An hour later, Lin Miaomiao was sent out of the house.

The room was empty.

Just one day.

Su Chen was the only one left at home.

But this is only temporary. As long as Su Chen is willing, there will be people here every day.

But I'm too tired today, so I should rest.

Sleep till night.

Came to Song Qian’s house for dinner.

Qiao Yingzi asked: "... Where is Miaomiao?"

"I'm home. I'm the only one left at home now." Su Chen said intentionally or unintentionally.

Song Qian: "..."

"Hey~ I always wanted to go out to play together, but I never found the opportunity. I didn't expect that the Chinese New Year would come so soon, but we went back again." Qiao Yingzi sighed.

Knew it.

After returning from college, it was very difficult to hang out together.

Just when Su Chen wanted to cause trouble, Song Qian suddenly said: "Xiao Min is going to find you tomorrow. How are you going to deal with it?"

"The Chinese New Year is just a few days away. How can I have time to help him with tutoring? This is no joke." Su Chen didn't want to waste his beautiful vacation time.

Wait until school starts.

It will be summer vacation when he comes back. In the middle half of the year, people here can't let him forget about him.

We must take advantage of this time to deepen everyone's impression.

If so.

I’m just too tired to forget.

Song Qian looked at Su Chen's serious expression and shook her head helplessly.

It seems that Xiao Min can't impress this guy.

701: Liu Xiaomin arrives, Song Qian is blocked

Day 2 morning.

Su Chen and Song Qian were doing yoga and enjoying the morning sunshine.

Suddenly the door rang.

"Is it Yingzi?" Song Qian raised her head and asked.

Su Chen glanced at the time: "It's only 8 o'clock now, how could Yingzi get up so early."

Since going to college.

Qiao Yingzi's wake-up time was delayed again and again. It was impossible to get up at 8 o'clock without Song Qian urging her.

This is exactly the same as Lin Miaomiao.

" you want to open the door?" Song~Qian asked.

Su Chen and Song Qian went there together.

Stick it on the door.


"Oh, I'm Liu Xiaomin, Chen Jiajia's aunt. I have something to ask you. Do you have time?"

A neutral voice came from outside, but this voice was very familiar.

It was Liu Xiaomin whom I met last time.

That is Brother Xun.

I didn't expect it to come this morning.

"What should we do now."

"What else can I do?" Su Chen shouted to the outside: "Wait for me for a while. I just got up and I need to wash up."

Although it felt very rude, Su Chen still said it.

Followed by.

Let's go with Song Qian.

half an hour.

Xiao Min stood at the door and walked around, looking at the closed door of Room 402.

I don’t know if I should urge it.

"Is this a polite refusal?"

"Yesterday I should have asked Su Chen on the phone what he liked and if he could bring it over today."

Xiao Min looked at the tea in her hand and said to herself.

I feel that listening to Chen Zhuo is a wrong choice. How can a 19-year-old boy like tea.

Why did you believe it?

At this moment, the closed door in front of him opened, and a face that had only appeared on TV before appeared in front of him.

Xiao Min trembled.

"You, you, you... Okay, my name is Liu Xiaomin and I am a parent of a senior high school student. I want to come to you for a favor." The moment Liu Xiaomin saw Su Chen, she was as excited as a fan seeing her idol. .

I feel a little nervous when I speak.

Su Chen felt a little funny when he saw the two boxes of tea that Xiao Min had passed over.

Are you very old?

How to give tea as a gift outside?

"It's okay. You can come in first. I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

"It doesn't matter. I didn't say hello before I came. It's my fault."

When you ask for help, you should act like you are asking for help. Liu Xiaomin will not be angry because she waited for more than half an hour.

That's what a fool would do.

The moment you enter the room.

Liu Xiaomin felt as relaxed as returning home.

What's happening here?

It feels so intimate here.

Liu Xiaomin looked at the decoration in the room. Whether it was the exquisiteness of the decoration or the arrangement of the furniture, it was completely different from his home.

We are such a house.

But it felt more like home than where Chen Zhuo lived. For a moment, I wanted to live here and not leave.

"You are the only one who lives in such a big house." Liu Xiaomin asked with a smile.

"I used to have a roommate, but the Chinese New Year will be here in a few days, so he will go home first." Su Chen poured a glass of water for Xiao Min: "Actually, for tutoring, you shouldn't go directly to Song Teacher? Why did you come to me?"

Su Chen looked toward the bathroom.

There was an eye staring out, and after noticing Su Chen's eyes, it glared at him.

Liu Xiaomin took a sip of water and said with a wry smile: "Of course I asked Teacher Song, but the things he taught were too profound and my children couldn't learn them."

"He said that what you teach here is easy to understand and better than what he teaches."

After Su Chen heard this, he glared at Song Qian.

"It's not what you're looking for".

702: It’s okay to help, but it can’t be in vain.

Liu Xiaomin is wearing a casual suit-like suit today.

A beige coat outside.

Inside is white lining.

The lower body is black jeans. Judging from the fluff exposed around the ankles, they should be velvet.

Brother Xun's figure is originally petite, and he doesn't look bloated when dressed like this.

This is both a good thing and a difficult thing.

While Su Chen and Liu Xiaomin were chatting, Song Qian quietly came out of the bathroom.

Move towards the door step by step.

Just as she reached the door, her hand was on the doorknob.

As Song Qian turns.

click! ~

The sound of the door opening was extremely harsh in the room.

"what sound?"

Song Qian:! ! ! ! ! !

Liu Xiaomin was about to turn around, and Song Qian had no chance to hide.

Just at this critical moment.

Su Chen pressed Liu Xiaomin's shoulders with both hands. This action made Liu Xiaomin stunned.

"Aunt Liu, it's not that I don't want to help, but I'm in college now and have forgotten most of the high school stuff. I'm afraid I won't be able to teach it well if I really want to."

"You don't want your children to be taught worse by me."

Liu Xiaomin was stunned for a moment by what was said, especially when she looked at Su Chen's face.

If you stick it so close.

will be shy.

Even after Liu Xiaomin got divorced, she felt that she would not have a good feeling for men.

Even though he has become Chen Zhuo's girlfriend now.

But thinking that he had said he would not get married before, Liu Xiaomin felt quite uncomfortable.

Look at the little boy in front of you.

Suddenly I thought, if you don't get married, why would you want to find an old man instead of a young man?

Boom! ~

At this moment, there was another sound from behind the door.

Liu Xiaomin turned around and looked over, but saw nothing.

At this time, Su Chen's hand also loosened.

"So Aunt Liu, do you still want me to teach you?"

Liu Xiaomin thought about it carefully and felt that Su Chen was right.

a high school student.

After going to college, I basically throw all my high school knowledge back into school.

Very few can be remembered.

But those are ordinary people, or some scumbag students.

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