Xiao Meng stretched out his hands, and Su Chen went over to give him a hug.

Xiaomeng said in her ear: "I also want a child, a child who belongs to us."


Day 2 morning.

Qiao Weidong drove to Shuxiang Yayuan.

Come downstairs.

Qiao Weidong's face was full of confusion: "I didn't go to accompany Xiaomeng yesterday. Is it okay to come over and apologize today?"

"I'm afraid they won't even open the door for me."

750: It’s time to change the sheets

The main reason why Qiao Weidong did not go back with Xiao Meng was because of his current situation and his inability to deal with Xiao Meng's family.

Their families all want children, how should I give them to them?

Physical problems cannot be solved in one or two sentences.

Although I consulted many famous doctors and took some folk remedies, my body showed no response.

If this passes, won't you be laughed at?

I can only think of ways to hide and coax Xiaomeng.

Qiao Weidong tidied the display window and planned to ring the doorbell and ask Xiao Meng to open the door for him, but someone happened to open the door and go out.

Qiao Wei didn't ring 11 on the doorbell back then, so he happened to go upstairs.

Come upstairs.

"Xiaomeng, I'm Qiao Weidong, open the door."

The sound of Qiao Weidong's knock on the door reached the bedroom. Xiao Meng slowly opened her eyes and looked at the man in front of her.

Cross your arms.

Make yourself sleep more comfortable.

But the knocking on the door outside kept ringing like a noisy alarm clock.

It left her completely unable to sleep.

Su Chen slowly opened his eyes: "What's wrong? Are they being renovated outside?"

"No, that guy Qiao Weidong is here. Let's not worry about him and continue sleeping."

"Xiaomeng opened the door. I know you are very angry, but I can't help it. After all, with my current physical condition, it is impossible for me to have a child with you. If we go back, both of us will definitely be laughed at."

"Just open the door and let me apologize to you. I really didn't mean it."

dong dong dong.

The knocks on the door kept ringing outside, making it impossible to continue sleeping inside.

Xiaomeng was also very angry. She sat up from the bed and the fluffy quilt slipped from her body.

Revealing a perfect figure.

But Xiaomeng was in no mood to care about this at the moment, and just complained outside.

"This guy didn't come to apologize yesterday. He just came today. He has no sincerity at all. He still had the nerve to knock on the door and disturb my sleep."

Su Chen said: "Why don't we get up too? It's quite uncomfortable to lie here all the time."

It's time to change the sheets.

Hearing what Su Chen said, Xiao Meng had no choice but to change her clothes.

But at home.

Xiao Meng simply put on a pair of pajamas and threw all yesterday's clothes into the washing machine.

The two packed up.

Xiao Meng came to the door and turned to look at Su Chen: "Then do you want to hide for a while?"

"You open the door."

Su Chen hid in the kitchen, and Xiao Meng had a spiritual connection after seeing it.

open the door.

Qiao Weidong immediately walked in with flowers: "Xiaomeng, I am really sincere to you. I really didn't mean it yesterday. Look, I came here early this morning to prepare a bouquet of flowers for you. Can you forgive me?"

Qiao Weidong handed over the words and looked at Xiaomeng. He didn't know if it was an illusion. After a night, he suddenly found that Xiaomeng was more beautiful than before.

In addition to changes in body shape, even her temperament has become more attractive.

493 is more feminine.

Slowly moving in the direction of Tong Wenjie and Song Qian, it felt quite interesting.

It's a pity that I am powerless.

Xiao Meng held the flower and put it on the table casually with an expressionless face.

"Okay, I have forgiven you for what happened yesterday, you can go now."

"No, look at your expression as if you forgive me, you must still be angry with me."

Qiao Weidong looked at Xiaomeng's expressionless face, how could this look like forgiveness.

Obviously still angry.

The more you are at this time, the less you can leave. If you leave, you will really be gone.

Xiaomeng glanced at him: "You didn't want to leave, so don't blame me."

Qiao Weidong:? ? ? ? ? ? .

751: Xiao Meng: No matter how I look at it, she is better than Song Qian

Qiao Weidong didn't know why Xiao Meng said that, but he saw Xiao Meng walking towards the kitchen expressionlessly.

I feel very happy.

Are you planning to cook for him?

It seems that no matter how angry he may be on his lips, his body is quite honest.

I happened to have no breakfast, so I can solve it here.

"Xiaomeng doesn't have to worry about preparing breakfast. Just get some milk and fry an egg."

Xiao Meng showed a sneer, still want to have breakfast?

I want to eat shit.


Qiao Weidong was sitting on the sofa watching TV when he suddenly felt something was wrong with the voice behind him.

There seemed to be the sound of water flowing.

Looking back, I found Xiao Meng standing still in the kitchen.

The water pipe next to it was not turned on either.

"Xiao Meng, look at the water pipe and see if it's leaking. Why do I hear a little water flow?"

Qiao Weidong expressed his doubts, and Xiao Meng said: "You heard the sound of water flowing, why don't you come over by yourself...々‖."

"I don't know how to do this." Qiao Weidong has been a boss for so many years, and he has long since lost his ability to repair water pipes.

Even if you know how, you can't do it.

You lose your identity if you do this kind of thing.

Xiaomeng knew that Qiao Weidong would not do such a thing, so he acted unscrupulously.

Feeling the psychological stimulation, Xiao Meng lay on the chopping board and asked Qiao Weidong.

"Well...why didn't you go back with me yesterday, um~"

Qiao Weidong didn't notice that Xiaomeng's tone was wrong, and just replied: "After I go back with you, my family will definitely ask me to have a child. How can I do this?"

Qiao Weidong now also admitted his problem in front of Xiaomeng.

If you don’t admit it again.

It felt like Xiaomeng would leave him at any time.

"Well...well...then if you don't go, you won't be afraid that my family will ask me to break up with you."

"And you also know that my dream is to have a child. If you keep doing this, how can I explain it to my family? You can't make me wait for you forever, um..."

"I've been working hard to find a treatment recently. Can you wait for me for another year?" When Qiao Weidong said this, he didn't dare to look back.

I'm afraid that if I see Xiao Meng's demanding eyes, my previous efforts may be wasted if I become soft-hearted.

In fact, Xiao Meng did have that look in his eyes now, but it was not aimed at him.

"Then if you say so, I'll find another man! Hmm!!!"

Qiao Weidong's face was full of pain when he heard the sound coming from his throat.

"...Xiaomeng, you can't be so mean to yourself because of me. Can't Shanghai be like it was before?"

"I can't go back~ I just want a child now~~ I might not be able to have one in a year or two."

"I'm going to find someone else~ I think that Enzyme's real child is pretty good. Recently, I feel like he and Song Qian are quite... and quite... close~~~"

"I should be better than her~~~"

When Xiao Meng spoke, she didn't think twice at all and didn't pay attention to whether there was any connection in her words. She just said it like that.

Qiao Weidong turned back: "Su Chen is just a child, and Yingzi also likes him. Even if you look for him, you can't look for him. The age difference between you two is too big."

Xiao Meng was originally lying on the chopping board, but as soon as he heard this sentence, he stood up straight.

"You mean my current charm is not as good as that of a little girl?" The little dream thief shouted to the thief: "And you mean you agree to let me go out to find someone else?"

"that's not what it means......"

Qiao Weidong sat there and didn't know what to say, so he could only sigh helplessly.

752: Li Meng is disliked again

Xiao Meng experienced an unprecedented feeling this time.

Especially every time Su Chen is mentioned, Qiao Weidong's expression changes.

It gives her a new experience every time, a feeling she can't forget.

Even more daring.

Qiao Weidong didn't know what to say in the end.

"Have you thought about doing this for a long time?"

"What do you think?" Xiao Meng gasped: "I am a normal woman. I have to have my own demands. If you can't help me, of course I have to look for someone else."

"I gave you a chance yesterday. If you don't seize it, you can't blame me."

Xiaomeng said it very seriously.

Qiao Weidong didn't know how to refute for a while. Looking at Xiao Meng's "resentful" expression, Qiao Weidong could only say in the end: "Then if this is your true idea, then you go and give it a try."

"I also know that no matter what I say here, it is in vain. Everyone does have the right to pursue happiness."

After saying this, Qiao Weidong turned around and walked to the door to take one last look at Xiao Meng.

Close the door and leave.

The moment he closed the door, he heard Xiao Meng's cry.

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