It's really a family.

The two of them sat down and prepared to eat.

"and many more."

Su Chen stopped the two of them.

Walked behind them and took out the rubber band from Song Qian's wrist.

Tie both people's hair.

"Are you really afraid of eating your hair when you eat with your hair loose?"

"Hehe, I'm used to it." Qiao Yingzi laughed naively.

In fact, it was because her hair was not too long before, so eating would not be too disturbing.

Song Qian's face turned slightly red.

Say thank you.

The two of them had completely different styles, and seeing Su Chen made her heart happy.

While eating, Song Qian asked casually: "Did you go back to school yesterday?"

"Well, I went to the school to chat with the teacher for a while, but Director Zhao took me to give a lecture."

Qiao Yingzi pulled out everyone's posts discussing him and showed Su Chen.

Su Chen saw it and smiled.

Song Qian was not concerned about these, but what happened last night: "Then you came back alone at night?"

"Uh..." Su Chen glanced at Qiao Yingzi and nodded.

Song Qian understands.

After eating, Song Qian packed up her things and went to the kitchen.

Su Chen originally planned to go over and help.

As a result, he was left behind by Qiao Yingzi.

"I see that many people above say that you teach well. I'm afraid someone will come to you to make up lessons today. It's such a good holiday time, so you don't really plan to give them tutoring lessons."

Now there are less than 10 days left before the Chinese New Year, and the senior year of high school has begun to have holidays.

"of course not."

Just after Su Chen said this, Su Chen vaguely heard someone calling his name.

It seems to be outside the door.

Chen Bei is holding her textbook at the door of 402.

"Aren't you here? Or don't you want to see me?"

Just when Chen Bei was about to leave, the door of 403 next to him slowly opened.

"you are?"

After Su Chen saw Chen Bei, he immediately remembered who she was.

...... 0

But after all, the two of them have never met officially, so it's better to pretend.

"My name is Chen Bei. I am a new teacher at Chunfeng Middle School. I saw the lesson you taught yesterday and it was very good. I wanted to come and learn from it."

"Teacher Chen, do you want to learn some lessons?" Su Chen looked up and down.

Good figure and appearance.


He had another one at home, so he let her in like this, fearing that something would happen.

Chen Bei was not afraid of Su Chen's scrutiny, just like chatting with her friends.

Not embarrassed at all.

There is even the idea of ​​​​comparing.

"I don't feel like I have anything to teach."

"No, what you teach is very good and the students can understand it. I can't do this, so I must ask you for help. I am willing to do anything, as long as I can teach the students well."

"Please!" Mouth.

713: Li Meng hasn’t left yet? Chen Bei is still here

Chen Bei was mentally prepared when she came here, and even brought a lot of cash with her.

Even if Su Chen wanted money, she could pay it on the spot.

She thinks it's worth it.

There's just one strange thing. Su Chen's home address recorded in the school file is 402.

Why is he in 403?

Is it wrong?

"Who is it outside?"

Song Qian heard the sound.

Come to the door.

Looking at Chen Bei who was bending down outside, he looked at Su Chen strangely.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I didn't do anything, she wanted me to give a lecture, and that was it."

"Mr. Song?"

Chen Bei looked up and saw the gold medal teacher posted on the wall.

Song Qian.

So why is she wearing pajamas?

"You..." Chen Bei's mind was a little confused.

"Yes, we are a family, Teacher Chen, please bless us."

Su Chen looked serious.

"..." Chen Bei's mind became even more confused.

"Fuck you." Song Qian slapped Su Chen and said to Chen Bei, "Don't listen to his nonsense. I just saw him eating at home and feeling lonely, so I asked him to come to our house to eat together."

"Oh~ I thought...hehehehe." Chen Bei laughed awkwardly.

After this problem was solved, Chen Bei looked at Su Chen expectantly.

Hope he can say yes.

Originally, Su Chen was not willing, but Song Qian couldn't stand it and kept persuading her from behind.

Also agreed.

"I will be giving tutoring lessons to a student at noon these days. You just need to be there and listen."

"Good good!"

"By the way, I will find a place for you to sit there when the time comes. No matter what happens around you, you can't move around. Do you understand?"

Su Chen gave Xiao Min's children extra lessons and charged interest every time.

When collecting interest, Chen Bei must not be informed.

Her movements must be restricted.

Chen Bei also nodded very honestly. Su Chen planned to close the door and return to 403, but Song Qian pushed him out.

"We've finished eating. You'd better take Teacher Chen back to 402."

There were teachers watching outside, and Song Qian was embarrassed to let Su Chen in again.

Boom! ~

Su Chen: "..."


This scene is so familiar, it feels like the last time I encountered it was the last time.

The issue is.

There is another person at home. How can I bring Chen Bei in?

Chen Bei held the textbook in front of her chest with both hands.

When not talking.

It feels like a good girl who just went to college, but unexpectedly she became a high school teacher...

"Student Su, are we just going to stand here all the time?"

Su Chen opened the door and invited her in.

Chen Bei entered the room holding the book, and a sense of warmth greeted her.

It's obviously someone else's home.

It feels like entering your own home.

Very comfortable.

Relax mentally and physically.

Su Chen led Chen Bei to the sofa and asked her to face the master bedroom.

The two talked about studying.

Just when the two were chatting happily, the door handle of the master bedroom twisted.

Su Chen's eyes tightened.

"what sound?"

"It's okay, maybe it's just that the door handle hasn't been repaired for a long time and is a bit broken."

Chen Bei wanted to turn back, but was stopped by Su Chen.

Immediately afterwards, a beautiful woman wearing a 3.9 loose shirt came out.

Her beautiful legs that have been dazzling all her life are exposed.

Fortunately, the heating in the room was sufficient, otherwise I wouldn't have seen such an alluring scene.

The other party also glanced towards the living room, and even after seeing Su Chen and the girl opposite her, he was not at all anxious.

He even smiled at Su Chen.

Su Chen: "..."

Is this sleep stupid?

"Su there something on my face?".

715: Chen Bei: Can I go in and take a look?

Suchen brought the steak to the master bedroom.

Li Meng still pretended to be stupid: "What are you doing here? Why don't you go out quickly and take care of Teacher Chen? Don't let her see me."

"You just acted like you didn't want him to see you? Why do I feel like you want her to see you?"

Su Chen didn't have time to complain, so he put the steak on the bedside table next to him.

"You haven't eaten anything this morning. I made some for you. Try it."

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