But when they saw Su Chen standing in front of them, many people gave up.

Arriving at Su Chen's room, Wang Manni was a little surprised: "This is a boys' dormitory? Why is it still a single room?"

"This is the room specially assigned to me by the school."

Su Chen put down his things, took the basin and went out to wash up.

As a result, someone pushed him from behind and Su Chen fell directly onto the bed.

"In such a nice place, why don't we have a prayer before hot pot?"

782: Hot pot with red wine and a prayer (Thanks for subscribing)

782: Hot pot with red wine and a prayer (Thanks for subscribing)

Do you need to pray before eating hot pot?

Su Chen didn't know.

But Su Chen knew that he liked Wang Manni, so-called prayer.

His attitude was very pious, like a missionary, pulling Su Chen aside to pray for the seafood he was going to eat tonight.



three hours later.

It was getting dark.

He drove Su Chen to his home.

Recently, the husbands of Gu Jia and Zhong Xiaoqin are not at home.

There is no point in eating there560.

And it's easy to get hit.

It's better to come to Wang Manni's place, where it's safe and no one will disturb her.

Gu Jia looked at Zhong Xiaoqin who was preparing in the room.

"Xiaoqin, you just came here from the city. Why are you so happy? Are you really not planning to get along with Chen Yu?"

"That's not necessarily the case." Zhong Xiaoqin plugged in the hot pot: "It wouldn't be a bad idea to go back after having children."

Gu Jia: "Aren't you afraid of something happening?"

"If something happens, something will happen. I'm not afraid anymore." Zhong Xiaoqin is now completely relaxed: "The so-called salted fish is to enjoy it within the scope of one's ability."

"I used to be too stupid and naive. I thought living a good life and having another child were more important than anything else. But now I find that enjoying myself is more important."

"Of course I still have to have children."

Gu Jia looked at Zhong Xiaoqin and felt that they had led her astray.

"It's true that Wang Manni was going to pick someone up at noon. Why haven't she come yet? She won't be late." Zhong Xiaoqin prepared everything and looked at the door worriedly.

It doesn't feel very reliable.

"Don't worry, that guy can only eat secretly behind our backs, so it won't be an accident."

While the two were chatting, there was a sound of keys at the door.

Then Wang Manni and Su Chen appeared.

Both of them had a lot of things in their hands.

Zhong Xiaoqin took it excitedly.

"You can add vegetables tonight."

"Did I just hear someone say bad things about me behind my back?" Wang Manni did not hand the dish to Zhong Xiaoqin, but lifted him up to prevent the other party from getting it.

Zhong Xiaoqin is too short, even if she stands on tiptoe, she can't reach her.

"Sister Gu Jia said it. He said you ate it outside."

Zhong Xiaoqin is so quick when she sells her teammates.

Gu Jia was helpless: "Just tell her directly. It's okay if no one says bad things about him. Why did you sell me out?"

"Oh, it's all the same. Manni is so nice, I will definitely not embarrass you." Zhong Xiaoqin's words made the two people roll their eyes at the same time.

Holding something in hand, Zhong Xiaoqin came to Su Chen.

This time, I was not in a hurry to take away his things. I went to school and gave Su Chen a hug.

Jumped against the chest for a while.

"It's been a holiday and I'm still in such good shape. It's not like I didn't even eat something at home."

"I consume a lot every day, so I can't gain weight even if I eat." Su Chen said with a smile.

"Such words are the most irritating." Zhong Xiaoqin slapped Su Chen and laughed.

"Don't worry, everyone's activity level is the same tonight. No, try to increase your activity level so that you won't feel guilty after eating hot pot."

Zhong Xiaoqin blushed.

Gu Jia glanced sideways at Wang Manni.

"Even after eating hot pot tonight, some people will lose weight."

Wang Manni pretended not to understand.

Not only was there hot pot, Gu Jia also took a few bottles of beer from the refrigerator.

He took another bottle of red wine from under the bed.

Wang Manni looked at her: "Why do you know where the wine is hidden in my house?"

"It's not like we haven't been here last time." Gu Jia smiled: "Okay, don't worry about this, just eat quickly."

"After all, it's spicy hot pot. You can only feel it after taking off your coat and eating it."

783: Chen Yu: Wife, your face is so red.

The spicy hot pot was so satisfying that after a while, everyone was sweating profusely.

We even have to open the windows to let in the cold air so that everyone can calm down.

But only a little.

Soon everyone invented a new way to eat hot pot, adding seafood to it.


Sea cucumber.

It felt like a waste of ingredients when it was poured in, but the three of them all ate happily.

Especially sea cucumbers.

Zhong Xiaoqin and the others all rushed to eat it and almost finished it.

Seeing them fighting over each other, Su Chen silently ate the abalone.

after all.

He can't grab it either.


Xu Huanshan and Chen Yu were sitting in the small shop outside.

drinking wine.

"My wife doesn't know what's going on lately. She ignores me every day." Chen Yu said depressedly.

"You still don't know what's going on? Last time he and my wife celebrated their birthday in a hotel, and you went over to scold him and even caught him raping him."

Xu Huanshan chuckled: "If I were your wife, I would definitely divorce you."

"My wife has been very quiet recently and has kept the house in good order. I am very satisfied."

"Are you satisfied? If you are satisfied, will you follow me out for a drink?" Chen Yu looked at him disdainfully: "Tell me, what is going on? Since you choose to drink, there is no reason to hide it."

"I'm thinking about an intern in our company. She resigned without saying a word. I'm wondering if our company did something wrong. She didn't answer calls or text messages." Xu Huanshan said dullly. The head is lowered.

"She must be the woman you brought to see me last time. The mistress is just a mistress. Why are you making excuses for yourself? I despise people like you the most." Chen Yu said.

"..." Xu Huanshan didn't refute, he didn't eat the meat, and now he's running away.

Simply put, he didn't do much.

"Our two wives are having hot pot at our place tonight, why don't you go and have a look?"

Xu Huanshan teased.

"You want to see me make a fool of myself." Of course Chen Yu understood what Xu Huanshan was thinking.

If you want to make yourself happy, you have to find someone who is worse off than yourself.

Only in this way can you be happy.

Xu Huanshan obviously wants to be that person.

The two men picked up their wine glasses and clinked them.

Finished in one sip.

"But to be honest, I'm a little worried when they go to eat hot pot. If they go there like this, my wife will definitely not reconcile with me anymore."

Xu Huanshan said: "Call, as long as you can explain clearly on the phone."

"Good idea." Chen Yu originally wanted to make a call, but thought again.

Video calls are better.

Listen to the voice.

It took about half a minute before the call was connected.

"Chen...Chen Yu...why are you calling so late...?"

"Honey, why is your face so red?"

"Eat hot pot, drink red wine...of course you will be red, not only your face will be red, but your mouth will be red too~~~~"

...... 0

Zhong Xiaoqin turned the video to her mouth as if she had drunk too much.

It's really like being turned red.

"I told you not to eat so much chili pepper before, but you insist on eating it."

Chen Yu was teaching him on his mobile phone just like he was treating his children.

Zhong Xiaoqin got bored after hearing a few words.

"You...you...wait for me to finish." There was a burst of noise from the other side, and the mobile phone screen also faced the ceiling.

"Xiaoqin? Xiaoqin?" Chen Yu shouted nervously.

Then the call ended.

Xu Huanshan laughed: "If you call like this, let alone your wife, even if it's your wife, I have to give you a share."

"Talking to your wife on the phone is not the same as lecturing your children."

Chen Yu put up his cell phone: "I have to find my wife."

Xu Huanshan:? ? ? ? ? ?

"Are you crazy?" Mouth.

784: Chen Yu: Open the door! !Don’t hide in there and not come out (Thanks for subscribing)

784: Chen Yu: Open the door! !Don’t hide in there and not come out (Thanks for subscribing)

on the taxi.

Xu Huanshan is still trying to persuade Chen Yu.

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