
Su Chen moved the star fruit upright and asked her to face the stove: "It's actually very simple. I'll help you from behind."

"How can you"


When several people saw Duan Xifeng leaving the kitchen, they were all confused.

"How did you get out?"

"Su Chen and Yang Tao were cooking inside. I felt like I was a lightbulb and figured it out." Duan Xifeng said helplessly.

"That girl Yang Tao usually cooks noodles. Let her go in, and it will be a waste of time to burn incense. This leaves the two of them with lunch, and they don't plan to eat it."

Xue Sumei stood up holding her legs: "I have to go and take a look."

Lan Caiping followed suit: "I have to take a look too."

Duan Xifeng watched the two mothers leave and asked Su Qing, "What's going on with them? It feels tit-for-tat."

"Just tit for tat, that's how it used to be." Su Qing took a bite of the apple.

The two mothers came to the kitchen door.

I heard the sound of cutting piers inside.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang! ~

"Su Chen, can you and Yang Tao cook inside? How about I go in and help you?"

"Ah? Don't come in~" Star Tao shouted.

Su Chen hurriedly said: "It doesn't matter, I just need Taozi to help me. The two of us work together very well, and I can use this opportunity to teach her how to cook."

The voice of Qie Dun was still the same, and Xue Sumei smiled: "It turned out that I taught Taozi how to cook. That's great. You can teach her more. In the past, she didn't learn well every time I taught her how to cook. Now you can teach her. better."

"Well, don't worry, Mom, Taozi is very happy to learn."

Lan Caiping always felt something was wrong inside and wanted to go in and take a look.

"Why don't you open the door, and your Aunt Xue and I can go in and take a look. If we don't know the food being taught, we can learn it too."

After saying this, Lan Caiping wanted to open the door, but the door was locked.

This made Nan Zaiping even more suspicious.

Yang Tao also noticed the movement of the door handle and turned to look at Su Chen.

"..What should we do now?"

Su Chen shouted to the outside: "It's not that I don't want to hand over Aunt Lan, but I have taught these Jiang family kitchens before, and they are considered their specialty, but they cannot be passed on casually."

"It's no longer appropriate for me to call you Jiao Yang Tao, but he doesn't know how to cook after all. Even if you leave it to him, he can't cook anything that tastes like a family's kitchen. But if it's left to you two, what you can make will be better than Jiang's kitchen." It’s delicious, so what should I do?”

"Then won't I be hated by the people in Jiang's kitchen?"

Xue Sumei smiled happily after being praised like this.

"Okay, okay, you can teach Taozi well inside, your Aunt Lan and I are leaving now."

Academic Beauty pulled Lan Caiping away, but Lan Caiping was not convinced. She knocked on the door and said inside: "My family Weiwei doesn't know how to cook. Remember to teach her when you go to Magic City after the year."

"Don't worry, Auntie, I won't forget Weiwei."

737: Let me get drunk and you run away? There is no way.

Su Chen and Yang Tao stayed in the kitchen for more than an hour before preparing the dishes.

Serve the food to the table.

"It's done~"

Star Tao sat in his seat and breathed heavily, tucking his hair behind his ear with his right index finger.

"Isn't it just cooking? I'll make you tired." Xue Sumei was puzzled when she saw Yang Tao's behavior.

"His physical strength monster, you want me to compete with him?" Yang Tao said dissatisfied: "If I hadn't come out in a hurry, you would have had to wait another hour for this meal."

Su Chen: "I still have a lot of things I haven't handed over. It's hard to come here. Of course, I will hand over as much as I can."

Starfruit rolled her eyes: "You'd better keep it for yourself."

After Xue Sumei heard this, she hit the back of Yang Guo's hand.

"What's going on with you? Su Chen is kind enough to teach you how to cook, how could you do this?" Xue Sumei gritted her teeth and whispered, "Even if you can't learn it, you can just record it with your phone and show it to me. I can't do it for you, wouldn't you be stupid?"

Are you stupid or am I stupid...

Yang Tao really had nothing to say. She knew that Su Chen was sure that she would not tell the truth, so she dared to be so unscrupulous.

Eyes turn.

"Mom, I remember you bought some wine last time. Do you want to take it out and try it?"

"Wine?" Lan Weiwei's father looked at Xue Sumei: "I didn't expect you had kept it at home for a long time. Why don't you take it out and taste it with everyone."

Xue Sumei laughed dryly: "There must be wine, but that wine is not suitable for us to drink. We should let them drink it as a couple."

under the gaze of the crowd.

Xue Sumei took out several jars of medicinal wine she had prepared.

Looking at the stuff soaked in it, Lan Weiwei's father immediately understood why he said that.

"Hahaha, people of our age really shouldn't drink this kind of thing." He pointed at Su Chen: "You can drink this bottle of wine."

Among the people sitting there, Xue Sumei was alone, Lan Caiping was older, and Duan Xifeng and Su Qingzi, needless to say, couldn't drink because they still had children in their bellies.

At present, only Su Chen and Yang Tao are left.

Su Chen looked at Yang Tao happily, wasn't he looking for trouble for himself?

The look on her face just now clearly meant she wanted to take revenge on him. These two actions were not very related.

Just when Su Chen was about to pour the wine, Lan Caiping hurriedly stopped him.

"You can't drink. I'm sorry if you drink..."

"Aunt Lan, what do you want to say?"

Seeing that Lan Caiping was about to tell the truth, Su Chen quickly stopped her.

Lan Caiping paused.

Xue Sumei said: "Can you please stop meddling in this young couple's affairs?"

Lan Caiping was helpless how this could be called blending.

What if the two of them drink and do something disrespectful to my daughter?

"Anyway, you can only drink this bottle of wine alone at most!" Lan Caiping said reluctantly.

Yang Tao pretended to be regretful: "Then it seems that I am not lucky enough to enjoy this bottle of wine, so let Su Chen drink it."

Su Chen:? ? ? ? ? ?

Xue Sumei wanted to say something else, but Lan Weiwei's father smiled.

"Don't get angry over a glass of wine during the Chinese New Year. If you want Su Chen to drink it by himself, then let him drink it. It's the same anyway."

This tonic is generally used on men and has good effects.

Without thinking much, Lan Caiping poured the wine to Su Chen and let him drink alone.

Now Su Chen understood what Yang Tao wanted to do, and he was planning to escape soon.

The corners of Su Chen's mouth raised. Do you want me to leave even if I'm drunk?

There are no doors! .

738: Xue Sumei: Why can’t we forget her daughter?

The two families had a reunion dinner together, and everyone was very happy.

This is much more enjoyable than eating at home.

Su Chen's craftsmanship also added a touch of brilliance to this lively dinner.

Down with a meal.

Only the bottom of the one-liter wine bottle was left, but not all of the wine was drunk by Su Chen.

During the meal, he also scattered the wine, and everyone except Su Qing drank a little.

Especially Lan Caiping.

Everyone's eyes were a little hazy at the end of the shout.

"Okay, everyone knows it's almost over, I'll let my uncle go back and rest."

Xue Sumei asked Yang Tao to take Su Chen back to the room to rest, and Su Chen naturally put his hand on Yang Tao's shoulder.

Yang Tao shook her lips slightly, this was not a script she wrote, and her eyes caught sight of Lan Caiping beside her.

I hope she says something.

"I don't think this is appropriate. It's noon, why don't we let Su Chen go home and sleep." How could Lan Caiping let her son-in-law and Yang Tao go back to their room to rest.

Especially when you have just finished drinking, even if you are acting, you don't have to act so realistically.

After hearing Lan Caiping's obstruction, Xue Sumei was naturally unwilling.

"This is our family's family matter, why do you like to interfere so much?"

"Whatever is your family's family matter, this is my family's family matter too."

Both mothers have a bit of a big tongue, but they still quarrel with perseverance.

This scene made everyone around look somewhat admiring.

Su Chen shook Carambola: "If you don't hurry up and walk here, you won't be able to leave in a while."

"You just bullied me and refused to stand with me." Yang Tao raised his chin slightly, a sly look flashed in his eyes: "Aunt Lan, then I will go back to Su Chen~"


Lan Caiping immediately blocked the bedroom door, but as soon as she stood up, her legs went weak and she fell into her husband's arms.

"Hey, can you tell me in advance next time you do it? You almost killed me." Lan Caiping's father complained.

But after seeing Lan Caiping, she said to this other person: "He is also drunk now, otherwise I will take her back first."

Xue Sumei was very disgusted and asked them to leave, and the food they ate was so disrespectful.

I really think of this place as my own home.

When Lan Caiping was taken away, she was still mumbling that she would not let Su Chen and Yang Tao leave.

But no one listened to her.

Before Lan Weiwei's father left, he told Su Chen: "I hope you don't forget my daughter. You should know what you should and shouldn't do."

Su Chen: "..."

I thought you were silent the whole time and had no idea about the matter, but you ended up waiting for me here.

Only saw one kill? ? ?

Star Tao's expression froze, it was over now.

I originally wanted to sow discord, but I didn't expect that the other party directly exposed this.

How to play this?

Xue Sumei:? ? ? ? ? ?


"Why can't you forget your daughter? You should explain it clearly to me!!!"

Xue Sumei's reply was to close the door.

Xue Sumei looked at Su Chen and Yang Tao: "Why can't he forget his daughter? What does this mean? Can you two explain it to me?"

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