed directly.

Only when someone helps you will you make friends first.

It turns out that Xiao Min’s child failed in the last college entrance examination.

In the first half of the year, I spent tutoring at Song Qian's education school.

Final exam results are out.

It still feels normal.

I just wanted to see Song Qian to see if she could tutor her privately, even if she could give her a little more money.

11 But Song Qian was a little embarrassed for students who couldn't study well in class.

A person's energy is limited.

No one can guarantee whether you can study outside the classroom.

Even Song Qian.

I could only keep a close eye on Qiao Yingzi and ask him to do two sets of papers every day when he came back.

But for other people's children, she can't really force them to do papers every day.

It's still school time.

It's not his own child, so the other party has to be able to listen to him.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Min. You also know how busy I am in class. Every day after I get home from get off work, I want to have some time to myself."

Su Chen touched Song Qian's hair, she was right.

Before Su Chen could praise her, she continued: "How about this? I also know a person who is the same age as your child. He is better at teaching than me. If he is willing to teach, he can definitely teach your child." Teach well.”

Su Chen:? ? ? ? ? ?

what's the situation?

When Song Qian said that her teaching ability was better than his own, how could there be anyone other than herself?

This is to sell him.

How can this be tolerated?

Su Chen tried his best.

Song Qian still said tremblingly: "That person is Su Chen. He was the top scorer in the college entrance examination last year. He lives next door to me. Well... he has come back recently. Let's see if... Please ask him to take action!~"


Dudu Dudu! ~

Xiao Min listened to the busy tone on the phone, with a puzzled expression on her face.

Chen Zhuo sat next to him and asked, "How are you doing? Did you ask for any news?"

"Teacher Song didn't agree, but he recommended someone to me."


"Su Chen, the top scorer in last year's college entrance examination, seems to have come back recently and asked me to ask him for help."

"Su Chen, I've seen a very handsome young man, or let's go together tomorrow." Chen Zhuo said.

"Forget it, the child is mine no matter what happens. I'd better go. You just wait for my good news at home, prepare a meal for me, and wait for my return."

Chen Zhuo nodded.

Xiao Min said: "Teacher Song's place is really lively. There are still a few days to celebrate the New Year, and now we can start setting off firecrackers."

"Really? That's really lively."

Su Chen strongly condemned Song Qian's behavior of selling him out.

He also carried out cruel punishments for this. 430

After returning home.

Wang Dingnan pulled his luggage: "I'm ready to leave."

"So early?" Su Chen looked at her strangely: "Aren't you planning to wait for him to pick you up before going back? Why are you leaving now?"

Now the king's top man is radiant and his temperament is much better than when he first arrived.

The whole person seemed to have changed his mental outlook.

Even my figure has improved a lot.

The clothes I brought are a bit tight now.

It looks more attractive.

Wang Dingnan pointed to his pants: "If I continue to live here for a few more days, I won't be able to wear the clothes I kept at home. I spent tens of thousands to buy them, so I can't waste them like this."

"Besides, I'm afraid it will take too long and I won't want to leave."

700: Su Chen: Let me brush your teeth

Su Chen gave Wang Dingnan a hug.

Then he picked her up.

Half an hour later the two men stood at the door again.

"If you have anything bothering you, remember to come here and I can help you relieve your boredom."

Su Chen said with a smile.

Wang Dingnan rolled his eyes: "I don't know who will relieve whom's boredom. Okay, I'm leaving."

Wang Dingnan is quite beautiful, but I don't know when her mental state will change.

But Su Chen felt that he should have the ability to cure all diseases, and he should also be able to cure mental illness.

This is not clear.

I just hope she won't get sick in the future.

Lin Miaomiao rubbed her eyes and came out: "What happened just now? Where is my aunt?"

"Your aunt is gone."

"Go home? Why did you leave so suddenly?"

Su Chen: "The Chinese New Year is coming soon, so I can't really celebrate the Chinese New Year at my house. I have to go back no matter what."

Lin Miaomiao nodded, then suddenly woke up.

"New Year approached???"

Lin Miaomiao was a little happy at Su Chen's house, even though there was an elder here.

But she has no airs at all, and the two of them can even bully Su Chen together.

of course.

Su Chen always bullied him again when no one was around, but he had won at least once or twice.

This period of time passed without counting the days. I didn’t expect that the Chinese New Year would be coming so soon.

"I'll go! Then my aunt is gone, wouldn't my mother...々‖."

Before she could finish her words, Lin Miaomiao's cell phone woke up.

Open it up and take a look.

Sure enough, it was Wang Shengnan’s phone number.

The meaning is also very clear. The Chinese New Year is approaching and his aunt has left.

Lin Miaomiao had no reason to stay here.

no way.

Lin Miaomiao could only agree.

"It seems that I have to go home to prepare for the New Year."

After Lin Miaomiao said this, she walked to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror.

In just one year, she changed from a girl with low self-esteem wearing glasses to a tall and graceful girl now.

The changes in this are really thought-provoking.


Very happy.

Looking at the thin pajamas on my body, I can see that the quality is quite good, at least they haven’t been ruined several times.

Just as Lin Miaomiao was thinking about this, the bathroom door rang.

"Let me brush your teeth."


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