But Su Chen had seen him so many times that he could immediately see him if he called him Mengmeng.

But how could such a wonderful scene be shared with others.

You can only appreciate it yourself.

"Who said I should praise him? What I said is that this guy is just a little bastard. Who knows what he is doing in the university."

"Hahaha, okay, but it's time for us to get off work. You guys are chatting here."

The other teachers packed up and left.

They were the only two people left in the office.

"Don't come over here. I'm still packing my things, and the teacher hasn't left yet."

I won't come if you ask me not to. That mold is not very shameful.

Su Chen didn't have the slightest chance to warn and came behind Li Meng.

"What do you need to pack? Let me help you." Su Chen looked at the very neat table.

There is absolutely nothing to sort out.

"No need for you, just wait outside? Go out first." Li Meng was a little embarrassed.

Su Chen was reluctant: "That's not what you said before to let me go to class. Now you regret it?"


"That's fine, don't talk~"


The first grade teacher's office.

"Teacher Chen, I think Senior Brother Su is so awesome. I didn't expect that I would learn three word problems in just 45 minutes."

Xu Jingjing said excitedly to Chen Bei.

Chen Bei looked at her angrily: "You mean you don't understand a single question in math class?"

"..." Xu Jingjing scratched her head: "It's not my fault. Ever since I picked up a pencil in class, I couldn't understand all the math questions in high school."

Chen Bei's lips raised: "What about other subjects?"

"I can't even understand math, let alone other subjects."

"Okay, don't be poor. Why are you looking for me?"

"I just want to ask Teacher Chen to ask and see when Senior Brother Su will come again. Then I will prepare more questions to ask. Wouldn't this be better?"

Chen Bei stood up and tidied her hair.

"...Well, it just so happens that I also have something to ask."

"Then where are we going?"

"Go to Teacher Li. She was Su Chen's former class teacher. It's easy to discuss everything with her."

Xu Jingjing and Chen Bei walked towards the senior high school teacher's office and met Xu Jingjing on the way.

"Jingjing, school is out now, where do you plan to go?"

Xu Jingjing glanced at Xu Jingjing and said to Chen Bei: "I understand all the math questions that Senior Brother Su taught today. I want to ask for advice on other subjects, but I don't know where he is, so I plan to ask Teacher Li."

"That's just right, we two are going too, let's go together."

Although Xu Jingjing was unwilling, since they had met, they had no choice but to go together.

Three people came to the office.

I found that everything inside was closed.

The door can't be opened either.

Chen Bei was a little embarrassed, but she still knocked on the door: "Is Teacher Li here? I'm Chen Bei. I said before that I wanted to talk about Su Chen's affairs."

"Um...Chen...Teacher Chen.".

711: The light bulb in the office is broken, so don’t come in.

Li Meng felt very nervous when she heard what Teacher Chen said, and originally wanted to pretend that she was not there.

But Su Chen insisted on her speaking out.

"Teacher Chen...what's wrong?"

"Teacher Li is here, that's good." Chen Bei pushed the door again, but still couldn't push it in: "Teacher Li, can you open the door first?"

"Um...the light bulb in the office is broken. The office is too messy. I'm afraid I'll hurt you...if you have anything to say, just tell me here."

"That's the question I asked in the classroom before, where is Su Chen's home? I want to ask him something about teaching."

"He...his home is in Shuxiang Yayuan~ and he is Teacher Song's neighbor, huh huh~"

"What?" Chen Bei didn't hear it very clearly and wanted to hear the detailed address when suddenly there was no movement inside.

"Teacher Li seems to have said that his family lives in Shuxiangyayuan and is Teacher Song's neighbor. 447."

Xu Jingjing was surprised: "Who is Teacher Song?"

"Teacher Song, I should be talking about Song Qian. She was a former gold medal teacher in our school. It seemed that she quit her job because of her children's problems and concentrated on educating her children at home."

"Then how many points must his child get in order to be worthy of his mother's sacrifice?" Xu Jingjing exaggerated.

"She must have scored almost 700 points in the exam. His daughter's name is Qiao Yingzi, and she is in the same class as your senior brother Su."

Speaking of this name.

Both Xu Jingjing and Xu Jingjing were impressed.

After all, he was also in the top 10 in the city that year, although he was not as famous as Su Chen.

But they all had some impressions.

Xu Jingjing's eyes darkened.

She is also such a strong mother, and Qiao Yingzi scored nearly 700 points in return.

She couldn't get this grade at all.

The pressure doubles.

Li Meng felt even more nervous when she heard the voices of students outside.

Xu Jingjing: "Teacher Li, if we want to ask Senior Brother Su to make up lessons during the holidays, do you think he will agree?"

"No...no, that guy is too lazy and won't be willing at all."

"Today... I agreed to his conditions before I was willing to teach a class..."

"Conditions?" Chen Bei thought for a while: "If the conditions are not too harsh, I think it is acceptable."

"Hmm, then go and ask~"

Just as the three people were about to leave, there was a sudden sound on the office door.

Then Li Meng's voice came over.

"But be careful, that guy is just a little... gangster~"

When Xu Jingjing heard this, she seemed to have thought of something.

I blushed.

Xu Jingjing and Chen Bei looked puzzled.


That night.

Li Meng didn't go home either, and followed Su Chen back to Shuxiang Yayuan.

403 inside.

Qiao Yingzi ate the dinner cooked by Song Qian: "I heard that Su Chen went back to school today."

"Why, you miss him now after not seeing him for a day?" Song Qian smiled from the other side.

"Nonsense... I just saw a lot of people chatting on Tieba. Su Chen gave a lecture at school and made many people understand mathematics."

Qiao Yingzi blushed and handed over the phone.

Song Qian's eyes warmed as she looked at the photo above of Su Chen's lecture.

Su Chen looks really charming when he takes class seriously.


"He doesn't give many lectures. It's lucky to take this photo."

Qiao Yingzi nodded.

dong dong dong~

"Hey~ Here we go again~" Qiao Yingzi lay weakly on the chair.

Song Qian was confused.

Eyes next door.

"Is this, Su Chen is back? Then who made this sound?"

Day 2 early morning.

Sunlight shines through the window into the bedroom.

Su Chen gets up.


Just when Su Chen was about to get out of bed, the quilt was pulled away.

"It's not honest at all to grab the quilt while sleeping."

712: Chen Bei comes to ask for advice

Su Chen didn't wake up Li Meng and asked her to continue sleeping.

Go to the bathroom and wash yourself.

After washing.

Go to the kitchen and cook.

First I made some porridge, and then I made some steaks.

I thought about it.

There was still a piece of steak left.

Not all cooked.

After all, you don’t know when you will wake up. If you wake up, the steak will not be delicious as soon as it gets cold.

Su Chen came to 403 with the prepared things.

Qiao Yingzi opened the door in her pajamas with sleepy eyes.

She didn't even notice that she didn't have all her buttons fastened.

The scenery is great.

"Didn't you sleep well?" Su Chen looked at Qiao Yingzi and kept rubbing his eyes.

"How can I sleep well? After I came back, I felt that the surroundings were being renovated all the time. I could hear noises all the time at night and couldn't sleep."

Su Chen smiled awkwardly.

At this time, Song Qian also came out of the room, wearing the same pajamas as Qiao Yingzi.

Also forget the buttons.

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