"Actually, you thought Su Chen was grabbing your feet just now, so you didn't get angry on the spot."

Lin Miaomiao turned sideways, put her right hand under her body, and rested her head on it: "That's why you were so angry when I said it was me in the bathroom."

"What are you talking about? I don't understand." How could Wang Dingnan admit it?

Especially at this time.

Seeing that her aunt refused to admit it, Lin Miaomiao stopped pretending and reached out to grab her.

"See how long you can endure."



At night.

The door of the house opened and someone came in quietly.

It was difficult to see the two of them hugging each other.

In the end there was no way.

You can only go up from one side, but the later development has made predictions.

Day 2 morning.

Wang Shengnan's biological clock woke her up and planned to make breakfast.

It turned out that Su Chen was in the kitchen.

"Su Chen got up so early, put your things down and let me do it."

"No, I'll make you breakfast as compensation for staying here one night."

Wang Shengnan was laughed at by Su Chen's words, but he did not refuse the other party's kindness.

After all, they have tasted Su Chen's cooking.

It's really unforgettable.

Even if it's just an ordinary breakfast, it should burst out with endless deliciousness in his hands.

"But this little guy looks more and more handsome, which is really strange."


After Wang Dingnan finished washing, he asked people to get up for dinner and went to Lin Miaomiao's bedroom.

I found two people huddled together, their clothes and quilts were in a mess, and there was no order at all.

And the two of them were also wearing the underwear they bought before, so they could be seen at a glance.

One look at it makes one's temples jump.

Fortunately, there is heating at home, otherwise they would definitely catch a cold if they got up like this.

"Lin Miaomiao, Wang Dingnan, you two get up!"

Wang Shengnan reached out and patted the two of them, but their reactions were surprisingly consistent.

They all knocked her hands off and continued to sleep.

"You know, you are celebrating the New Year at home, but you don't know, I thought I sent you to steal landmines." Kou.

774: Xiaoya wants Su Chen to pretend to be her boyfriend

"Su Chen made breakfast today. If you don't want to miss it, get up quickly."

Lin Miaomiao: "..."

Wang Dingnan: "..."

Seeing that the two of them were still motionless, Wang Shengnan was a little surprised. Lin Miaomiao, who usually wanted to bury herself in the refrigerator every day at home, didn't make any move when she heard Su Chen cooking this time.

Is this awkward?

Wang Shengnan originally planned to wake the two of them up, but the smell of rice started to smell.

Wang Shengnan felt that he should take care of himself first.

"If you can't eat, don't blame me for not screaming."

When Wang Shengnan left, Lin Miaomiao's head rubbed against Wang Dingnan's arms again.



"Where are Lin Miaomiao and my sister-in-law?" Lin Dawei took the child out to eat, but found that the big eater at home didn't get up.

"Those who are still asleep, don't worry about them. I'll just leave some food for them later." Wang Sheng, a boy, also became particular about what he eats after giving birth to his children.

Of course, these remarks are only about what I eat, otherwise Lin Miaomiao would not be so anxious.

Su Chen said: "Maybe the two of them were chatting at home at night and forgot to check the time."

"Well, that should be right."

After eating, Su Chen said hello and left.

On the way back to Shuxiang Yayuan, I received a phone call.

"Hey, Xiaoya, how do you feel about going home? Are your parents angry?"

The caller was Xiaoya, the innocent-looking and lovely woman whom Su Chen had rescued.

"Boss, when you start school, my friend will get married. Can I take you with me?"

"Is your friend getting married?"

Su Chen glanced at his phone in surprise: "That's fine, we'll talk about it when school starts."

"thank you boss!"

"Great, the boss agrees!"

Xiaoya jumped up happily holding her phone, and Ke Xingfu on the side smiled when she saw him like this.

"I told you before, don't worry, the boss is very willing to participate in this kind of thing."

Xiaoya was a little embarrassed: "I asked my boss to play my boyfriend. Wouldn't it be bad if I didn't say it out loud?"

"Don't worry, let alone pretending to be your boyfriend, even if he is really your boyfriend, he will not refuse." He Xingfu was extremely clear about the identities of his subordinates...

But as long as you secure your position as the boss, there won't be any problems.

"But your friend wants to join a wealthy family. This kind of thing cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences." He Xingfu looked at her: "There will be many challenges in the future life."

This sentence is meant for Xiaoya to listen to, and also to remind her.

Xiaoya understood: "I don't know what my friend is thinking, but I think it's fine as long as both parties have themselves in their hearts."

He Xingfu asked her to go out and prepare.

And given a few days off.

After all, I didn’t go home during the Chinese New Year, so it’s normal to give me a few days off to make up for it.

Watch Xiaoya leave.

He Xingfu whispered in a low voice: "I don't know what charm that guy has that can make so many beauties give up going home and have to work overtime here on March 3.9th to celebrate the New Year."

When she said this, she took it off.

But he himself is one of them.

Xiaoya set off happily.

We drove all the way to a luxury apartment.

Knock on the door.

A woman with ear-length hair opened the door. After seeing Xiaoya, a charming smile bloomed on her originally cold face.



775: Song Qian: Have you ever teased your mother like this?

The two hugged each other happily, and Xiaoya told her the good news today.

"What? You actually let me see your mysterious boyfriend when you get married?" Gu Qiao looked at Xiaoya in surprise, and then tilted his mouth: "You can't lie to me, can you."

"Why did I lie to you? I just told you after calling him to confirm. If you don't want to, I will tell him not to come."

Xiaoya made a phone call as if to make a call, but Gu Qiao quickly stopped her.

"Okay, in order to meet your boyfriend, the two of us will go out to have a good meal today."

Xiao 11ya's face turned slightly red, but she agreed to the proposal, and Gu Qiao asked his servant to bring the car.

At this moment I received a call.

The originally excited face slowly turned gloomy.

Xiaoya saw it and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, the company has encountered some problems, don't worry."

Gu Qiao found a reason and the two of them had dinner together.


Most of the winter vacation has passed in the blink of an eye.

Su Chen lived a life of luxury and luxury every day, although it was not as prosperous as the Magic City.

But the people here still left a lot of impressions on Su Chen.

Especially Xiao Meng.

Yoga teachers are amazing. Xiao Meng can achieve some requirements that Tong Wenjie and Song Qian cannot meet.

This also made Su Chen's love for Xiao Meng deeper and deeper.

Then there is Liu Jing.

The treatment during this period also allowed his condition to stabilize and improve.

When I felt there was nothing wrong, I went to the hospital for a checkup.

He said that there was a lump before, but now it has gradually disappeared.

When Liu Jing heard that it was just a lump, she had mixed feelings in her heart.

I originally thought it was cancer, so I agreed to Su Chen's exaggerated conditions, but now that I know it's just a lump, I think about my previous crazy behavior.

A moment of helplessness.

After leaving the hospital, Liu Jing's mind was in chaos, but when he returned to Shuxiang Yayuan.

Still walked upstairs resolutely.

Proceed to the next step of treatment.

She could no longer leave this life, a life that made her feel like a woman.

It's almost the end of winter vacation.

Su Chen still followed his usual schedule and came to Song Qian's house for dinner.

"Miaomiao hasn't moved here yet?"

"School starts in just a few days, so there's no need to move here."

Qiao Yingzi thought about it and continued: "If there is a long holiday this semester, I would like to take my friends to the Magic City to play with you."

As if he was afraid that Su Chen would disagree, he then said: "It doesn't take long to get to the Magic City from our place by train. You can find a three-day vacation to play."

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