Who is Su Chen?

Su Chen was the top scorer in their college entrance examination last year, with perfect scores.

Even if she forgets the knowledge, she can definitely pick it up faster than the college students she knows.

It will even be remembered better.

"I still want you to help me." Liu Xiaomin said seriously...

"It's not impossible to help, but there has to be a price. Helping can't be in vain."

Song Qian was here just now, and Su Chen was embarrassed to negotiate terms directly. Now that the person who was in the way was gone, he could finally say this.

Liu Xiaomin thought for a while: "Can I help you clean?"

"Master, does this woman want to steal my job?"

Xiaobai, who was cleaning the floor, slowly came to their feet.

Su Chen spread her hands.

"As you can see, I have robots for sanitation in my house, so I don't need help from humans."

Liu Xiaomin looked inside the room.

I found that in addition to Xiaobai on the ground, other electrical appliances seemed to be controlled by AI.

I feel inexplicably envious.

"Then I can be your nanny and cook every day." Liu Xiaomin said.

Su Chen: "Actually, I still prefer to cook my own food. I can't get used to other people's cooking."

Liu Xiaomin really wants to say something. At worst, I will treat you to Jiangjia Kitchen’s takeout every day.

But think about it.

Totally unaffordable.

It's okay to eat once in a while, but even he can't afford to eat it every day.

I glanced at the room.

I found that there was really nothing he could do to help.

Suddenly he looked somewhere.

Liu Xiaomin blushed.

"I understand.".

703: Qiao Yingzi heard the sound of decoration again

Song Qian breathed a sigh of relief after returning home.

I didn't expect Liu Xiaomin to come so early. If I had known this was the case, I should have made it clear to Su Chen yesterday instead of going to find him this morning.

In order to get Su Chen to help, Song Qian also worked hard.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

The sudden sound startled Song Qian. She turned around and saw that it was Qiao Yingzi standing at the door, rubbing her eyes.

"Oh, didn't your Aunt Xiao Min call yesterday to ask Su Chen to teach his son? I was afraid that he wouldn't agree, so I went to Su Chen to discuss it this morning."

"11~" Qiao Yingzi noticed that the clothes Song Qian wore today were still skirts.

"Then even if we are looking for Su Chen, we are so close, so we don't have to wear a skirt all the time. It's still very cold outside." Qiao Yingzi said this and poured herself a glass of water.

Song Qian laughed dryly: "Wearing a skirt is mainly for convenience. Are you hungry now? How about I cook you something to eat?"

"Isn't Su Chen cooking?" Qiao Yingzi wondered.

"Your Aunt Xiao Min is here. The two of them are talking next door. They probably won't come over until very late."

"That's okay, but I don't want to drink Chinese medicine~"

"It's been a long time since I boiled Chinese medicine for you. I can't even drink it if I want to."

Song Qian smiled and moved back to the kitchen while holding on to the wall.

Just at this time.

Qiao Yingzi heard the sounds around her.

"Oh my god, why are you starting to decorate again? No, I have to see whose house is so annoying."

Qiao Yingzi put down the water glass, stood up and went out.

When Song Qian heard the door closing, she looked out with confusion on her face.

"Where did Yingzi go so early?"

When Qiao Yingzi came to the cave, the original sound disappeared, and she had no idea where it came from.

"I should have asked who it was when Aunt Tong went to find someone last time. It was so annoying."

Qiao Yingzi thought for a while and looked at 402 next door.

I don’t know how the conversation is going now?

Ears pressed against the door.


Nothing could be heard except some wind noise.

"Aunt Xiao Min is really unlucky. She has a husband like that. I wonder if Su Chen can help him improve his grades. Otherwise, he might not be able to learn like Fang Yifan."

Qiao Yingzi shook her head and returned to 403.

The noise in 402 still keeps going.


It’s past 10 o’clock after breakfast.

Song Qian took the garbage downstairs and threw it away. When she just went out, she happened to meet Xiao Min who was leaving 402.

"Teacher Song, what a coincidence." The red on Liu Xiaomin's face has not faded, and she feels a little embarrassed.

It felt like the development of things was a little different from what she imagined.

But also acceptable.

The most important thing is that she experienced the happiness that Chen Zhuo could not bring her.

Song Qian asked: "How is it? Has he agreed?"

"Yeah~" Liu Xiaomin nodded: "But it can only be from 1:00 to 3:00 every afternoon, and I have to come to study with you."

"Are you coming too?" Song Qian looked at her suspiciously.

"He was afraid that the children wouldn't listen well, so he wanted me to be by his side to watch."

Song Qian understood it this way, just like parents accompanying her in school.

Mainly to shock kids.

"That's good. His teaching level is good. If he teaches, your child will definitely learn very well."

Hearing Song Qian's compliment, Liu Xiaomin nodded shyly.

You have to wait a while when you see the elevator, and quickly go downstairs via the stairs.

This scene made Song Qian look a little strange.

"Why are you in such a hurry? There's no one chasing you."

Liu Xiaomin came downstairs.

Looking at the house behind me, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"How's it going? Have we settled on the deal?".

704: Liu Xiaomin opens the door of convenience

The sudden sound startled Liu Xiaomin.

"Why are you here."

Chen Zhuo looked at Liu Xiaomin who was in shock and felt strange.

"Why are you so scared? Did you see something dirty up there?"

Liu Xiaomin rolled her eyes: "They are all people, how could there be dirty things? I talked too much with Su Chen and I am a bit tired. Why are you here?"

"I saw that you went out at around 7 o'clock this morning, preparing to surrender. You haven't come back since 10 o'clock, so I thought I'd come over and have a look. If you can't do it here, I can barely speak to you."

After all, Chen Zhuo is also Chen Jiajia's father, since Su Chen and Chen Jiajia are friends.

As an uncle, he can also have a few words.

Their relationship is at least stronger than that of Liu Xiaomin, the aunt they just met.

No matter what, I have to give him some face.

"It's just you." Liu Xiaomin chuckled: "Do you remember when you asked me to buy tea? As a 19-year-old boy, you asked me to give you tea. I really don't know what you were thinking."

"Are you really giving it away?" Chen Zhuo was also surprised.

Liu Xiaomin: "..."

When he saw this expression, he knew that he had been tricked.

Turn around and leave.

Chen Zhuo advised from behind: "Don't go, don't go. I was just joking. No matter what kind of cars or shoes boys like now, he will definitely like tea when he reaches middle age."

"You haven't said yet whether it was successful or not."

"Successful, but your two tea leaves have no effect at all. They are used to make tea eggs."

"Tea eggs?" Chen Zhuo was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "You can also make tea eggs."

Liu Xiaomin touched her lips.

"But the tea eggs made from your tea leaves are not delicious and are too hard to swallow."

"No, that's good tea."

Chen Zhuo was all smiles after hearing Liu Xiaomin's success: "No wonder people are said to be beautiful when they are in a good mood. After your success, you feel a little whiter than before. Smile more in the future."

Liu Xiaomin: "..."

Does this thing really have anything to do with being in a good mood?



Qiao Yingzi asked at the dinner table: "How is it? Have you agreed to tutor Aunt Xiao Min's son?"


"Oh, it's not easy. I thought you would refuse."

"I did refuse at first, but I saw that Aunt Xiao Min was so serious, willing to learn and communicate, and even opened the door to convenience, so I naturally agreed."

Song Qian held the bowl with doubts in her eyes.

Why does this sound weird.

"What are you doing in the afternoon after dinner?" Qiao Ying asked.

Su Chen: "...I may have to go to the school first to confirm the learning situation of Aunt Xiao Min's child."

Qiao Yingzi made a face.

"Then you'd better go alone, I'd better go find Tao Zi."

Song Qian looked at Su Chen: "Do you need me to accompany you?"

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