There was a sound of clinking pots and pans in the kitchen.

Chen Bei suddenly turned around: "What happened in the kitchen?"

"It's okay. My mother must have wanted to cook and ended up messing up everything here. I'm used to it."

Since coming here to study, his mother has always wanted to repay Su Chen's teaching with her own ideas.

The result was chaos every day.

Chen Bei smiled helplessly.

With Su Chen's cooking skills, does he still need help from others to cook?

This is not a show of force in front of Guan Gong.

717: Li Meng: It’s almost a mess.

The commotion in the kitchen continued.

The sound of water flows continuously.

Chen Bei and Jin Jiajun were outside digesting what they had just been taught.

Liu Xiaomin was a little nervous at first, but as time passed little by little.

She also gradually let go.

Now basically, Su Chen said so and fully cooperated.

Li Meng in the bathroom was stunned when he heard the movement.

Without Jin Jiajun causing trouble, Li Meng could easily guess what they were doing.

"What a little hooligan, how can he still teach others like this? Wait, then don't I just push Chen Bei into the fire pit?"

Li Meng was anxious 463.

She had also reminded Chen Bei before, asking her to be careful about Su Chen.

But that's just kidding.

I never thought that if I said it, I would eat her.

But seeing something like this happen in front of her today, she was worried again.

Mainly still a little uncomfortable.

He is younger and prettier than her, and he is also a teacher.

Your own halo is not worth mentioning in front of others.

Thinking of this, Li Meng, who was originally anxious to leave, became less anxious.

I want to keep Su Chen's heart.

It seems that we have to find a solution from him.


After more than half an hour, Su Chen came out of the kitchen and continued the class.

Chen Bei always felt something was wrong when she saw Su Chen coming out, but she couldn't explain it.

Su Chen continued his lecture.

Jin Jiajun was not interested at all in where Su Chen went or what he did. He just wanted to finish the class here and leave.

Su Chen naturally complied with his request.

There is a beautiful woman hiding in the bathroom, and I just want to finish teaching them and leave quickly.

Then let Li Meng come out.

It's okay to stay in the bathroom all the time.

The two of them were taking notes down there. Time passed quickly, and another hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Only then did Liu Xiaomin sort out her clothes from the kitchen.

It seems that cooking is really tiring.

At this time, Su Chen also finished speaking.

"Okay, that's all for today, everyone can leave."

Jin Jiajun didn't even look at Liu Xiaomin and left with his handbag.

Liu Xiaomin smiled at Su Chen and left with Jin Jiajun.

She really wanted to live here if she could.

Su Chen put away the blackboard and other things and found Chen Bei still sitting in the living room.

"Teacher Chen, what else do you want?"


Chen Bei smiled: "No, I just want to sit there a little longer."

"By the way, did Jiajun's mother make lunch for you just now? Did she use it for tutoring expenses?"

Su Chen nodded.

"I'm not short of money. If you really want me to teach, you have to put in some work."

Chen Bei looked at the room: "Then I also listen to your lectures. Do I need to do anything for you?"

Of course Su Chen wanted to say something, but he saw the head sticking out of the bathroom.

He changed his tune and said: "Since you are the person recommended by Teacher Li, of course I will not ask for anything. I just hope that what you hear or see in the future will not be spread to others."

Chen Bei thought Su Chen was talking about his teaching skills and immediately agreed.

The two chatted for a while, and Chen Bei planned to leave.

delivered to the door.

Chen Bei suddenly covered her lower abdomen.

"I'm sorry, can I borrow the bathroom at your house?"

"But..." Su Chen paused.

Chen Bei blushed and said, "I've drank too much water until now, and I really can't help it."

"You can borrow the bathroom, of course." Su Chen deliberately spoke loudly just so that Li Meng could hear her and hide herself quickly.

Chen Bei didn't know what Su Chen meant, and her face turned redder.

Quickly ran to the bathroom.

718: Eat the marrow and know the taste, never forget it

There is only one bathroom here in Su Chen.

Washing and bathing are here.

But Su Chen made a dry and wet separation, with a curtain in the middle.

After Li Meng heard Su Chen's prompt, she immediately ran to the shower room.

Close the curtain.

After hearing that Chen Bei was going to the toilet, I felt relieved.

Feeling quite curious, Li Meng secretly opened a crack and looked outside.

The results surprised her.


ten minutes later.

Chen Bei came out of the toilet and blushed when she saw Su Chen at the door.

"I'm leaving first." Chen Bei shook her hair and left quickly.

Su Chen looked at the hand that was still in the air, full of confusion.

What's happening here?

Am I scary?

Li Meng came out of the toilet with her face flushed.

I didn't expect Chen Bei to be such a person.

"Then I'll leave first~"

Li Meng wanted to leave, but Su Chen held her hand: "What happened in the toilet just now? Did you two bump into each other?"


"Why do I see that he seems to be shy and scared."

"You..." Li Meng realized that Su Chen was really confused and gritted his teeth: "You shouldn't know, I'm leaving."

How could Su Chen let her go like this? These two people obviously had secrets they were hiding from him.

"No, if you don't make your words clear today, don't plan to leave."

"I won't say anything. What can you do?"

"Then don't blame me for being rude!"

Chen Bei fled all the way outside Shuxiang Yayuan.

Looking back at the house.

He looked at his hands again.

"Chen Bei, are you crazy?" Chen Bei's eyes were filled with annoyance.

I don’t know how I could do such a crazy thing.

But I long for it in my heart.

I simply love and hate Su Chen here.

If you really don’t want to continue, then not coming tomorrow is the best option.

But would Chen Bei really think so?

the other side.

Liu Xiaomin took Jin Jiajun home.

Chen Zhuo made lunch and waited at home.

"How is it? Today is the same as before, you learn very fast." Chen Zhuo helped Liu Xiaomin take down the bag and hang it on the shelf.

"You have to ask your child about this. I've been busy in the kitchen." Liu Xiaomin sighed.

I've been really getting tired lately.

Chen Zhuo said with a smile: "Su Chen is a great chef himself, and his cooking is particularly delicious. The Jiang family's kitchen is full of consultants. If you have to cook for others, who else will be tired if you don't do it?"

"I don't want to either, but for the sake of my children, I can only do this."

For the first time, Liu Xiaomin might be able to say very firmly that it was for the sake of her children.

But now.

Liu Xiaomin couldn't figure out whether she wanted to go there or if it was really for the sake of her children.

After all that feels like.

Eat marrow to know the taste.

I can't forget it at all, and I feel like I feel uncomfortable if I don't go for a day.


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