It's over, she's addicted.

"I think Su Chen is very ordinary. He is just handsome, can cook, and studies well. Even if he enters the society like this, he still has to rely on his emotional intelligence to survive."

"Studying well does not necessarily mean living well in society."

Studying well does not mean that you can do well in society.

But they at least proved their learning ability and proved that they can learn things very quickly in a new company.

This is exactly what the company needs.

There are many people who do not study well and have insufficient emotional intelligence, but they can only use this as an excuse.

After all, if you don't study well, you will be found out in school.

And emotional intelligence is not enough.

In most cases, they are discovered after graduation.

At that time, my classmates were scattered all over the place.

No one will expose his background.

Liu Xiaomin glanced at Jin Jiajun: "You and your dad are really more and more alike, so you are so tough-talking."

719: Song Qian: Have you thought about how to celebrate the New Year?

Days go by.

Liu Xiaomin and Chen Bei come every day.

Su Chen and Liu Xiaomin's cooperation became more and more tacit, and once they were almost seen by Jin Jiajun at the kitchen door.

But the two people's excellent cooperation prevented him from noticing any clues.

Su Chen suddenly discovered that this thing that lowered the sense of presence was simply a miracle.

With it.

I can do something bolder, but I don't have Lan Weiwei by my side.

Unlike Gao Baojing and Lin Youyou, Su Chen was more restrained.

Mostly just at home.

Used for defense.

Until he discovered Chen Bei's secret...

Today is approaching the Chinese New Year.

Su Chen planned to stop taking extra classes and sincerely welcome the arrival of the New Year.

Send Liu Xiaomin and Jin Jiajun away.

Chen Bei borrowed the toilet as usual.

But this time, whether intentionally or not, the toilet door was not completely closed.

When Su Chen saw it, he just put his hand on the doorknob when a voice came from inside.

"Su Chen..."

Su Chen:? ? ? ? ? ?

Look inside.

Su Chen now understood the secret that Li Meng refused to tell last time.

It turned out to be the case.

After ten minutes.

Chen Bei stood at the door of Su Chen's house and said goodbye to him.

"Then...does that mean you won't continue to make up classes after the Chinese New Year?" Chen Bei asked a little embarrassed, holding the textbook.

Su Chen coughed lightly: "Actually, if you want to come, I'm not unwilling."

"Really?!" Chen Bei's eyes lit up.

Then I felt a little embarrassed.

"I came to you to give you so many lessons, but not only did I not pay you, I also didn't do you any favors. I'm really a little embarrassed."

Su Chen: "If you're really embarrassed, why don't you invite me to your home?"

" my house? This...this..." Chen Bei was very nervous and couldn't even speak clearly.

grow so big.

She has never invited a man to her home.

If this is an active invitation.

Does it mean that two people want to talk about each other?

Is it going to be developed further?

【Nervous, flustered, sweet】

Feeling the confusion in Chen Bei's heart, Su Chen reached out and touched her head.

"Don't be nervous, I just said it casually to prevent you from thinking too much."

After hearing Su Chen's words, Chen Bei really felt that she was slowly calming down.

"It's not that I don't want to invite you, but my house is quite messy. So, just wait for me for two days, and then I'll pack it up and come over to invite you."

After saying that, Chen Bei was embarrassed, turned around and ran away holding the book.

As a result, he bumped into the door...


Chen Bei's face turned even redder, she opened the door and ran inside.

Ended up rushing all the way to the shower.

This is not outside.

Chen Bei's head was still a little dazed, and Su Chen's voice came from behind.

"This is the bathroom, the door is outside."

Su Chen watched Chen Bei move to him step by step, head lowered.

"I'm really sorry for making you laugh."

Find your bearings this time.

Rush over, open the door, and leave.

All in one go.

Su Chen smiled.

He is obviously a teacher, but he behaves like a little girl who has just entered college.

It's quite interesting.

Pack up.

Rushed to 403 for dinner.

Song Qian's mental state is getting better and better during this period of time. Sitting next to Qiao Yingzi, she really looks more and more like a sister.

The conversation between the two gradually became best friends.

Just in terms of who I like.

The two of them kept silent and made a tacit understanding not to ask each other any more questions.

The dinner table.

Qiao Yingzi suddenly asked: "There are only a few more days to celebrate the New Year. If you don't write, it should be over."

Su Chen nodded: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Song Qian smiled slightly.

"Then have you decided how to spend this new year?".

720: This year, we need to make arrangements.

Su Chen was stunned when he heard Song Qian's words.

Looking at Song Qian and Qiao Yingzi's expectant expressions, they felt a little numb.

He just found out now.

It seems that I still have one crisis that I haven’t overcome yet, and that is the Chinese New Year.

Whether it's Li Meng or Yang Tao's parents.

Or it could be someone from Song Qian, Xiao Meng, or Huang Zhitao.

It seems possible to call him during the Chinese New Year.

How to do this?

Seeing that Su Chen was silent, Qiao Yingzi suddenly smiled.

"Hahaha, are there too many people and don't know what to do?"

"That is actually very easy to handle. Just wait until the Chinese New Year, just like last time, just gather everyone at home."

Qiao Yingzi said proudly.

Su Chen: "..."

Just get together at home and nothing will happen.

Song Qian said: "I will call Wenjie and Xiaomeng over and have some drinks together. How about that?"

Song Qian's eyes were like water.

Seeing Su Chen's heart trembling, just when he was about to say yes.

The phone rang.

It's star fruit.

Picking up the phone and listening to it gave him a cardiac arrest.

"Su Chen, do you have time on New Year's Eve? My mother wants to invite you over for a reunion dinner."


Su Chen held the phone, Song Qian's smile did not change.

This is obviously to let Su Chen make a choice to see who he will accompany on the next day.

Su Chen said: "I have time."

Hearing Su Chen's answer, Yang Tao was very happy: "That's it, I'll prepare it then~"

Su Chen: "Is it possible to set the time at noon on the first day of the new year?"

"At noon on the first day of the new year?" Yang Tao thought for a while: "Then..."

"I can go there in the next few days."

"Then it's settled! Don't run away then!"

Hang up the phone.

Qiao Yingzi was surprised: "Who called you? Why did you ask if you were free on New Year's Eve?"

"Work calls, after all, capitalists only see profits and no holidays." Su Chen laughed at himself.

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