If you see her shopping in the supermarket with a young man here, it will definitely cause misunderstanding.

It won’t be good if it reaches Qian Sanyi’s ears.

But Su Chen didn't care. No matter how hard Pei Yin pulled, he couldn't escape his control.

Over time, Pei Yin gave up.

Since you can't resist, just enjoy it quietly.

The two of them were like a couple. They met each other in the supermarket and would buy something suitable when they saw it.

Su Chen also watched all this happily.

But none of them noticed that there was a woman following them about two shelves behind them.

She has short ear-length hair, is petite, and wears a woolen coat.

"Is that Su Chen? Why are you with another woman again?"

Just when he was about to follow, he suddenly shouted from behind: "Xiao Min, what are you doing there?"

"Oh, I seem to have seen an old friend, and I was wondering if I should go over and say hello." Liu Xiaomin's cold voice sounded.


Chen Zhuo poked his head and looked over to see who the acquaintance was, but there was no one in front of him.

"He just passed by." Liu Xiaomin glanced at the meat being processed in front of him: "Time is too slow here, how about I go over first?"

"Okay, how about you go over and say hello, and I'll look at the meat here."

After hearing Chen Zhuo's agreement, Liu Xiaomin rushed over pushing the shopping cart.

"Good guy, do you really don't want to stay with me here?"

When Chen Zhuo saw Liu Xiaomin leaving quickly, he thought she didn't want to wait here for meat.

But I watched the chef shaving the pig hair bit by bit.

Most people may not be willing to wait.

Liu Xiaomin pushed the shopping cart and chased Su Chen in the direction he just walked.

When he bypassed the deli area and arrived at the daily necessities area, Liu Xiaomin's speed suddenly slowed down.

She saw Su Chen holding the woman and choosing toilet paper.

...... 0

"Are we already living together?"

Although Liu Xiaomin and Su Chen only communicated at work, she already regarded Su Chen as her man.

It felt very uncomfortable to see his man holding another woman like this.

"How is this brand?"

"It's very soft, it should be good."

Su Chen and Pei Yin were leaning together and chatting, and there was another pulley sound next to them.

Neither of them cared much.

But then there was a surprising voice: "Su Chen?"

This name made Pei Yin, who was enjoying love, feel all over for a while.

Because knowing this name definitely means knowing each other, then their current behavior is a bit difficult to explain.

Pei Yin subconsciously wanted to get out of Su Chen's arms.

744: Liu Xiaomin: Is this your girlfriend?

"Don't move."

Sensing that Pei Yin wanted to leave, Su Chen tightened his arms and hugged her back.

This scene made Pei Yin too embarrassed to raise his head, so he could only bury his face in Su Chen's chest.

I pray that the other party doesn’t know Su Chen’s girlfriend.

"Sister Xiaomin, you are here too."

When Liu Xiaomin saw that Su Chen didn't let him leave, her eyes became even more jealous, but she hid it well.

"My family lives in this area." Liu Xiaomin looked at the paper in front of her casually, and glanced at it casually, as if she had discovered something new: "Who is this next to you? Your girlfriend?"

Pei Yin's body trembled.

Su Chen patted her shoulder: "Yes, she is my girlfriend, she is a bit shy."

Hearing Su Chen's introduction, Pei Yin felt a little sweet in his heart.

At the same time, he patted him with his hand.

Talking nonsense.

Seeing the two people interacting so closely, Liu Xiaomin felt even more jealous.

"Who is that? Can you introduce me to him?"

"Are you willing?" Su Chen lowered his head and asked.

Pei Yin kept shaking his head.

The head was like a drill, shaking constantly on Su Chen's chest.

Then he looked up suddenly.

"I just saw there is fresh sea fish over there, I'm going to buy it right now, you guys are chatting here."

Pei Yin really didn't want to stay here for a moment, for fear that Su Chen would say something intolerable again in a while.

Watching Pei Yin push the cart away, Liu Xiaomin smiled and said, "It seems your girlfriend is really shy."

[Proud, jealous, happy. 】

Sensing Liu Xiaomin's mood, Su Chen naturally knew that he and Pei Yin were seen by the other party while shopping here.

Maybe he also saw Pei Yin's face. He was not of the same age and came here to cause trouble on purpose.

"Did you see something just now?" Su Chen took a step forward.

"No...no, haha, I just saw you shopping here and came over to say hello."

"Then why are you so nervous?"

"Do I have it?"

Su Chen would take a step forward every time he asked a question, and Liu Xiaomin would step back until Liu Xiaomin hit the shelf.

Su Chen's footsteps still didn't stop.

Came to Liu Xiaomin.

"It's all true?"

Feeling the strong aura in front of her, Liu Xiaomin swallowed nervously.

"Well, it's true..."

Su Chen grabbed one of her hands: "Now that you have driven my girlfriend away, should you compensate me?"

"Then what..." Liu Xiaomin originally wanted to reject him, but looking at such a strong Su Chen...

She had some thoughts.

His body actively leaned into Su Chen's arms.

"Are you coming to the supermarket alone?" Su Chen looked at the shopping cart pushed by Liu Xiaomin, which contained many things.

Liu Xiaomin shook his head.

"Put your things here first and go somewhere with me first."


After Chen Zhuo finished shopping, he took the meat and looked for Liu Xiaomin in the supermarket.

But nothing was found except a shopping cart.

"Where is the person?" Chen Zhuo stood next to the shopping cart and waited for a while.

Pei Yin also came back after shopping.

When the two met, Chen Zhuo said hello: "Qian Sanyi's mother?"

"Dad Jiajia? Why are you here?" Pei Yin was a little nervous when he saw an acquaintance, but he relaxed when he thought that Su Chen was not around.

The two of them are also relatives in a way.

"Are you shopping here alone?" Pei Yin saw the shopping cart in his hand and suddenly remembered that the woman just pushed an identical one.

Chen Zhuo said: "I came here with my girlfriend, but he seems to have gone to find an acquaintance."

Pei Yin: "..."

What a coincidence? .

745: Chen Zhuo leaves and Pei Yin escapes

Chen Zhuo was not surprised to see Pei Yin here. After all, they had met him several times before when they were shopping.

But he didn't talk much.

Hand pushing shopping cart.

"By the way, you didn't come with the child?"

"Um...come here with your friends, Sanyi is studying at home." Pei Yin laughed dryly, and now he just wanted to find Su Chen quickly.

The two of them were shopping in the supermarket.

Chen Zhuo occasionally picked up some things from the shopping shelves, while Pei Yin was always looking for someone.

"Where did this guy Su Chen go? Why can't he be found?"

"Mother Sanyi, I'm a little upset. Can you help me take a look at the shopping cart?"

"Ah? Okay, go ahead."

Chen Zhuo thanked him and quickly ran towards the toilet. When he arrived at the toilet, he found a yellow sign for maintenance hanging on the blue one.

"I'll go, what's going on?" Chen Zhuo held his stomach with a confused expression. He didn't expect to encounter such a situation when he went to the toilet in the supermarket.

But he just couldn't stand it.

The noise in the toilet didn't seem too loud, so I shouted into it.

"Is there anyone inside? I want to go in and use the toilet. Can you help me?"

Chen Zhuo listened, but the movement inside seemed to be gone.

You should agree to his request.

Without saying anything, he passed the maintenance sign and went in to find a cubicle.

Su Chen covered the other person's mouth and continued working.

Chen Zhuo felt relieved when he heard that Nuanian was right next door to him.

Fortunately, only one stall was under repair, otherwise he might have burst into tears today.

"The toilet next to it is probably clogged. It hasn't been repaired yet. The quality of the water pipe is also very poor."

It seemed that Chen Zhuo's complaints were heard, and the sound of poking at the toilet became louder.

Boom boom boom!

dong dong dong! !

Chen Zhuo curled his lips. It seemed that the people next door were angry and did not dare to stay here any longer.

A hard.

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