Carambola plays dumb.

Su Chen pretended to sleep.

Duan Xifeng was lying on the table sleeping soundly, and Su Qing came over with a big belly.

"Auntie, I think Uncle Lan is talking nonsense because he drank too much. Let Taozi and Suchen go back to the house to sleep. You see, they are both exhausted."

Yang Tao watched Xue Sumei keep nodding, as long as he could survive the afternoon and evening, he would find a chance to sneak away.

Even if this matter is resolved satisfactorily.

But Xue Sumei said: "Su Chen goes back to his room to sleep, and Yang Tao comes over and explains it to me."

739: Confess with Xue Sumei, same excuse

Yang Tao put Su Chen into the bedroom.

"Stop sleeping, get up quickly, what should I do next!"

Yang Tao knew that Su Chen was pretending, so he quickly called him up. It was extremely urgent now.

Su Chen reluctantly opened his eyes, which were already clear, not as hazy as before.

Starfruit rolled her eyes at this.

Su Chen said: "This is your own fault. Of course it's up to you to ask me to find a solution."

"It's not you who caused it. I just wanted to get a little revenge. Who knew it would turn out like this." Star Tao couldn't help it. Who knew that people don't think clearly after drinking.

Naturally, he is not as restrained in speaking and doing things as he is when he is awake.

But now it doesn't matter what I say, the main task now is to think about how to solve this matter.

"Starfruit, please come out quickly, don't hide in there, or I will drag you out myself."

Xue Sumei's voice sounded outside, and Yang Tao pulled Su Chen nervously: "You should speak quickly."

Seeing Su Chen's nonchalant gaze, Yang Tao sneered.

"Don't think that this matter will go away if you don't talk. If it doesn't work, I will find out the matter and troubles and see if my mother blames you or me."

Star Tao turned around and left.

Su Chen stepped forward and took her hand: "Don't worry, I'm also thinking of a solution."

Star Tao pouted, it would be weird to believe you.

"Actually, this matter is not difficult. Can't you just tell your mother the reason we told Aunt Lan before?"

"Can this work?"

Yang Tao also thought about this method, but this reason obviously cannot be used for too long.

Moreover, the two mothers are still friends and often chat and eat together.

What if something slips up one day?

Su Chen: "Do you have a better idea now? Could it be that I have a brother who looks exactly the same?"

"This is more nonsense."

Yang Tao thought for a while, and it seemed that apart from this reason, there was really no other way.

We can only use it now and talk about it later.

Yang Tao left the room, and Xue Sumei just raised her hand to knock on the door, and the two people looked at each other.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

"Close the door and follow me." Xue Sumei asked Yang Tao to close the door so as not to disturb the sleeping morning inside.

Yang Tao rolled his eyes, he had never been so kind to her before.

The two came to the bedroom.

Xue Sumei sat on the bed, folded her hands on her chest and asked her to tell the truth...

Star Tao said what she had just prepared.

"Why did you lend Su Chen to Lan Weiwei to lie to her mother???"

Xue Sumei looked at her daughter in disbelief: "You are such a stupid girl. You haven't even seen how good Su Chen is. You asked him to pretend to be Lan Weiwei's boyfriend and you didn't think about whether he would return it to you. ?”

"If the dry wood encounters a fierce fire, I won't have a chance to regret it."

Xue Sumei's reaction was obviously different from Lan Caiping's.

She was very dissatisfied with this lie, and even wanted to expose it, which scared Yang Tao and quickly held her down.

"Mom, don't worry. Weiwei will definitely be able to control it. Didn't you realize that during the time she came back, Lan Weiwei was in demons and didn't come back? She was just afraid that you two would let Su Chen eat the reunion at the same time. meal."

Xue 3.9 Sumei's expression slowly softened after hearing this. From this point of view, Lan Weiwei was indeed deliberately trying to distance himself from the relationship between the two.

"Even so, how long can you keep telling this lie? You didn't see the look on your Aunt Lan's face. You wanted to lock Su Chen at home."

"Is it that exaggerated?" Yang Tao burst into laughter: "But don't worry, Mom, Su Chen will never leave me."

"If we really can't live without each other, we still have to have a child."

740: Call Lan Weiwei and listen.

Su Chen was bored in the bedroom. After waiting for a few minutes, he saw Yang Tao coming back and asked nervously: "How was it? What did Auntie say?"

"What else can you say? Just believe it, otherwise do you think I can still come here?"

Star Tao sat on the sofa and breathed a sigh of relief, while throwing something out of his pocket.

"TT?" Su Chen held the package and looked at her in surprise: "What are you doing with this?"

Star Tao blushed: "There is a hole in it. I was afraid that you would be dishonest and I wanted to tie you up with my child, so I did some tricks."

Su Chen kept laughing while holding the package, making Yang Tao's face redder and redder.

"Stop laughing! Is it so funny? Humph! 11"

Yang Tao crossed his hands and raised his face to the side, looking like I was very angry.

But the corners of his mouth couldn't stop curling up.

I also feel that my mother’s idea is really too childish.

They haven't used it.

Why do you want to do this?

"Since my mother has such high expectations for the two of us, we can't let him down."

"Get up, I'm still angry! You..."

Yang Tao turned around and found Su Chen playing with his cell phone.

"what are you doing?"

"Uncle Lan didn't say you can't forget Weiwei. I haven't had a video call with him since I got back from the New Year. I just want to give him a call today."

Star fruit: "..."


Lan Weiwei was in Su Chen's villa, eating the reunion dinner cooked by Zhu Luxi.

There are also Gao Baojing and Lin Youyou around.

And He Xin.

Although none of them went home.

But with so many people gathered at one table, it feels like home.

There is no man in the family, so they live a little lonely life.

"This guy Su Chen hasn't made a single phone call since he returned to the Imperial Capital, and he doesn't know what he's been busy with every day." Lan Weiwei complained on behalf of the others at the table.

"Maybe he's too busy. After all, he has so many companies under his control." Zhu Luxi also made an excuse for Su Chen.

He Xin said: "I guess he is celebrating the New Year with his family at home."

Lin Youyou and Gao Baojing didn't speak.

Lan Weiwei's cell phone rang. It was a video call from Su Chen.

Decisively hung up.

Zhu Luxi was curious: "Whose phone number is it? She must be here to pay her New Year greetings. Why did you hang up the phone?"

"It belongs to that little bastard."

"Then...then we shouldn't hang up. Weren't we still discussing him just now?"

Lan Weiwei looked at the others: "Do you think so too?"

He Xin didn't know the situation, but nodded.

“Although I’m not here in person, it’s nice to be able to have a video call.”

Gao Baojing: "I'll answer the call later, um..."

When Lan Weiwei saw Gao Baojing lower his head, he nodded with satisfaction.

Lin Youyou was helpless.

Ever since I came to this villa, I felt that something was wrong with me.

At first, it was because of money that she continued to stay, but as time went by, she realized that it was her wish to stay.

477 instead of money.

This makes her even weirder.

When I heard the call yesterday, I felt excited.

When she thought about her situation, she shut her mouth again.

Gao Baojing is the result of talking casually.

The two of them are in similar situations, as long as they talk casually, they will be punished.

"Fortunately, I'm smart, otherwise I might not be able to enjoy this meal."

Gao Baojing lay on the table and calmed down for a while, before Lan Weiwei's second phone rang.

Click on the phone.

Su Chen's voice appeared from inside.

"Why didn't you answer the phone?"

"I'm busy." Lan Weiwei didn't let him look around: "Are you and Tao Zi together? Did you just drink?"

"Yes, so I called you...".

741: Lan Weiwei takes everyone to listen to the live broadcast

Su Chen took Carambola out for a swim and ate various things.

The two came to the beach.

Su Chen was eating abalone, which was extremely delicious.

Star fruit is a bit fishy when eating sea cucumber, but it is quite delicious.

The two of them talked to Lan Weiwei on the phone while eating, just wanting her to share the joy. They didn't expect that there would be many people around Lan Weiwei.

The sound of two people eating came from the phone, and the people on the table looked awkward.

Did not expect this to be the case.

Fortunately none of their children were here, otherwise it would have been really embarrassing.

Lin Youyou and Gao Baojing lay directly on the table after hearing the sound.

No one else had time to look at them.

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