Tong Wenjie spoke for a while.

778: Continue performing in another place

Song Qian couldn't help but widen her eyes.

So bold.

"Okay, very good. The state of the old woman is reflected very well. I didn't expect that Wenjie also has the potential of dubbing. Maybe you can get a role in the magic city in the future."

"That's okay~"


Tong Wenjie and Fangyuan were chatting there, and Song Qian was standing next to her with her eyes wide open, looking at the situation in front of her, her mind a little confused.

In the end, I could only look at everything that happened in front of me with a red face.

Lin Miaomiao and others on the side were dizzy and didn't know what was going on. They just applauded and cheered.

No matter how the show goes.

There’s nothing wrong with offering encouragement.

Just like this, a very exaggerated performance was performed in front of everyone.


Send Fang Yuan, Fang Yifan and Lin Lei'er into the bedroom.

Lin Miaomiao and Qiao Yingzi were also sent home.

Su Chen and Song Qian found a place to drink for a while.

Performed another dubbing show.

This time both of them participated.

If Fangyuan saw it, he would definitely think that both of them have acting talent.

Day 2.

Tong Wenjie and Fangyuan rushed to Shanghai by plane.

Su Chen and others also have to pack their luggage and leave in a few days.

Take a walk around the mall.

She didn't buy any daily necessities, and all she held in her hand were snacks bought by Lin Miaomiao.

"You said you won't eat daily necessities no matter where you buy them. Then why do you have to buy these snacks in the Imperial Capital?"

On the bus, Su Chen wanted to pick up the snacks and let Lin Miaomiao take a look, but there were too many people and he couldn't pull his hand away.

Lin Miaomiao was beside Su Chen: "Some snacks are only available in our imperial capital, otherwise why would I buy them."

Just when Su Chen was about to refute, Lin Miaomiao gently pulled his sleeve.

"Su Chen, look over there."

Su Chen followed Lin Miaomiao's line of sight and looked over.

A woman wearing a solid color top and tight jeans is followed by a man.

There were so many people in the car that two people could not move.

But it was obvious that the woman was avoiding something.

Is this still worth thinking about?

Su Chen frowned.

Only he can do this kind of thing, why can others do it?

Relying on his strong physical fitness, he squeezes the people around him away.

Pulling Lin Miaomiao to the man's side.

He said in a low voice: "Don't go too far. If you make trouble again, I will call the police."

In the middle of winter, there are still many people.

It is not easy to obtain evidence in this case.

When the other party heard Su Chen's threat, they originally wanted to scare him.

But I found out that the other person was just a teenager, and he was accompanied by his girlfriend.

Cursed and left.

If the nosy person is a young man in his 20s or almost 30s.

...... ......

He had countless ways to get him to mind his own business.

Even if the opponent is full of blood.

He is not afraid either.

As long as you get into society, you will have some scruples.

I am afraid of this kind of passionate young man in his teens.

He only has justice in his mind and will do whatever it takes to bring him to justice.

And he also has a girlfriend with him.

Even if it was to act like a hero in front of his girlfriend, it was impossible to let him go.

Can't afford to offend.

"Awesome." Seeing the other party leaving, Lin Miaomiao happily hugged Su Chen's arm.

The beautiful woman in front of her seemed to notice that the person behind her was leaving and breathed a sigh of relief.

I want to look back.

As a result, the bus suddenly braked and everyone's bodies moved forward.

Su Chen had quick hands and eyes, and hurriedly pulled Lin Miaomiao to prevent him from falling.

The beautiful woman in front of her was nervous and didn't hold her mouth tightly in her hands.

779: Crowded Bus (Thanks for subscribing)

779: Crowded Bus (Thanks for subscribing)

He fell directly into Su Chen's arms.

Didn't wait for him to respond.

Another group of people got on the bus.

The three of them clung to each other.

Lin Miaomiao: "Su have to calm down."

The beautiful woman in front of her noticed the movements of Su Chen's hands, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, he was rescued twice in just a few minutes.

I just wanted to turn around and say thank you.

But he found that he couldn't turn around, and then a crowd of people came.

Two people stand together.


Su Chen didn't mean to get so close to her, but there was nothing he could do because the car was too small.


He also finally understood why the guy he was driving away liked to act mischievously in the car.

It just feels different.

Stopping and stopping along the way, Su Chen could only try to control his breathing.

But some things cannot be solved by controlling your breathing.

Lin Miaomiao also discovered Su Chen's situation, but there was nothing she could do.

"Do you know the beautiful woman in front of you?"

Su Chen leaned his head over and took a look.

Shake his head.

"I don't know him." At the same time, Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be too embarrassing if this was a film and television character that I had never seen before.

The first impression is probably gone.

Lin Miaomiao: "..."

"If you stay so close to someone you don't know, won't you be regarded as a gangster?"

"You think I can't move at all, just because I want to."

Of course Su Chen could use his physical fitness to create a gap between the two, but those behind him would definitely suffer.

After finally getting out of the car, when Su Chen left, the beautiful woman in front of her softened and almost fell to the ground.

But there was still a flash of disappointment in his eyes.

I didn't expect that the other party would really leave like this.

After she really saw Su Chen's back, she felt full of regret.

We should take this opportunity to get acquainted. We don’t even have contact information now, and I’m afraid we won’t meet him in the future.

After getting off the car, Lin Miaomiao looked at him: "Did you enjoy it in the car?"

"Who would enjoy it in such a hurry?" Su Chen rolled his eyes: "Have you ever seen someone enjoy sardines in a can?"

"A random metaphor."

But Lin Miaomiao was very happy, at least she didn't find anything she didn't want to see on her body.

Back to Shuxiang Yayuan.

When taking her things home, Lin Miaomiao realized that the snacks in her hands seemed to have been crushed.

The ones that are relatively well preserved are wet snacks such as preserved fruits. .

The whole person was in emo moment.

"Next time I go to the supermarket, I won't take the bus. The things I bought are all broken. How can I eat them?"

Lin Miaomiao said as she opened the snacks she bought.

Saw it broken.

Just like eating instant noodles, pour the rest into your mouth.

Su Chen pulled their boxes to the door and saw Lin Miaomiao's movements.

"You can eat whatever you want, why are there so many excuses?"

"Bah, who said I wanted to eat? I wanted to take it to school and share it with others. Who knew it would be like this." Lin Miaomiao was not convinced.

“You can definitely buy online and still get very authentic Imperial snacks.”

"..." Lin Miaomiao was embarrassed: " can buying it online represent my feelings?" 3.9

"Then what you are buying now can represent it?" Su Chen pointed to the bags on the table.

There is nothing inside.

Lin Miaomiao felt discouraged after seeing it and ate all the things she bought.

It's really not convincing.

But this is not what Su Chen can say about his reasons.

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