The thin pajamas clung to the water-stained body and needed to be pulled in several places to release.

Seeing this scene, Su Chen almost applauded her.

"Mom, are you dressed a little too casually?"

Qian Sanyi had never seen Pei Yin dressed like this at home. Pei Yin usually took a shower after falling asleep.

Things have changed today.

This made Qian Sanyi feel a little strange, but his first reaction was to remind him.

Pei Yin seemed indifferent.

"It's almost time. I have to cook for you quickly, otherwise I won't have time tonight."

Seeing Pei Yin twisting back to the kitchen, Qian Sanyi looked at Su Chen seriously.

"What do you think of my mother?"

"Pfft!~" Su Chen squirted out a mouthful of water and quickly wiped it with paper: "What is it like?"

"It's just about temperament, figure, appearance, etc." Qian Sanyi said: "Do you think my mother is particularly beautiful?"

Although he didn't know why Qian Sanyi suddenly said this, Su Chen still nodded.

"To tell you the truth, I recently thought my mother might have found a new boyfriend."

Su Chen's eyelids twitched: "Why do you say that?"

"Although my mother used to dress up when she went out, she mostly just put on makeup, and the whole process took less than five minutes. But now she spends half an hour dressing up every time she goes out, and her clothes are getting more and more beautiful."

"The most important thing is that my mother smiles more recently.".

748: Help your mother find support

"Then what do you think?" I could only look at Qian Sanyi: "What would you do if Auntie really has a boyfriend?"

"If so, I definitely hope they are happy." Qian Sanyi suddenly turned around when he said this.

Su Chen was stunned.

"If possible, I would also like to tell that man that he must take my mother to fulfill her dream of becoming a singer."

"Growing up, my mother gave up too many things for me. I am a man who can help her fulfill her dreams and support them during festivals."

Looking at Qian Sanyi's extremely serious face, Su Chen walked aside awkwardly.

As a result, Qian Sanyi's eyes kept following him.

"You can just tell Auntie no about this kind of thing. Why tell me?" Su Chen gave up on escaping and faced Qian Sanyi.

"My mother likes you better. I feel like it's better for you to communicate this kind of thing to her. When I talk about it, I always feel like I want to inquire into his private life."

Qian Sanyi gave the reason.

Su Chen thought about it and it seemed right. After all, it was a heterosexual relationship.Even Qiao Yingzi would be nervous about her parents' situation.

"Then I'll go talk now?"

Su Chen was about to get up, but was pulled down by Qian Sanyi.

"My mother is wearing pajamas now. What are you doing here? You want to take advantage." Qian Sanyi rolled his eyes.

Su Chen laughed dryly.

I've basically finished taking advantage, so why am I just starting now?



Pei Yin looked forward to it.

Looking at Su Chen and Qian Sanyi.

I hope they can give some opinions based on what they did today.

Or to compliment her.

There was a shy but hopeful look in her eyes.

Just like a girl who has dressed up and wants to find a boyfriend.


"Mom, the food you cooked today is very delicious." Qian Sanyi said seriously: "Today's cooking is much better than before."

"Really? Haha, I've been practicing a lot recently, maybe my skills have improved a bit."

After speaking, he looked at Su Chen.

Su Chen kept staring at her pajamas.

Found a little secret.

Cough lightly.

"The taste has indeed improved, but there are some areas that should be paid attention to, but overall the flaws are not concealed, and the work is very good."

Pei Yin felt like he was riding a roller coaster when listening to Su Chen's comments.

Finally he breathed a sigh of relief.

The three of them had a happy meal, and Qian Sanyi suddenly said: "By the way, Mom, a classmate here asked me to go out to study. I almost forgot about it. It might take all night. I'm at home today, so I should be fine." Bar?"

"It's okay, you can go." How could Pei Yin be in trouble? She still wished that he would go out quickly and not come back.

"By the way, Su Chen, do you want to go together?" Qian Sanyi winked at Su Chen before leaving.

"Oh~ I still have something to say with Aunt Pei Yin, so you can go first."


Qian Sanyi left with satisfaction.

Hear the door slam.

Pei Yin asked: "What were you two doing when you came and went just now? Are you hiding something from me?"

Su Chen patted his thigh: "Sit down and tell you."

"Sanyi just left, what if she comes back?"

Although he said this, Pei Yin still sat down obediently.

Xiangyu is in her arms.

Only then did Su Chen repeat what Qian Sanyi said before.

Pei Yin blushed.

He didn't expect that his recent behavior would be seen by Qian Sanyi.

And the guess is pretty close.

The most embarrassing thing was that he actually asked his lover to tell him about it.

But at least it proves that he hasn't discovered the relationship between the two people yet.

Su Chen said: "Pei Yin, would you like to accompany me to the Magic City to help you fulfill your wish."

749: Xiao Meng: I want a child

In the end, Pei Yin did not directly answer Su Chen's question, but gave him a hug.

The two of them just watched TV.

It's just that their minds are not on the TV at all.

Feel the delicateness on your neck and the warmth in your hands.

Su Chen knew that Pei Yin was also very conflicted, so he could only pat her back with his hand to stop being so entangled.

Just follow your inner thoughts.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Su Chen took a taxi and left. Qian Sanyi looked at Pei Yin: "Mom, did Su Chen say anything to you when he was at home?"

"As I said, he wants to take me to the Magic City to fulfill my dream."

Qian Sanyi was stunned. He just wanted his mother to fulfill her dream.

But I hope that the person who can take him with me is the man that my mother likes.

Why did you become Su Chen?

But this is not important. What is important is what my mother thinks.

"Mom, what do you think?"

"I...think about it again."


After coming out of Pei Yin's house, Su Chen didn't know where to go.

"If I had known earlier, I would have made an appointment with Li Meng tonight. I can make full use of my time."

"Where are you going now?"

Su Chen glanced at the direction of his home and took the car back to Shuxiang Yayuan.

Just got downstairs.

Su Chen saw a figure staggering into the corridor.

After taking a few glances behind me, I felt that this figure looked familiar.

Slender and straight legs, slim body.

Her long hair covers her waist.

Isn't this a little dream?

Su Chen stepped forward to say hello: "Xiaomeng, what's going on with you? You drink so much."

As soon as he arrived, Su Chen smelled the alcohol smell on Xiao Meng's body, which was not something that could be achieved by just one or two bottles of beer.

Hearing Su Chen's voice, Xiao Meng turned around and put her arm directly on Su Chen.

Both hands were wrapped around Su Chen's neck like hooks.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueznnn but today, this guy Qiao Weidong has let me get there again. I am embarrassed in front of my parents."

"You obviously promised to accompany me home for the New Year, but this person still can't see it. Is it so difficult to accompany me home for the New Year?"

"If you don't want to go, you can tell me in advance why you want to go."

Xiao Meng hugged Su Chen and shed tears. Although there was almost no affection between the two of them, their current relationship was that of boyfriend and girlfriend. It was normal for them to go home and see their parents during the Chinese New Year.

As a result, Qiao Weidong ran away directly. Who could bear this?

As she spoke, Xiao Meng's body became softer and softer, almost lying on the ground. Su Chen had no choice but to hold her princess in his arms...

Arriving at Xiao Meng's house, he opened the door.

Put her to bed.

Xiao Meng squinted and looked around: "This doesn't seem to be your home."

"It's your home."

"Then I still have the key, how did you open the door?"

Su Chen smiled and said, "You don't need a key to open this kind of door."

"Hehehe, it seems you like to slip in and pick locks. You do this kind of thing a lot."

Xiao Meng's mind is in a daze now, and she can't speak what comes to mind.

Seeing how cute she looked now, Su Chen still felt a little cute.

"Are you thirsty? Let me pour you some honey water?"

"Not thirsty, need a hug."

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