Opening the curtains, Su Chen went out and started washing up with the first ray of sunshine in the new year.

At this time, he heard a lot of New Year greetings in the corridor.

A smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

"Dad and mom didn't even have a phone call this time. Could it be that they went on a trip and forgot about me?" Su Chen finished complaining and wiped the foam off his mouth.

Grinning in the mirror.

Teeth are very white.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Su Chen walked over and opened the door.

"Happy New Year~Bring me the red envelope~~~"

Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao stretched out their hands to ask for red envelopes from Su Chen.

Su Chen pinched the noses of each of them.

"Okay, you can go."

"What?! You didn't give me the red envelope and you beat him up." Qiao Yingzi said loudly: "Taozi, look at Su Chen's attitude. He doesn't give you any face at all. I think you should teach him a lesson!"

Huang Zhitao rubbed her butt and turned slightly red.

Faced with Qiao Yingzi's persuasion, she didn't say anything.

Qiao Yingzi shook her head helplessly: "Taozi, you are finished. You are no longer the Taozi I knew before. When you have a new love, you forget the old love. You make me sad."

Su Chen hugged Huang Zhitao into his arms: "Yes, it is everyone's right to like the new and dislike the old. You can leave, and don't disturb us from living our own little life."

Seeing Su Chen preparing to close the door, Qiao Yingzi pinned her feet inside.

"...Su Chen, you are going too far. I asked you to come over for lunch and you closed the door?"

"Lunch? Isn't it only 10 o'clock?"

"It's to eat dumplings." Huang Zhitao whispered in Su Chen's arms: "Teacher Song made dumplings at home. Seeing that you didn't wake up in the morning, he planned for us to come over and have a look, and then have breakfast and lunch together."

There’s nothing wrong with eating dumplings on New Year’s Day.

When Su Chen was changing his shoes, he asked, "Who is next door?"

"They are all here, my father and mother, Fang Yifan's parents, and Ji Yangyang's parents. This is the real reunion dinner."

Qiao Yingzi shouted excitedly.

Huang Zhitao lowered his head slightly. Her parents were not there.

Su Chen hugged her: "Are you sad? If not, you can call me daddy from now on."

do not know why.

Su Chen likes to hear people call him Dad Chuang more and more now.

He thought he might have been trained by that girl Qiao Jingjing.

It's all her fault.

"Fuck you." Huang Zhitao's face turned redder.

732: Lin Lei'er: Su Chen seems to be especially liked by the two mothers.

Of course, Su Chen's wish did not come true. After all, Huang Zhitao still had a sense of shame.

However, Su Chen felt that at certain moments, he could work harder.

It should be okay to call daddy.

Following the two people to door 403, the view inside shocked Su Chen.

Song Qian, Xiao Meng, Tong Wenjie and Liu Jing were sitting around the coffee table making dumplings.

Fangyuan and Qiao Weidong were making noodles in the kitchen.

Roll out the dough.

Ji Shengli looked aside with his hands behind his back.

Fang Yifan and Lin Leier were sitting in the restaurant playing with their mobile phones.

Hear the door.

Everyone looked over.

Song Qian and Tong Wenjie blushed and said nothing.

Fang Yifan raised his head and said with a smile: "Su Chen woke up 470? It's not okay for you to have slept for so long on the first day of the new year."

"Look at your daughter who drank all the wine money yesterday and woke up at 8 o'clock this morning."

Lin Lei'er was embarrassed: "Cousin, please stop talking."

"Fang Yifan, you took them drinking yesterday, and I haven't mentioned that you dared to show off this morning. Are you..."

Tong Wenjie originally wanted to scold Fang Yifan to vent her anger, but she held it back when the time came to seek death.

It is not very auspicious to say these two words during the Chinese New Year.

"Okay, you three pack up and come over. The first one is ready to eat." Song Qian said softly while holding the dumplings.

As soon as Fang Yifan heard that there was something to eat, he immediately took the bowl and ran to the kitchen with Lin Lei'er to wait.

Su Chen was not in a hurry.

He will have dinner with Yang Tao's family today at noon, and he can't eat too many dumplings here.

Ji Shengli came to Su Chen: "I heard your Aunt Liu say that you helped me home last night. Thank you very much."

Su Chen quickly waved his hand: "It's okay, it's okay. Even if you come here a few times in the past few days, I'm still willing to help."

Liu Jing blushed.

When Song Qian and Xiao Meng saw this, they glared at Tong Wenjie at the same time.

Tong Wenjie: "..."


Song Qian and the four of them are making dumplings here.

Less than an hour.

Everyone has an extra bowl of steaming dumplings in their hands.

Fangyuan asked everyone to dip into vinegar.

This meal of dumplings can barely be regarded as breakfast, after all, it is the Chinese New Year.

By noon, they will return to their hometown to reunite with their families.

By then the reunion dinner will be in the afternoon.

Su Chen sat next to Song Qian and Tong Wenjie.

I glanced at the others and found that no one was looking here, so I asked.

"Have you changed all your underwear from last night?"

Song Qian said nothing, but her body trembled slightly.

Tong Wenjie rolled her eyes at him: "I was woken up at around 8 o'clock this morning, so I have time to change clothes."

"It's very uncomfortable to wear this outfit."

Hearing Dong Wenjie's words, Su Chen almost laughed because his clothes had a layer of gauze on the outside.

That layer of gauze is just like pajamas, in the style of a dress.

And Tong Wenjie is wearing pants now.

Su Chen could imagine what effect these two things would have when paired together.

Seeing Su Chen's smile, Tong Wenjie wanted to strangle him to death.

It's not all your fault, but you still have the nerve to laugh.

Song Qian and Xiao Meng were relatively calm, and their underwear was basically the same as what they usually wear.

So it's nothing special.

But at this moment, his body trembled.

Looking at Su Chen.

"You... um."

Lin Lei'er kept watching the situation on Su Chen's side.

"Yingzi, Taozi, have you noticed that Su Chen seems to be very willing to chat with Teacher Song and my aunt, and I feel that they have a very good relationship;...".

733: Aunt Tong Wenjie’s voice is so strange

"Isn't it good to have a good relationship?" Qiao Yingzi also glanced at them and felt that the three of them were so close, but she was also very happy: "I think our mother can have such a younger friend as a playmate. It doesn’t count.”

"Don't you think my mother and Aunt Tong feel very young recently?"

Fang Yifan and Lin Leier nodded.

They also found that both their appearance and mentality were much younger.

It seems that all this is because of Su Chen.

"Mom?!" Fang Yifan suddenly shouted, startling Qiao Yingzi and the others.

"Fang Hou, what are you shouting all of a sudden?"

"I just want to say something." Fang Yifan laughed dryly, but found that Tong Wenjie was still sitting there motionless, and shouted again: "Mom."

After shouting a few times, there was some movement on the sofa.


Tong Wenjie turned her head and looked confused: "What's wrong?"

Huang Zhitao always felt something was wrong when she heard this nasal sound.

But seeing so many people around her.

And I think I am overthinking it.

Fang Yifan didn't think much about it: "Mom, I think if you have time, you should have more contact with Su Chen, so that you can take care of her when you get to the magic city in the future."

"Hmm... um... why do you say that?" Tong Wenjie's blank eyes flashed with light.

He grabbed the back of the sofa with his little hands and looked over with an old expression.

Qiao Yingzi, who had never been born before, saw all this and her cheeks turned red.

"It's not like I've seen you, Aunt Song, and Su Chen have a lot of contact recently. You've become a lot happier. I feel like you can be a little happier with such a young man by your side."

"I'm afraid that you will return to your previous state after Su Chen starts school. I don't want to see you furious every time I come back."

Fang Yifan's voice became softer and quieter at the end, fearing that Tong Wenjie would get angry.

But who knew that Tong Wenjie put her hands on the sofa and nodded twice.

"After arriving in the magic city, I will definitely know better than you what to do, so you don't have to worry about it~"

Fang Yifan:? ? ? ? ? ?

"Wenjie, what's wrong with you?" Fangyuan hurriedly ran out of the kitchen.

"It's okay~" Tong Wenjie took a breath: "It's just that I'm numb from kneeling here. It was a little uncomfortable when I first moved, but it's much better now."

Fangyuan came to Tong Wenjie and found her kneeling on the sofa.

A pair of little feet wearing black stockings were dangling in the air, with 10 toes clenched together hard.

Doing this for a long time will really make your legs numb.

"My legs will definitely be numb if I do this. Next time I can chat with Fanfan without looking back."

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