Excrete cleanly.

Wash your hands quickly and don’t forget to say this before leaving.

"The master not only has to use a pile driver to get through the toilet, he also has to have skills. If the skills are not good, even if you use a pile driver there, I'm afraid you won't be able to get through."

As soon as he finished speaking, a scream came out, scaring Chen Zhuo into leaving quickly.


Chen Zhuo returned to Pei Yin and pulled his shopping cart.

"The toilet repairman in the supermarket is too temperamental. When I told him how to use the toilet more conveniently, he actually got angry."

Pei Yin was surprised: "You can't be so stingy, why is he angry?"

"It was just a scream, and the sound was very loud. Besides, I was next to him when I went to the toilet. I only used brute force when I moved, but it was useless."

Chen Zhuo confidently talked about his experience in using the toilet, but Pei Yin was not in the mood to listen.

All I can think about is the men's room.

Is it connected to the toilet?

The two of them wandered around the supermarket again, probably for more than 20 minutes.

The things I bought were pretty much the same.

But the person I was looking for was still not found.


Pei Yin almost knew where the person he was looking for was, but he was embarrassed to say it.

After wandering around for a while, the two of them discovered two familiar figures in the deli area.


Chen Zhuo and Pei Yin hurriedly pushed the shopping cart to the deli area.

"Why are you here?" Liu Xiaomin asked a villain to complain first, so that the other party would not worry about where he was going.

Sure enough, just as she thought, Chen Zhuo kept explaining what he had just done.

He didn't notice the fatigue between Liu Xiaomin's brows at all.

At this time, Chen Zhuo also saw Su Chen beside him and said hello with a smile.

"Su Chen, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to be here. Aren't you at Shuxiang Yayuan? Why are you shopping here?"

746: In the toilet? Do you want to go?

Su Chen walked to Pei Yin.

"I came to see Qian Sanyi today, but he has been taking online classes and ignoring me, so I can only accompany Sister Pei Yin to buy things."

"I didn't expect to meet Sister Xiao Min. Let's have a good communication."

Liu Xiaomin nodded.

Have an in-depth conversation.

Pei Yin was silent.

Chen Zhuo smiled: "I just went to the toilet, but I didn't expect that the supermarket was under maintenance in the toilet."

Su Chen: "Then have you gone in?"

"After all, if someone is repairing it, it proves that there is someone inside. I greeted the staff inside and went in, only to find that they were opening the sewer next to me."

"How do you know he is connected to the sewer?"

"Listen to the voice."

Su Chen smiled.

Chen Zhuo continued: "But his level is too poor. He can only use brute force and has no skills at all."

"Hello, you don't even know how to use brute force." Liu Xiaomin complained.

"You don't know how to play, I can use my brain."

Liu Xiaomin rolled her eyes at him and was too lazy to speak.

Chen Zhuo didn't take it seriously and continued: "I kindly reminded him when I was leaving, but the master had such a bad temper that he just yelled and I left quickly."

Su Chen looked at Liu Xiaomin and said to Chen Zhuo, "Then why didn't you go in and take a look? Maybe you could help?"

Liu Xiaomin trembled.

"Why should I go in here? He won't listen even if I remind him. If I go in, why should he shove his toilet bowl in my face?"

"Don't worry, he will never do this. At most, he will give you a punch."

Chen Zhuo: "..."

Is there any difference between these two?They were all beaten anyway.


The four of them chatted briefly for a while, then paid their bills and left the supermarket.

Chen Zhuo and Liu Xiaomin got into the car.

Chen Zhuo: "I didn't expect to meet Su Chen here. I feel like we are quite destined."

Liu Xiaomin: "Yeah."

"The main thing is that it's the Chinese New Year time, so it's a bit uncomfortable. Otherwise, I would have to invite him out for a meal."

Liu Xiaomin exhaled slightly: "Go back quickly. I'm a little tired after walking for so long. I plan to go home and take a shower first and then change my clothes. My clothes are all wet."

"You can't help but sweat so much when you go to the supermarket."

"Haha." Liu Xiaomin glanced at Chen Zhuo and stopped talking.

the other side.

After Pei Yin and Su Chen paid the bill together, they left the supermarket side by side.

Pei Yin didn't say a word the whole time.

It's completely different from the previous intimacy.

Su Chen took a look and found that her face was full of tangles, and held her hand.

The other party's face turned red.

But he didn't throw it away either.

Su Chen leaned closer to her, and the two of them were squeezed together.

Pei Yin finally couldn't bear the atmosphere: "...Why are you always crowding around me?"

"You haven't spoken since you left the supermarket. What's wrong?"

"In the toilet..."

Pei Yin said that Su Chen at the front desk had understood what she meant, and she just wanted to ask if it was him in the toilet.

Su Chen said: "Do you want to go too?"

Pei Yin: "...Xing"

Speaking of this situation is indeed a bit avant-garde for Pei Yin.

But thinking about Liu Xiaomin's appearance and Chen Zhuo's description, this feeling is really fascinating.

Especially for a woman like Pei Yin who has only rebelled once since she was a child.

It has a fatal temptation.

747: Qian Sanyi: Su Chen, what do you think of my mother?

back home.

Qian Sanyi is still studying in the room.

Su Chen glanced at Pei Yin, who lowered his head and put the shopping in the kitchen.

Go into the bathroom.

At 11:30, Qian Sanyi has get out of class.

He stretched out in his chair and looked at the time.

"It's already 11:30 before I know it. Time flies so fast. I wonder how Su Chen is doing outside."

Qian Sanyi walked a few steps in the dormitory room, seeming to be adapting to his current body.

open the door.

Found that Su Chen was not outside.

"Where are you going? Su Chen???"

Qian Sanyi shouted a few times and looked around the room.

Even when I opened Pei Yin's room and took a look, I couldn't find anyone.

"Are you feeling too bored, so you went out by yourself? Forget it, let's go to the toilet first."

487 When I got to the toilet door and opened it, I found that it was locked from the inside.

He couldn't help but open the door.

"Su Chen, are you in there?"

It took several shots before I heard a sentence from inside.

"It's me, what's wrong?"

"Oh, I just looked for you outside and there was no response. I thought you were gone. Hasn't my mother come back yet?"

"Aunt Pei Yin, she is... um!~"

"At what?"

"You should buy things in the supermarket, not that you plan to cook yourself and make a delicious meal for the two of us."

"Hmm~" Qian Sanyi thought that her mother had been showing off her cooking skills recently, so there was a possibility: "Then can you come out quickly? I can't hold it in anymore."

"It's not that I don't want to get out quickly, but your toilet is clogged, and I have to find a way to... clear it!"

When Qian San heard this, he immediately pinched his nose and took two steps back.

"Really? But why does it sound more like you are constipated to me?"

"It's all the same. After all, you have to use strength. Great strength can do wonders."

Qian Sanyi had no choice but to go out to use the toilet.

Listening to the sound of the door closing outside, Su Chen said, "You can use the toilet safely and boldly."


After half an hour.

Qian Sanyi is back.

Suchen sat on the sofa and watched TV.

Qian Sanyi asked: "Is my mother back?"

"I'm taking a shower. I just saw Aunt Pei Yin come back and went straight to the bathroom."

Qian Sanyi glanced at it and didn't think much about it.

after a while.

Pei Yin appeared in front of the two of them wearing pajamas and with her hair tied up.

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