Su Chen looked at her strangely: "Why do you want to go to school all of a sudden?"

"No, I just said it casually."

Song Qian's expression remained unchanged.

After dinner.

Around 3pm.

Su Chen came to Chunfeng Middle School.

All the doormen here know him and can enter directly without saying hello.

Although the New Year is coming soon.

But after all, there is still some time before New Year's Eve, and senior high school students are still making up classes.

Voluntary make-up classes.

Su Chen quickly arrived at the teacher's office. As soon as he opened the door, he was surrounded by enthusiastic teachers inside.

"Su Chen! I didn't expect you to come back to see the teacher."

"Our school ambassador is here. Do you want to do the teacher a favor? The bastards in the class are not studying at all. You can help me." Sha.

705: No one is in the office

Facing the teasing from teachers, Su Chen responded with a smile.

But if you want to teach them, you don’t have to think about it.

As the get out of class bell rang.

It was getting lively outside the office.

The teachers who were still talking before all left the office with their water glasses and office tools.

Before leaving, he greeted Su Chen.

Waited 5 minute.

Li Meng hadn't come back yet, so Su Chen was bored and sat in her seat.

Look at the things on the table.

very clean.

Look at the table pocket again.

"Office tools, pen 433 notebook, water cup, makeup box..."

Just when Su Chen was about to open the bottom drawer, he found that it was locked.

However, this little lock had no impact on Su Chen.

Subconsciously touched his wrist.

There is nothing on it.

"The wire seems to have been thrown away." It has been more than a year, and it is impossible for Su Chen to say that he goes out with the wire every day.

Su Chen looked around.

A file on the table caught Su Chen's attention.

Bring it over.

Take off the distinguishing pin on the top and put it into the keyhole subconsciously.

"Wait a minute, wouldn't I be disrespecting her by doing this?"

Just when Su Chen stopped, a head appeared next to him.

"Yo? You still know how to stop?"

Hearing the sound, Su Chen didn't even think about going up.

As a result, the head suddenly shrank back and said coquettishly: "What are you doing? This is a school. What will you do if you find out?"

"get out of class has been out for so long, why are you back now?" Su Chen raised his head and looked at her: "You are not a procrastinator, are you?"

"Tang Tang, isn't this a routine operation for seniors?" Li Meng was not ashamed but proud: "You are already a senior, so you only have to give yourself a break to go to the bathroom after class."

"Why are you still sitting? The teachers are here and you don't know how to give up your seat. Other teachers say you respect teachers, but I can't see it."

Li Meng seemed to be complaining, but there was still a smile on his face, and his tone of voice was like coquettishness.

It was as if he was complaining that he hadn't come for so long.

Su Chen pulled his hand and asked Li Meng to sit on him.

"Isn't this okay? It can also save some space."

Li Meng struggled twice and then stopped struggling. She could only give him a blank look where Su Chen couldn't see him.

I prayed in my heart that no teacher would come in.

Su Chen hugged her and enjoyed the warm moment.

"What's in your last desk? It's so mysterious and locked."

"It can't be the diary written by you."

"The senior year of high school is so busy, who has time to write a diary." Li Meng wanted to go back and get something, but Su Chen didn't let her get up.

All I can say is: "If it's hanging around my waist, you can just take it."

Su Chen was not polite and reached out to take it down.

Open the last drawer and find some snacks inside.

And cell phones.

"This is..." Su Chen picked up a pack of spicy strips: "You still eat snacks secretly at school?"

"Whoever steals snacks belongs to the students." Li Meng said angrily: "Students nowadays don't know what they think. If they don't listen well in class, they will know that they are stealing snacks."

Su Chen's eyes twitched as he looked at the dried spicy strips in his hand.

"How long have you kept this thing? In other words, why don't you just throw it away."

The corner of Li Meng's mouth rose: "What I told them is to save it for them first and return it to them after the final exam."

"I have always spoken responsibly."

"..." Su Chen mourned for those students in his heart.

No one can mess with her.

Li Meng looked at Su Chen: "What are you doing in school today?"

"I'm looking for you specifically." Su Chen smiled: "Is there no one in the office now?"


706: Pan Shuai arrives, Su Chen blackmails

Just when Su Chen was planning to exchange learning experiences with Li Meng.

The door rang again.

"Teacher Li, I just heard from the teacher outside that Su Chen is back? Have you seen him?"


Li Meng looked stiffly at Pan Shuai who walked into the office, and glanced behind him in surprise.

You two are so close, haven’t you noticed?

"Teacher Li?" Pan Shuai didn't get an answer and looked back.

"Uh... I saw it. That guy wanted to open my drawer, and I gave him a lesson."

Although Li Meng didn't know what was going on, she was very cooperative and didn't say anything.

After all, the two of them were sitting on a chair together, and if anyone noticed, that would be the end of it.

But going on like this is not an option.

We can only wait until Pan Shuai leaves and leave quickly, otherwise who knows what that little bastard will do when he gets crazy.

"Oh, I don't have class next period." Pan Shuai simply sat on the chair and tidied up the things on his desk, and then showed Li Meng the fruits of today's labor.

"Teacher Li, look, I collected another mobile phone and a pack of instant noodles in class today. That guy named Li Ming is also the same. I collected three mobile phones, but he still took them. He really doesn't remember them at all."

"Hey, today's children just don't have much pressure to study, huh~~~"

"What's wrong? Teacher Li? Are you sick?"

As soon as Pan Shuai heard this voice, he immediately stood up and showed concern

Li Meng quickly covered her mouth and waved her hands.

"It's okay, my feet are just numb. I just moved a little bit and I can't bear it."

"Oh~ Teacher Li, if you have something wrong, you must tell me. Don't be embarrassed."

Pan Shuai's affection for Li Meng can be seen by the entire school.

He even confessed his love several times.

But Li Meng refused every time because she already had a boyfriend.

But in the past six months.

Pan Shuai paid attention to Li Meng's life trajectory every day and found no trace of her boyfriend.

Pan Shuai feels about this.

It must be that his sincerity is not enough to impress Li Meng, so he can only work tirelessly.

keep it up.

This made Li Meng a little unbearable.

But no matter how many times he refused, Pan Shuai still went his own way and had no choice but to let it go.

Fortunately, thanks to Su Chen's support, Li Meng's current eating habits have gradually changed.

Even if I am extremely busy, I will still have a bite to eat.

Otherwise, it will be just this half year.

Maybe it will really give Pan Shuai a chance to get close to him a few times.

Faced with Pan Shuai's concern, Li Meng would have just smiled and let it go.

But now my situation.

Being stared at by Pan Shuai like this, his face turned red.

"Teacher Li, do you have a fever?" Pan Shuai and Li Meng's workstations are opposite.

This was deliberately adjusted after my senior year in high school.


So that he could see everything about Li Meng.

Li Meng smiled and said, "It's okay~ Maybe the heater is a little too strong."

"Then I'll turn down the heat."

Watching Pan Shuai leave, Li Meng turned around and said, "Take this opportunity and leave quickly."

"Why are you leaving? I came here specifically to see the teacher today. Pan Shuai is also my English teacher. I should say hello to him."

Seeing that Su Chen still wanted to shout, Li Meng quickly covered his mouth.

"You are crazy!"

Seeing that Su Chen was silent, Li Meng took a deep breath and stared at him with the most majestic eyes she felt.

"It's okay to have dinner at my house tonight."

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