Song Qian also took her things home.

Su Chen happened to open the door.

I met the three people, said hello and let Liu Jing in.

"So much." Su Chen looked excited at the game Liu Jing put on the ground.

As said before.

Even the best cooking skills cannot change the essence of the ingredients.

Good ingredients, even with the simplest cooking methods, can make people very happy when eating.

What Liu Jing brought today is of this grade, and is better than the free-range chickens in Jiang's kitchen.

Even if it just needs to be steamed or boiled.

The taste will not be worse than those restaurants.

"You can't finish these things at home, even you..."

Liu Jing suddenly remembered that there was only one person in Su Chen's family.

so many things.

He can't seem to finish eating at home.

"Did I take too much?"

"Not too much, not too much, it just fits in the refrigerator, and I can take it to other people when I'm done."

Su Chen packed his things and muttered: "It seems that there is no need to go shopping for this year's New Year's Eve dinner."

Liu Jing watched Su Chen gathering the ingredients and subconsciously sat on the sofa to wait for him.

This scene of sitting on the sofa and listening to work in the kitchen actually made Liu Jing feel at home.

"It seems more relaxed here. No wonder Song Qian and Tong Wenjie like to be with Su Chen. If I were so close, I would do the same."

723: Tong Wenjie: Let you see my new clothes

Su Chen packed up all the things Liu Jing brought.

There is both meat and vegetables here.

Su Chen took out the chicken and pork first.

Fry some oil in the pan.

Liu Jing was also asked to take some back, and the rest was given to Song Qian and Tong Wenjie.

When they arrived at Tong Wenjie's house, Fangyuan was also frying oil in the kitchen.

After all, it is considered a traditional project, and is usually done when someone at home knows how to cook.

Knowing that Su Chen had sent something, the happiest person was not Tong Wenjie, but Fang Yifan and Linnel.

"I'll go. Su Chen had known that you would bring food over, so I wouldn't let my dad cook it. Just cook it for you." Fang Yifan took out a chicken drumstick and ate it beautifully.

The same goes for Lin Leier.

"Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat. I'm so busy in the kitchen that I'm sweating profusely. You don't even know how to care about Su Chen's delivery, so you just eat." Tong Wenjie saw Fang Yifan being so conscientious from the side - she just endured it. Keep complaining.

"I'm so tired that he's sweating profusely. It's not because of your wishes. If we move home earlier, we won't be so tired."

"I'm going to say this." Fang Yuan came out of the kitchen with a colander and an apron: "Since we moved to this place, you have found me a job again, and it still can't be solved. Your work is open and your future is bright. .”

"You have also been admitted to the university of your choice, and Lei'er has also been admitted to Qinghua University. Our family has a bright future, so I think this is the blessed place for our family. Why should it be so?"

"Okay, okay, it's just you two fathers and I'll just take care of them." Fang Yifan didn't say much to his father's explanation.

After all, these are facts.

And after I went to college, my live broadcast career became better and better.

It doesn't matter that this is a blessed place.

"Okay, you go in and cook quickly, otherwise Su Chen will send you something. This little food is not enough for the two of them."

"Got it."

Fangyuan re-entered the kitchen with a frying spoon. Lin Lei'er and Fang Yifan were eating on the sofa and watching TV.

Tong Wenjie looked at Su Chen: "Come with me, I will show you something."

Su Chen looked at the people outside: "Isn't it appropriate?"

"Now that you know you're afraid? Then you still dare to come?"

Tong Wenjie said to Fang Yifan: "Which one of you is willing to clean up my computer?"

Fang Yifan pretended not to hear.

Lin Lei'er wanted to stand up, but was pulled by Fang Yifan.

"Just stop getting up. You didn't see that my mother wanted Su Chen to help. The two of us would have only been criticized in the past."

"Then, aunt, let Su Chen help you."

Tong Wenjie glanced at Su Chen proudly, and the two of them entered the bedroom one after another.

Lin Lei'er: "Cousin, wouldn't it be appropriate for me not to withdraw?"

"What's inappropriate? You don't think there will be anything wrong with Su Chen and us, right?" Fang Yifan said with a smile: "There are so many young beauties around Su Chen, how could he fall in love with my mother?"


Lin Leier nodded.

That seems to be correct.


The bedroom decor is very simple.

A bed, two bedside tables, and a wardrobe.

Tong Wenjie closed the door.

Press Su Chen onto the bed.

Su Chen held his hands in front of him: "Don't do this."

"Keke~ Don't be like that?" Tong Wenjie said coquettishly: "Did you imagine? I came here today just to show you how my new clothes look like."

"Oh~ You should have told me earlier, I'm the best at looking at clothes." Su Chen sat there seriously.

Those who didn’t know thought he planned to be a referee.

Tong Wenjie opened the closet.

Take something out of it.

724: Song Qian was involved in shopping for clothes at night

Tong Wenjie changed her clothes in front of Su Chen without hesitation.

This gave him a different feeling.

After all, Fang Yifan is outside, and not everyone can encounter this kind of scene.

At the same time, the thin black gauze was tied on her body, showing off Tong Wenjie's figure.

"This underwear... looks so familiar." Su Chen felt as if he had seen similar clothes in a certain series.

"Why did I buy it outside? No one knew, so I planned to wait until New Year's Eve to wear it."

Wearing pajamas, he walked around in front of Su Chen.

Seeing the victorious hand of the other party, she quickly dodged it.

"Don't even think about it, I'm just showing you today."

"It's definitely not good if you just look at it, but it would be different if you could touch it."

"I want to touch it. Just wait until tomorrow."


Less than 10 minutes.

Two people came out of the bedroom.

Tong Wenjie's face was full of brilliance, but Su Chen was a little depressed.

It only takes 3 minutes to change clothes.

The rest of the time was spent letting Su Chen calm down.

"The computer is almost repaired, you can leave."

Seeing Su Chen leaving dejectedly, Fang Yifan confidently said to Lin Lei'er: "Did you see, this is definitely the result when the two of us go in."

Tong Wenjie rolled her eyes when she heard what they said.

Do you also want this result?

Think beautifully.

When Su Chen returned home, the image of Tong Wenjie changing clothes filled her mind.

"How can I let you control it?" Su Chen looked at the photos secretly taken on his phone.

The corners of the mouth rise.

Send this photo to Song Qian and Xiaomeng respectively.

"Clothes bought secretly are boring. Inward curling is the best choice."

Song Qian, who was lying on the sofa with Qiao Yingzi watching TV at home, heard a cell phone notification tone.

About to reach for the phone.

As a result, Qiao Yingzi took the first step.

Song Qian was not in a hurry and asked casually: "Whose news is it?"

Qiao Yingzi casually picked it up twice without turning on her phone.

But see the note above.

"It's a photo sent by Su Chen, but the screensaver cannot be turned on."

Qiao Yingzi had no choice but to hand over the phone.

Song Qian clicked on her phone and saw the photo above. It turned out to be a photo of underwear! ! !

His eyes tightened.

His body trembled.

If this was discovered by Qiao Yingzi just now, the society would really be dead!

"Why did Su Chen post such a photo at this time! Wait, who is on this?" Song Qian enlarged the photo and her eyes suddenly widened...

Is this Tong Wenjie? ? ?

"When did you buy this dress? Why didn't I know!"

Song Qian thought of Su Chen posting this photo, and easily thought that Su Chen and Tong Wenjie had just been together.

Think again of tomorrow’s New Year’s Eve.

"She is planning to steal the house! No, I have to prepare quickly!"

Qiao Yingzi looked at Song Qian, her expression had been uncertain since she got the phone.

Finally he got up from the sofa as if he had made up his mind.

"Mom, it's so late, where are you going?"

"buying clothes!"

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