Huang Zhitao covered his head: "No, I can't drink any more. If I drink more, I will collapse."

Qiao Yingzi raised her hand slightly: "It doesn't matter. You can sleep directly at my house when you're drunk. Su Chen, help Tao Zi back to my house. Go quickly."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qiao Yingzi fell on the sofa and fell asleep.

"Hey~ Yingzi, Yingzi?" Lin Lei'er shook Qiao Yingzi's legs, but she didn't wake her up. She smiled beside him and said: "I told you that my ability to drink is better than yours. I haven't drunk yet. You guys are now Just fell asleep.”

"Okay, don't show off your drinking capacity. You will be the first one to get drunk."

Fang Yifan lay on the ground and complained: "If 470 we didn't dare to persuade you to drink when you were drunk, do you think you would still be sitting here now?"

Lin Lei'er wanted to refute.

Fang Yifan didn't give him this chance, turned over and fell asleep.

Su Chen looked at the current situation and felt that it was almost done.

Even Ji Yangyang, who was lying across the tablet, fell asleep.

Holding Huang Zhitao.

Let Qiao Yingzi lie on his back.

"Lei'er, then I'll send them two back first."

"Well, let's go back. Be careful on the way. I'll continue to drink some here." Lin Lei'er bowed, picked up the unfinished beer on the table and drank it down in one gulp.

The face is full of happy smiles.

Su Chen shook his head. Unexpectedly, they unknowingly turned on Lin Leier's drunkenness mode.

I don't know if it's right or wrong.

But none of this has anything to do with him. Anyway, it was Fang Yifan who set him up, and if he wanted to fight, he would be beaten.



Things developed similarly to last year. Before the New Year's bell rang, the three men at the table were already drunk and unconscious.

The main reason is that they are not allowed to drink alcohol normally, but on the New Year's Day, a few women don't care.

They drank very quickly.

Get drunk faster.

Song Qian and the others were still slightly tipsy, while Qiao Weidong and the others were already lying on the table.

Don't know anything.

Song Qian looked at the people lying on the table sleeping soundly: "Take them away?"

Xiaomeng took out the key and said, "Bring it to my house."

Liu Jing looked at the three women and felt a little embarrassed.

Among them, Victory is the biggest in several seasons, and he is the hardest to support.

"Otherwise, we should call Su Chen and ask him to come up and help. We women can't help him." Liu Jing suggested.

dong dong dong~

Song Qian opened the door.

Su Chen walked into 403 cautiously.

Several people looked over.

Su Chen held one in his arms and carried another on his back.

Tong Wenjie smiled and said: "You kid can do it. You went over to have a drink and you were pestered by two little beauties."

"Don't we still have four beauties here? It should be said that we are being pestered by six beauties now." Su Chen joked.

As a result, everyone in the room blushed.

"Stop talking nonsense, let Yingzi come down and sleep quickly." Song Qian didn't know about Liu Jing's affairs, and felt that it would be easy to expose her directly in front of outsiders.

Quickly change the subject.

He stretched out his hand to take off Qiao Yingzi from Su Chen's body.

As a result, Qiao Yingzi held her arms too tightly, leaving Song Qian unable to do anything.

"Yingzi, get up quickly and go back to the house to sleep."

"Well~ I'm going to sleep on Su Chen's back." Qiao Yingzi swayed her body to make herself more comfortable.

You want to sleep on his back, and so do I.

If you sleep here, we won't be able to sleep tonight.

728: You guys are going too far, please be gentle.

Song Qian didn't take it off even after picking it off a few times. She saw that Huang Zhitao was also developing towards Qiao Yingzi.

If they were allowed to hug each other one after another.

Then they can go back to their respective homes tonight and sleep.

"You two are still laughing there, come over and help." Song Qian glared at the two of them.

Tong Wenjie and Xiao Meng came up.

Three people worked together to capture two people.

Tong Wenjie looked at Huang Zhitao beside her: "I didn't expect that the little girl is so powerful. The three of us almost couldn't sit down."

Three people helped them back to the room.

Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao hugged each other tightly, which was considered honest.

The only ones left were a few men lying outside.

Liu Jing said sheepishly: "Can you help me help your Uncle Ji go home?"

Song Qian and the three of them dragged Qiao Weidong and Fangyuan to Xiao Meng's house.

Just like last year.

Su Chen helped Ji Shengli go downstairs and helped him into the bedroom.

Liu Jing looked at Su Chen: " seems that there is no time for treatment."

Su Chen glanced at Ji Shengli lying on the bed.

Putting his hands on her shoulders.

"There's still time."


Xiao Meng, Song Qian and others took Qiao Weidong and Fangyuan towards the place where Xiao Meng lived.

Song Qian asked doubtfully: "You have recently discovered that Liu Jing's figure seems to be better than before, much slimmer."

Tong Wenjie laughed dryly: "Maybe it's because I haven't had much to do lately and I've been exercising at home. This kind of thing happens everywhere and there's nothing to discuss."

Tong Wenjie pushed Liu Jing to Su Chen, which simply created a competitor for them.

If Song Qian knew this, she would definitely be scolded.

Xiao Meng was also puzzled: "But this change is too fast. I haven't seen it for only half a year. It feels like the change is bigger than the year I practiced yoga."

When Song Qian heard this, she couldn't help but look at Tong Wenjie.

"Do you think this change is similar to Su Chen?"

"I don't know, don't look at me." Tong Wenjie felt guilty.

How could Song Qian and her friends for so many years not know what it feels like for her friends to feel guilty?

A hand rests on her shoulder.

"Wenjie, it seems you have something you haven't told us."

"Ah? Is there any?" Tong Wenjie supported Fang Yuan: "Oh, you are so heavy. I will make you lose weight after you go back."

Then Song Qian and Xiao Meng watched Tong Wenjie quickly walk towards the house.

Xiao Meng approached Song Qian: "Things seem to be very clear."

"Let's go. If he doesn't speak clearly tonight, don't even think about doing anything!"

After Song Qian and Xiao Meng brought the people in, they asked Tong Wenjie the real reason.

As a result, he naturally didn't want to say anything.

Then they were surrounded and suppressed by two people.

"Ah! You guys are going too far, show mercy!!"

...... 0

Originally I thought it would be over in 20 minutes, but Su Chen still waited for half an hour.

no way.

After all, medicine is precious, and it is normal for it to take a longer time.

But when Su Chen returned to 403, he found that Song Qian and the others had not returned yet.

"It seems like we should hold on a little longer."

At this moment, Qiao Yingzi's bedroom door opened, and Huang Zhitao came out, rubbing her eyes in confusion.

"I'm at Yingzi's house? Why are you there too?"

Su Chen closed the door and locked it.

"I'm not here to see you. I'm here to say Happy New Year to you on the first day of the Lunar New Year."

Falling into Su Chen's arms, Huang Zhitao's face was filled with happiness.

"Now, I want to be happy."

"You ask for it, and I'll satisfy it~" Mouth.

729: Tong Wenjie is shaking at the door

Su Chen came back early, and the others hadn't arrived yet. At this time, Su Chen happened to go out and play with Huang Zhitao.

There is no snow in the imperial capital in winter.

Su Chen drove while Huang Zhitao sat beside him, and the two looked at each other affectionately.

The location of the tour is still in Twin Mountains.

Stalactite Cave.

Su Chen has brought several people to this place, and Huang Zhitao is no exception.

got here.

Even in winter, the ground here was still overgrown with weeds. Su Chen couldn't help but sigh at how tenacious these weeds were.

Huang Zhitao nodded.

Huang Zhitao was not as enthusiastic as Yang Tao, so she just passively let Su Chen lead her inside.

The scenery after entering made the two of them feel relaxed and happy.

They were all mesmerized by the scenery in front of them.

It is because there is not much human intervention here that it becomes so beautiful.

Su Chen couldn't help but hug Huang Zhitao, and the two of them enjoyed a moment of tranquility in the stalactite cave.

The two played for a long time.

Huang Zhitao was already a little tired, so Su Chen drove her back.

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