He carried her to Qiao Yingzi's room again.

Huang Zhitao asked: "Why don't you sleep at your place?"

"Yingzi has been holding you before going to bed. I'm afraid she won't be able to find you when she wakes up at night."


Huang Zhitao didn't care whether he believed it or not, he just nodded obediently.

Su Chen stroked her hair.

At this moment, Su Chen heard the sound of opening the door outside.

Let Huang Zhitao sleep quickly.

After covering her with the quilt, Su Chen left the bedroom.

The moment the bedroom door closed, Qiao Yingzi opened her eyes.

The body trembled slightly.


Su Chen turned around and closed the bedroom door.

The door of 403 just opened.

Song Qian and Xiao Meng came in from the outside talking and laughing, and neither of them noticed Su Chen's movements.

"Su Chen, has everyone helped you over?"

"I helped him back. He slept very well." Su Chen nodded, thinking about Ji Shengli's situation, and the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising.

Song Qian asked again: "Yingzi is asleep too?"

"Well, I slept very well."

Xiaomeng raised her eyebrows slightly: "How do you know they slept so well?"

"I've done a test, and I can't wake up even if I scream." Su Chen said seriously.

Song Qian rolled her eyes at him: "Let the child sleep well and call her."

Calling is calling, but you don’t necessarily have to call her in the future.

"By the way, where's Sister Tong?" Su Chen couldn't help but be curious when he saw that only the two of them came back and Tong Wenjie was not seen.

"She is being punished for doing something sorry for us..."

"What punishment?"

Song Qian and Xiao Meng looked at each other with a mysterious smile on their faces.

"Is it time to go to your house to play now? Are you still not leaving?" Song Qian and Xiao Meng stood at the door with no intention of changing their shoes. They planned to leave as soon as they came back.

Su Chen looked at them curiously, wondering what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd.

"Hurry up and come with us. For every minute you delay, your child sister will suffer for one minute." Song Qian urged angrily from the side.

"The more you say this, the more curious I become. How do you punish me?" Su Chen walked to the door and changed his shoes when he was traveling.

Now change it back again.

After the two left 403 Su Chen, he saw a person standing at the door of his house.

A woman with short hair.

She was wearing a coat. If I read it correctly, Xiaomeng seemed to have worn it before 3.9.

The length of the coat is just above the knees.

It can be seen from her calves that she is not wearing too much underneath.

Standing there trembling.

Su Chen asked in a low voice: "Sister Tong?"


It’s really Tong Wenjie.

Su Chen quickly stepped forward, took off his clothes and covered her.

"You didn't seem like this when you went out.".

730: Tong Wenjie: Why do you also have it?

Back to 402.

Tong Wenjie held her teacup and drank hot water.

After the descriptions of the three people, Su Chen finally knew what happened.

I can't help but laugh a little bit.

"Do you think this guy should be punished?" Xiao Meng said seriously.

Song Qian smiled: "If he really felt that he was going to be punished, would he still smile like this?"

"Besides, this guy is completely the beneficiary, so he won't feel uncomfortable."

Now everything was figured out.

Why did Su Chen say that Ji Shengli was sleeping so hard that he couldn't wake up even if he screamed?

There is another reason for co-authorship.

What a little rascal.

Song Qian complained in her heart, but her heart had long been kidnapped by this little gangster.

I can only complain about it.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be here and had changed into a pair of underwear.

"What's wrong? I was also trying to help Liu Jing. You don't know how uncomfortable he was at that time. He was walking alone in Shuxiang Yayuan. When I saw him, he was ready to leave. It was obviously not the first time."

Tong Wenjie held the water cup and was filled with righteous indignation: "We have been fighting together for a year after all. Sister, how can we just stand by and watch if someone has that? Of course I have to tell her the method I know."

"Is it wrong for her to want to be a normal woman?"

"Not only is she a normal woman physically, but also mentally and physically. Are you satisfied now?" Song Qian looked at her angrily.

"Satisfied." Tong Wenjie laughed twice. She was originally the kind of straightforward and silly lady.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been tricked by his subordinate Xiao Jin.

While the other two were not paying attention, Tong Wenjie took off all two pieces of clothing on her body.

Just the original clothes inside.

It was the underwear Su Chen saw yesterday. The gauze covered her graceful figure.

Purple also adds a sense of mystery.

"The two of them are also jealous. I wore a beautiful pair of underwear today, and he wouldn't let me stand at the door in that outfit."

"How is it? Is it beautiful?"

At present, I still want to show off in front of Su Chen, and by the way, show off in front of my two best friends.

As a result, Song Qian and Xiao Meng looked at each other and took off their outer clothes.

Tong Wenjie was stunned for a moment.

If my clothes just add a little hazy beauty.

The clothes of Song Qian and Xiao Meng are more beautiful and straightforward.

Even more unreasonable.

Especially a figure like Xiao Meng's.

Wearing such clothes is simply a visual feast.

Tong Wenjie stood between the two in shock.

"What's going on with you two? I never knew when you went out to buy clothes behind my back."

"And why didn't you call me when you bought new underwear?"

Only now did Tong Mengjie remember to call her friends when buying clothes for display.

"Did you call us two when you bought this underwear?"

"That's right, if we 470 didn't know it after seeing the photo, you actually ran away."

Song Qian and Xiao Meng despised Tong Wenjie's behavior of eating alone.

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that she planned to oppress the two of them in that aspect tonight.

How can this be tolerated?

Tong Wenjie touched their clothes, especially their suspenders.

"Where did you two buy clothes like this? I didn't see any place selling them the last time I went there."

The one Tong Wenjie wore herself was one of the more obscure ones sold in underwear stores.

Song Qian blushed a little.

Xiaomeng said: "That's because you went at the wrong time~"

While the three people were talking, Su Chen interrupted from the side.

"Did you forget something?".

731: Su Chen: How about you call me dad from now on?

The battle is imminent.

Their fighting affected the surrounding buildings, and many things collapsed at this moment.

But as a human being, Su Chen naturally couldn't give up easily after he used the light to shoot.

The other party finally fell.

Just when Su Chen looked at the monster on the ground, he felt even more satisfied.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

It turns out there are two accomplices!

Although they are both sea monsters, their attack techniques are completely different.


tremble! !

Terror entanglement! ! !

During this period, Su Chen almost failed, but with his last breath.

They were defeated by shooting with six rays.

Even in the Ultraman world, this battle is enough to be remembered in history.


Day 2 morning.

Su Chen looked at the room immediately after waking up.

The remnants of the fighting spread to many places.

It seems that everything has been cleaned up.

Pick up your phone and take a look.

10 points.

Su Chen scratched his hair: "Maintaining world peace is really a waste of time, and it's easy to get sleepy."

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