Song Qian continued to ask: "How are you considering it?"

Just when Su Chen was about to answer, his cell phone rang again.

This time it’s not star fruit, but Lan Caiping.

I also asked him if he had time.

Do you want to have a meal together?

But Su Chen wasn't that concerned about this, after all, Lan Weiwei wasn't here.

What's the point of having dinner with you two old men?

But Su Chen didn't refuse directly. Instead, he said: "Xang Tao invited me to her house for dinner today at noon. How about we come together? Then make a video call to Weiwei and let's celebrate the New Year together."

Lan Caiping was stunned when she heard this, and instinctively wanted to refuse.

But Lan Weiwei's father agreed.

"This is indeed a good suggestion."

"What's a good suggestion? We were supposed to have dinner with our family, but instead we went next door and you were very happy?"

The more Lan Caiping became interested in Su Chen, the more she couldn't stand Xue Sumei's showing off.

Lan Weiwei's father said: "Think about it, if this kid really has something on his mind, why would he tell him about having dinner with Xue Sumei's family during the Chinese New Year 463?"

"Can't we just go to his place at noon and come to our place in the evening?"

"Since he can tell this and give a suggestion, it proves that he has no evil intentions in his heart, which I think is good."

When Lan Caiping thought about it, it seemed that this was true.

Also agreed.

Let's have dinner together at noon on New Year's Eve, but she has to call Xue Sumei first.

Su Chen wiped away his sweat.

I didn't expect this to actually come.

Song Qian put her hands on the table and stared at him with her eyes.

"I'll accompany you tonight." Su Chen made a pun.

Song Qian blushed and nodded excitedly.

Before Qiao Yingzi could be happy, Su Chen's phone rang again.

721: There are too many people. It’s very troublesome to speak one by one.

Su Chen returned home and wrote down all the people who called him today on the blackboard.

star fruit.

Lan Caiping.

Li Meng.

Jiang Nansun.

Gao Baojing.

What a blessing.

When I saw these familiar names, I crossed out the next three names.

These people are all in Shanghai, so a few simple blessings on the phone will be fine.

The first few need to let him go.

Yang Tao and Lan Caiping have already agreed to have a reunion dinner with them at noon.

This is easy to say.

Then there is Li Meng.

"How should we arrange this time?" Su Chen looked at the blackboard, lost in thought.

At noon it was Yang Tao and Lan Caiping's family, and in the evening I had to be with Song Qian and the others.

After all, Tong Wenjie, Xiao Meng and the others are also here. If I leave, wouldn't I be sorry for myself?

"How about scheduling it on the second day of the Lunar New Year? Wouldn't it be good on the second day of the Lunar New Year?"

Su Chen thought for a while and decided to call Li Meng and set the time for the second day of the new year.

"Why can't we come on the first day of the new year? We can also come at noon." Li Meng asked on the phone.

"The second day of junior high school is not the time to visit your parents' house. I can just come to you with gifts."

Su Chen had already prepared his sweet words, and Li Meng fell in love after hearing a few words.

Finish things here.

The door to the house rang again.

Liu Jing knocked on the door and came in.

Suchen asked her to lie on the sofa and stood aside to start the treatment.

"Hmm~~~I see you are at home. The Chinese New Year is coming soon. Do you need to prepare new year's goods? I...we have some things at home. If you can't finish them, I can give you some." Liu Jing didn't know what to do with herself. Repay Su Chen.

Just thought of giving me something.

In fact, Su Chen didn't need anything. After all, he himself took advantage of this kind of treatment.

But since the other party said it.

Naturally, Su Chen would not refute her kindness.


Liu Jing opened the door half an hour later.

Ji Shengli is watching TV at home.

"Honey, where have you been so late?"

Liu Jing was startled when she heard the sound. She didn't expect Ji Shengli to be at home at this time.

My heart is tight.

But after all, he is a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, but there is no nervousness on his face.

After changing my shoes, I walked towards the kitchen.

"Why did you leave work so early today?"

"Oh, the Chinese New Year is coming soon. All I have been doing these days is writing documents and doing a year-end summary. I'll be back if nothing happens."

"Have you eaten yet? Do you want to make some for you? My brother has sent me a lot of things, so I can make more food."

"No, there's food at work. I won't come back until I finish."

She was relieved when she saw Ji Shengli continued to focus on the TV.

I went to the kitchen to tidy up briefly and took a look at the refrigerator and the things on the floor.

There are mountain treasures.

There is seafood flavor.

There is also some game.

They are all vacuum-packed after processing, making them extremely fresh.

It's just that there are only two people in his family and they can't eat so much.

It’s also bad to keep at home.

Simply pack it up into a pile.

I packed up the delicacies and game separately. These were intended to be given to Su Chen for the year.

"...Honey, why did you suddenly separate the things your brother sent?"

Just as Liu Jing calmed down, she was startled again by the sudden sound.

"You scared me. I see that Su Chen is at home and hasn't prepared any new year's goods. These things are all intended to be given to him so that he can buy them for the year."

Ji Shengli clasped his hands behind his back: "His parents haven't come back yet?"

"No, I'm just at home alone."

"Oh, speaking of Su Chen, I remembered that Fangyuan just called me and said that we wanted to have dinner together during the Chinese New Year. We would be at Teacher Song's house then. Can we go together?"

722: Liu Jing sends new year gifts

Liu Jing thought about it and agreed.

If Ji Yangyang doesn't come back from abroad, it won't be interesting if only the two of them are left in this family to celebrate the New Year.

Might as well have a meal with friends.

Ji Shengli smiled happily, because Liu Jing would not care about him when he was drinking with friends during the Chinese New Year.

Then I can drink with Fangyuan, Qiao Weidong and the others again.

Just think about it and be happy.

Ji Shengli glanced and suddenly noticed something on the side of Liu Jing's mouth.

"Honey, there's something on your face. You just ate outside and you didn't wipe your mouth."

"Why are you eating secretly? If you don't come back, it's normal for me to eat something outside." Liu Jing was nervous, wiped her face with her hands, and subconsciously stuffed it into her mouth.

Seeing her like this, Ji Shengli smiled relievedly.

"It's just these few days. After the New Year is over and the beginning of the New Year is busy, I won't have anything to do. I'll be at home with you then."

Liu Jing felt the taste in her mouth.

His eyes were blank.

Finally nodded.


Time passes day by day.

Everyone started to go out to buy new year's goods.

Pasting Spring Festival couplets.

The smell of meat wafts from every house.

The entire scholarly garden has a joyful atmosphere from top to bottom.

I am afraid that I can only experience this feeling here for a few days a year.

The rest of the time is extremely depressing.

Liu Jing took the packed things to Su Chen's house, and met Song Qian and Qiao Yingzi on the way.

"Are you planning to give all these things to Su Chen?" Qiao Yingzi was very confused when she saw the things in Liu Jing's hands.

Just by looking at it, you can tell there are a lot of delicious food.

Liu Jing smiled and nodded: "Su Chen helped our Yang Yang so much before, but he never thanked her very much. No, my brother got some game meat from somewhere, and I just sent it over for him to try."

Song Qian smiled and said: "These are all good things. He will definitely be very happy after receiving them."

"I'm so happy that I can put it away tonight and eat it tomorrow."

Qiao Yingzi thought of Su Chen's cooking skills.

There was happiness in her eyes.

I'm used to eating good food at home, so I don't feel like it.

It was only after she went to Nanda University that she realized how painful Su Chen was.

No wonder Lin Miaomiao followed Su Chen to the Magic City just for a bite to eat.

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