Wang Shengnan felt very rude to his sister's behavior, but he also felt that Su Chen was really generous.

She really paid the bill for Wang Dingnan. If it were her, she would definitely come and go from nowhere.

"By the way, sister, I plan to stay here tonight, do you mind?"

"Why don't you mind this? You can sleep in the guest room. It's not like I haven't let you stay there before."

"I'm staying in the guest room. Maybe there's a problem~" Wang Dingnan looked at Su Chen.

Wang Shengnan was confused.

"Su Chen wants to stay at our house tonight..." Lin Miaomiao whispered.

"Okay then, Wang Dingnan, you can just leave tonight."

Wang Dingnan:? ? ? ? ? ?

"Why are you looking at me? Where are you going to sleep if you don't leave?"

"Miaomiao and I sleep in the same room." Wang Dingnan hugged Li Miaomiao: "It's not like we have never slept together."

"Do you think it's appropriate?" Wang Shengnan gritted his teeth and indicated with his eyes.

Lin Miaomiao's face turned red.

But Wang Dingnan acted as if he couldn't see her, and kept rubbing Lin Miaomiao in his arms.

It seems like he is determined to sleep with his girl to death.

Wang Sheng is extremely masculine.


dinner at night.

Lin Dawei felt that the atmosphere at the table was not quite right, so he lowered his head and asked Lin Miaomiao in a low voice.

"What's going on? You go out and walk around, and you feel like your mother's temper is getting worse."

Lin Miaomiao glanced at her aunt: "I don't know."

How to say?

I can't say that my mother will be angry if my aunt insists on living with me.

It sounds weird.

After eating, Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei went downstairs and walked around in circles with Lin Goudou in their arms.

Originally, Wang Dingnan was called, but she refused to go.

Su Chen and two women were left at home.

same as before.

Su Chen hugged Lin Miaomiao and lay on one side of the sofa, while Wang Dingnan lay on the other side.

"...I'll give you a quilt."

Wang Shengnan threw a quilt on the three of them and looked at Wang Dingnan again before going out.

"Ting Nan, are you really not going to go down there with me?"

There was even a hint of threat in this sentence.

Wang Dingnan waved his hand casually and ignored it completely.

Outsiders leave cleanly.

Wang Dingnan watched the two hugging each other and asked some questions.

Like when to be together.

"Oh~ It turns out that it's a matter of course. It seems to be much better than me." Wang Dingnan said.

Su Chen: "..."

Before Su Chen could react, he suddenly felt that the foot disappeared.

But Wang Dingnan took a breath of cold air.


772: Wang Shengnan: Lin Miaomiao, how dare you play tricks on your aunt?

What's happening here?

Wang Dingnan was stunned and felt that his feet were being grabbed.

And he's still scratching his feet.

Su Chen was too bold. He was not afraid that Lin Miaomiao would hear him if he made a sound.

But more so.

Wang Dingnan became more and more excited. It turned out that he could still feel this way. He would have been doing this if he had known it.

"Auntie, what do you think of this TV series?"

"Ah?" Wang Dingnan glanced at the TV and said quickly: "It's not bad~"

"I feel good too, but, aunt, your voice is intermittent and your face is very red. Do you have a 543 fever?"

" maybe it's just a bit...a bit cold~"

The corners of Lin Miaomiao's mouth rose.

"It was a bit cold. I thought you were uncomfortable."

Su Chen smiled dryly, and Lin Miao's movements gently asked in her ear: "What are you doing?"

"I see my aunt's feet are so cold. Help her warm them. Shhh, don't tell her."

Lin Miaomiao also saw that there was a special relationship between her aunt and Su Chen.

Otherwise, relying on her knowledge of her aunt, she wouldn't be able to buy so many things if someone she didn't know paid.

"Let you two act in front of my eyes and see how long you can last."

Lin Miaomiao didn't know how to massage, but that didn't stop him from pressing Wang Dingnan's feet.

It was particularly interesting to see my aunt's tangled expression and yet act normal.


Lin Miaomiao froze and looked at Su Chen with wide eyes.

"Don't watch me watching TV~"


Lin Miaomiao looked at the TV tremblingly.

three people.

Watching TV together in this dazed state.


"I don't know what Wang Dingnan thinks. What I said to him is that he doesn't know that Li Miaomiao and Su Chen are in a passionate relationship. Should they be left alone together?"

"Maybe he has just been alone for too long and wants to find his two children to spend some time together without thinking too much."

Lin Dawei and Wang Shengnan went home with their children in their arms. When they opened the door, they found the three of them lying on the sofa happily watching TV.

His expression was a little confused.

Wang Shengnan shook his head, but saw his own Miaomiao lying in Su Chen's arms.

And stuck together.

This expression is a little better.

The two of them didn't bother them and went back to their room.

The two of them didn't know how much the three people on the sofa were jumped when they opened the door.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Dingnan: "No, I have to go to the bathroom."

"I...I'm going too."

Lin Miaomiao and Wang Dingnan opened the quilt at the same time and ran towards the toilet.

At the door of the toilet, the two were arguing.

"Let me go first, I'm in a hurry."

"Auntie, you have to learn to respect the old and love the young! I... really, I'm about to die." Lin Miaomiao held her stomach with a painful expression and put her legs together.

Wang Dingnan's condition is a little better than hers, but the improvement is limited.

Su Chen said on the sofa: "With your time, even one of them can be solved."

"I'll come first!"

"I'll come first."

Two people opened the door and went in at the same time.

Su Chen looked at the mess on the sofa and could only help clean it up.

Wipe with paper.

As for the rest, we can only leave it to fate.

After more than half an hour, Su Chen saw Wang Dingnan come out holding Lin Miaomiao's ears.

"Hey Lin Miaomiao, it was you just now? How dare you play tricks on your aunt? You are getting more and more courageous."

"Ouch~ Auntie, it hurts. I was just joking."

773: Wang Shengnan: If it weren’t for the Chinese New Year, I would have thought you went to steal landmines

"Su Chen, please help me!" After coming out, Lin Miaomiao asked Su Chen for help.

Su Chen walked over with a smile, but did not help immediately, but asked: "What's wrong?"

"What else could it be?" Wang Dingnan said angrily: "This little girl actually teased me while watching TV. Is there anyone who treats elders like this?"

"What elders? Aren't we all equals?" Lin Miaomiao laughed and said, "I have always regarded my aunt as a friend, but never as an elder. Isn't this just a joke between ordinary friends."

"Dare to talk back?"

Wang Dingnan said: "I originally thought that I would sleep in the guest room tonight to give you two a chance, but now it seems there is no need."

"Come on, come back to bed with me!"


Lin Miaomiao was stunned. She didn't expect that she would be tricked this time.

Just like that, Wang Dingnan pulled him towards the bedroom and looked at Su Chen with tears in his eyes.

I want him to save me.

But Su Chen spread his hands.


When I got to the bedroom, I closed the door.

The two of them changed their clothes and lay on the bed. Lin Miaomiao and Wang Dingnan slept together.

This was not the first time that Lin Miaomiao slept with her aunt, but this time Lin Miaomiao was not as happy as before.

Lin Miaomiao was very quiet lying on the bed, no longer as funny as before.

"Auntie, did you have sex with Su Chen at his house before?"

Wang Dingnan, who was about to sleep, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Lin Miaomiao in disbelief.

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