Fangyuan originally wanted to go back, but found that Song Qian and Xiao Meng on the side had similar expressions.

"You three are quite interesting. Wenjie is kneeling on the sofa alone and feels uncomfortable. Why don't you two look like this when you are sitting here?"

...... 0

Song Qian exhaled, her cheeks slightly red: "Who said you have to kneel there to get numbness? It's okay to sit here, or you can try it."

"It's better to say goodbye. Just like Fanfan said, just let Su Chen sit here and accompany you three. I'd better say goodbye."

Fang Yuan took the frying spoon and said, "Everyone has finished eating the dumplings now. For the reunion dinner this afternoon, everyone will go back to their homes and find their own mothers."

Song Qian nodded: "Everyone, hurry up and avoid being an eyesore in my house."

Fangyuan laughed and didn't take the complaint seriously.

Watch Fang Yuan leave.

Su Chen took out a tissue from the table and wiped his hands: "Then I'm going to leave. Let's have a good time today and have a good New Year."

"Let's go, let's go, don't let me see you again!" Mouth.

734: On the first day of the Lunar New Year, I came to Yang Tao’s house

When Su Chen was about to leave, he saw Huang Zhitao's sad eyes.

Just remembered.

Even during the Chinese New Year, the only people who can accompany Huang Zhitao are his uncle and people from his hometown.

Perhaps New Year's Eve was her happiest time.

Su Chen wanted to spend the day with her, but he had other tasks today.

Huang Zhitao also saw Su Chen's eyes and waved to him gently, asking him to leave with peace of mind.

Seeing Su Chen turn and leave, Huang Zhitao sighed: "If you just say one more word, Su Chen might be able to stay. Why don't you say it."

Huang Zhitao felt helpless at her own cowardice.

But she didn't want to affect Su Chen's affairs today, so she turned around and went home.

Just two steps away.

Someone was hugged from behind. Before she could scream, a voice came from the person behind.

"After these two days, I will stay with you."

Hearing Su Chen's voice, Huang Zhitao's whole body softened.

He fell into Su Chen's arms and nodded obediently.

Only then did Su Chen leave.


Farewell to Huang Zhitao, who was so well-behaved that it made people feel distressed.

Su Chen came to the downstairs of Yang Tao's house.

Star fruit has already been waiting for him here.

"Why are you here? Have you had lunch? My family made dumplings. Do you want to eat them together?"

As soon as Yang Tao came up, he held Su Chen's arm and kept moving east and west.

Like a quirky little girl, very cute.

Suchen responded to her question with a smile.


Yang Tao smelled Su Chen and picked up a hair from his shoulder.

"What's wrong with you? You stole food outside and didn't even know how to clean it up when you came back?"

Su Chen took the hair in his hand in surprise, put it next to Yang Tao's hair and compared it.

"This hair is yours."

"Mine?" Yang Tao also held it to compare with his own hair.

Su Chen said: "Are you too busy recently? You are so busy that you don't even know you are losing hair."

"Impossible!" Yang Tao immediately threw the hair away: "This is definitely not my hair."

After saying that, he stared at Su Chen.

Su Chen said before that he was stuck with fans, and now he said that he was losing his hair. Why is this man so annoying?

But I just like what he likes.

Su Chen held Carambola in his arms and said softly: "I will let you have a good rest tonight."

Star fruit: "Yeah~~~"

Two people came upstairs...

After opening the door, Su Chen saw Su Qing again with a big belly.

During this time, his belly was getting bigger and bigger, and he was no longer able to help in the kitchen.

Xue Sumei and Lan Caiping sat on his left and right hands respectively.

Keep imparting some parenting experience to her.

"Su Qing, you must listen to me. Look at how beautiful and juicy the peach looks now. This is all from my experience when I was raising a baby."

"It's clear, don't listen to him. You must listen to Aunt Lan. Look at how well-nourished my family Weiwei is. You can see that she has maintained nutrition since she was a child. You have to listen to me on this."

The two mothers kept arguing. It seemed that they were arguing about their parenting experience, but in fact they were competing to see whose daughter was the prettiest.

However, the beauty of the two people has its own merits.

If Su Chen chooses.


Then it must be all.

Seeing Su Chen coming over, the two mothers immediately asked him to sit down and rest.

Yang Tao originally wanted to sit down too, but Xue Sumei shouted: "Why are you still sitting here? Your brother-in-law is the only one in the kitchen, why don't you hurry over and help?"

"Me? Come over and help???" Yang Tao pointed at himself with a surprised face: "Today is the Chinese New Year and you can't let your daughter take a break?!"

"He is the one who should help!".

735: Two mothers gathered together, Su Chen Yangtao went into the kitchen

Yang Tao knew that her mother was partial, but she never thought that she would be so partial during the Chinese New Year.

I have just come back.

Why was Su Chen allowed to rest here while she was going to help in the kitchen.

I do not want it!

Star Tao sat on the sofa with his arms crossed and pouted.

He looked like I was not to be trifled with.

"Hey, you haven't listened yet, right?" Xue Sumei waited until her eyes found a feather duster from the side, shook it twice in her hand, and scared Yang Tao to shrink behind Su Chen: "Now I'll give you another chance, will you go? !”

"Go, go, go! Put away the feather duster first!" Star Tao shouted loudly.

"You don't know if you don't act serious day by day. I'm telling you, do you really think 11 that you can fly casually if your wings are strong?"

Xue Sumei watched Yang Tao enter the kitchen, and then smiled tenderly at Su Chen: "I was scaring her just now, you should be able to tell that, right."

The corner of Su Chen's mouth twitched: "I should, I can see it."


Su Chen and Lan Caiping talked about his current identity.

The two mothers didn't show any special expressions when they were together.

But even so.

Lan Caiping showed off Su Chen intentionally or unintentionally, which made Xue Sumei look very strange, always feeling that Lan Caiping wanted to steal her son-in-law.

The two people were talking more and more intensely, and even Su Qing was left alone for the time being.

"Su Chen, come here and do me a favor~"

"Find a way by yourself!" Xue Sumei shouted: "How can you let the guests work on the first day they come here?"

Star Tao's head poked out from the kitchen, and her long hair, like a waterfall, went vertically downwards along with gravity.

"Mom, this is not the first time he has come, and you had a good time when he cooked last time."

Xue Sumei: "..."

"Hey!~ Sumei, how can you ask me to cook like the first time my uncle comes to your house? Isn't this a little bad?" Lan Caiping looked strangely beside her.

"My uncle is very good at cooking. If he wants to cook for me, then I have no reason not to let him do it."

Xue Sumei made an excuse for herself.

Su Chen just wanted to get away from the two mothers, stood up and shouted: "Taozi, I'm coming over right now."

Seeing Su Chen running away, the two of them started to blame each other.

When Su Chen came to the kitchen and couldn't hear the voices of the two mothers, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Carambola pinched her waist.

"Now feel comfortable. My mother treats you as her own son. My daughter has no status at home."

"It's not because you are so good. Didn't Aunt Xue always show off you before I came here?"

Su Chen went up and hugged Carambola, and the two of them got tired in the kitchen.

"Hey, hey, hey, when you two are making out, can you consider the feelings of the people next to you?"

Duan Xifeng held a kitchen knife and said, "Didn't you see that there is someone else busy here?"

Yang Tao was embarrassed and had to get out of Su Chen's arms.

"By the way, I called you here because 473 wanted you to take over your brother-in-law's job and cook a meal."

"After all, it's a reunion dinner, and I also want to have a delicious meal, how about it."

Yang Tao knew that Su Chen couldn't stand women acting coquettishly, so she pulled his sleeve and shook him back and forth.

A pair of big watery eyes stared at him.

Su Chen immediately agreed, but the condition was that Yang Tao must stand by to help.

"What about me?" But Qifeng originally wanted to stand by and help, but ended up giving this position to Yang Tao, so what is he doing here?

"Brother-in-law, why don't you go out?" Su Chen's eyes lit up as he thought of a new way to play.

Duan Xifeng thought for a while: "Taozi, can you stay here?"


736: Starfruit: Don’t come in!

When Duan Xifeng left, Su Chen locked the door.

Yang Tao took two steps back and looked at Su Chen warily.

"Be honest, we need to eat later."

Yang Tao wanted to use this defensive posture to make Su Chen honest, but he didn't know how tempting his action was.

But of course Su Chen wouldn't pounce on him like a hungry wolf, that would be a bit silly.

Su Chen smiled and took the spatula out of his hand: "Didn't you always want to cook a meal by yourself before? Now that you have time, how about I teach you later?"

"Teach me? Let me do it?" Yang Tao looked at Su Chen in disbelief.

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