"Okay, I definitely don't mind." Su Chen said with a smile: "But I only welcome beauties. If it's a 557 man, you can tell him to get as far away as possible."

boom! ~

Song Qian kicked Su Chen under the table.

"speak politely."


Su Chen saluted, making the two girls giggle.

After laughing, Qiao Yingzi looked at Song Qian with her cheeks in her hands, making her feel embarrassed.

"Mom, you are getting more and more beautiful."

Song Qian's cheeks were pink and she said coquettishly: "Are you teasing your mother like this?"

Even Qiao Yingzi couldn't control this charming state.

"Mom, actually I really want to ask, how do you get your beauty treatment? I feel like you are back to your 20-year-old state now." Qiao Yingzi looked surprised.

776: Song Qian’s beauty secrets

After going to college, she also had her own ideas about beauty.

I also hope that I can become beautiful.

But no matter how he prepared, he seemed to be unable to compare with his mother, which was very difficult to handle.

Song Qian remembered glancing at Su Chen without leaving a trace, wondering if there really was anything that could be used to beautify her.

That must be the nourishment of love.

But how could she talk to Yingzi about this kind of thing?

"Go to bed early and get up early..."

"Go to bed early and get up early, have balanced nutrition..."

No need for Song Qian to say it, Qiao Yingzi can memorize it herself.

"Mom, I've been using these things since elementary school, but they have no effect, and your skin condition is obviously not something that can be achieved by going to bed and getting up early."

Qiao Yingzi is not stupid either. Every time she hears Song Qian say this, she always knows to change the subject.

"Isn't it cosmetics?" Qiao Yingzi followed Song Qian's nervous eyes and looked at Su Chen: "Is it possible~~~"

Su Chen: "..."

Song Qian: "..."

dong dong dong.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll open the door."

Song Qian didn't dare to stay in such an environment any longer, so she quickly found an excuse to escape.

When I arrived at the door, I realized it was Lin Miaomiao.

"Teacher Song, have you missed me after being gone for so long?"

Lin Miaomiao stood at the door and greeted Song Qian happily.

Song Qian also hugged him happily.

Having been neighbors with Lin Miaomiao for so long, she also fell in love with this pistachio girl.

"Are you eating? I don't know if it's better to have one more of me."

It seemed like he was asking Lin Miaomiao but without any hesitation, he continued to do it next to Qiao Yingzi.

Lin Miaomiao interrupted Qiao Yingzi's question, so naturally she couldn't continue.

Three people finished their meal.

Su Chen returned to 402 with Lin Miaomiao carrying her luggage.

"Ah~ I'm finally back again."

Lin Miaomiao was lying on the bed on her side, trying to sink herself in deeply.

Never get up.

"As for that, the bed at your home is not much different from this one."

"The bed is not much different, but the environment is."

Lin Miaomiao sat up from the bed: "You don't know that my mother has been ill for some time these days. She wakes me up at 7 o'clock in the morning to run. If I can't get up, I won't be fed."

"My life these days has been worse than hell."

"I can finally relax."

"Yes!" Su Chen clapped his hands and looked at Lin Miaomiao: "Have we not gone out for morning exercise in a long time?"

"What do you want to do?!" Lin Miaomiao sat up from the bed like a zombie, staring at Su Chen with her big eyes and pointing her finger at him: "Don't even think about it, I will never cooperate with you!"

Su Chen slowly took off his hand and held her in his arms with a smile.

"...You will definitely do it."

"No, I definitely won't. You don't want to take me out for morning exercise, especially in this weather."

"No, you definitely will~"

"I uh uh~ um..."


After that, Su Chen had to wake Lin Miaomiao up every morning.

big winter.

6 points in the early hours.

Yes, for Lin Miaomiao, 6 o'clock is still early morning.

The two people started running slowly downstairs.

Every time she runs, Lin Miaomiao keeps talking.

"If you want to run, you can just come out on your own. Why do you have to pull me along? Why doesn't Tao Zi come back? If he comes back, he won't need me anymore."

Although she complained, Lin Miaomiao still followed Su Chen dutifully.

Just run the whole distance.

Su Chen would satisfy all Lin Miaomiao's requests for breakfast.

This can be regarded as a reward for Lin Miaomiao.

777: Tong Wenjie dubbing at home, Su Chen helps

With Lin Miaomiao joining Su Chen and Song Qian, the two families were very happy, but because he didn't go out in 402, both Liu Jing and Song Qian lost a secret base.

You can only go out every time.

Or in your own home, which increases the risk of discovery.

But at the same time it adds a lot of fun.

Song Qian is naturally used to it, but this is a very exciting experience for Liu Jing.

She was even almost discovered several times, and that feeling was truly unforgettable for her.

Tong Wenjie and Fangyuan are also going to the Magic City.

Came to Tong Wenjie’s house for dinner.

Fangyuan and Fang Yifan had smiles on their faces.

The dinner table.

Fangyuan 557 not only prepared water for everyone, but also prepared a glass of wine.

"You are all adults now, and you have the right to choose to drink, but there is only so much, and it will be gone after you finish it."

When children grow up, they drink. As parents, they cannot control it, but they can control how much they drink.

Appropriate indulgence is okay, but there must be rules.

Fang Yifan and Lin Leier naturally chose wine.

Song Qian, Qiao Yingzi and Lin Miaomiao also choose wine.

Suchen chose water.

Several people clinked glasses.

"Dad, you are going to dub those celebrities this time. Do you think you will meet Boss Yang himself? If you say a few good words to me then, won't I have somewhere to go directly after graduation?" Fang Yifan is still thinking about this issue.

Fangyuan grinned: "Don't worry, I will definitely push you in as long as I have the chance. After all, you are my own family, so I will definitely find a way for you."

"Lei'er, do you have a favorite celebrity? If I meet you then, I can get your autograph."

As soon as Fangyuan started drinking, he started to take care of others. He never thought about the chance of meeting those stars if he was doing dubbing.

Tong Wenjie rolled her eyes, but poured him another glass of wine.

The more you drink, the better.

The more drunk the better.

Song Qian looked at Tong Wenjie with envy in her eyes.

Between pushing cups and changing cups.

Although Fangyuan didn't pour much wine for the children.

But Lin Miaomiao and Qiao Yingzi were both a little tipsy.

Several adults were also a little confused.

Especially Fangyuan, who was being poured one glass of wine by Tong Wenjie, without even knowing how much he drank.

"Dad, tomorrow you are going to Shanghai to do dubbing for others. Can you imitate a section today for us to listen to and see how good you are?" Fang Yifan said in a daze.

He also had voice as an item during his art exam.

Just singing.

He really doesn't know much about dubbing.

"That's okay, but you need your mother's cooperation." Fangyuan looked at Tong Wenjie beside her in confusion.

Tong Wenjie was staring at Su Chen when she heard her name.

"What do I need to cooperate with?"

"I'll match the dwarfs, how about you match the queen."


"The queen who turned into the old lady who wanted to give Snow White the poisoned apple."

Tong Wenjie knew which one it was, but she didn't know how to dub it. How could she dub it?

"It doesn't matter, Su Chen is not by your side, let him help you."

Su Chen also consciously came behind Tong Wenjie and squatted down.

In this way, Su Chen's presence was completely invisible from in front of him.

Lin Miaomiao, Qiao Yingzi and Fang Yifan were called aside.

Song Qian originally wanted to go there, but was left behind by Tong Wenjie.

Since I'm not allowed to leave, it's a good idea to see how I'm going to dub it.

Fangyuan was talking in front.

"Well!~I am the queen~~~Snow White, hiss~"

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