"What are you doing? There are three of us enjoying hot pot at home, why do you have to go over there!"

"There was something wrong with the video call just now. I plan to go over and take a look."

"What are you looking at? Once you leave, there is really no way out."

Xu Huanshan persuaded him earnestly, why does Chen Yu not have a long memory?

Last time it was because of your impulsive personality that your wife embarrassed you.

Why are you here now?

Are you sick?

But no one can dissuade Chen Yu from what he decided.

Xu Huanshan was helpless.

"The driver can just drop me off at the intersection ahead."

"Master driver, don't stop."

"What are you doing?" Xu Huanshan was stunned.

Chen Yu turned around and said, "My wife is here and your wife is here too, so aren't you worried about what will happen to her?"

"You are crazy, and I won't follow you." Xu Huanshan said, "You want to be hated by your wife, but I don't want to, so the driver stopped the car."

"Don't stop."


"Can't stop!!!"

Xu Huanshan and Chen Yu were arguing behind each other, and the driver finally stopped the car.

"Looks like I won." Xu Huanshan pulled the car door and got out of the car.

Chen Yu sat on it with a gloomy face.

"Master driver, why did you stop the car? Do you know what the two of us are going to do!"

The driver looked at the rearview mirror: "No matter what you two are going to do, I have to stop. When you reach your destination, you have to pay."

Only then did Chen Yu realize that the two people had arrived at their destination.

I happily paid the money.

After getting off the car, I found Xu Huanshan standing downstairs of Wang Manni's house with a gloomy face.

"Come on, come on, let's go up together."

Xu Huanshan held his shoulders and remained still.

"After I got up there, I said that I was here to apologize. You were afraid that something might happen to me if I drank too much and something happened on the road, so why don't you just come with me?"

Xu Huanshan was a little relieved after hearing what Chen Yu said.

"This is what you said. Don't mess with me after you go up."



The two came upstairs together.

Xu Huanshan was about to knock on the door, but Chen Yu was the first to put his ear to the door.

"Put it down and let me do it!"

"You've spent so long, it's my turn."

"Is it too much? I brought it. I have the final say on how long it takes. I said it's my turn."

The three voices intertwined inside, a bit messy, and I couldn't make out what they said.

Xu Huanshan knocked on the door. .

The voice inside disappeared instantly.

"Honey, I'll accompany Chen Yu to apologize to Xiaoqin."

"Apologise...what...apology? Didn't I do it last time..."

"Let's make it clear~"

Gu Jia's voice came from inside the door.

Chen Yu said: "I felt that my apology was not sincere enough last time, which is why my wife was so angry. This time I came with enough sincerity, even if I kneel down."

"Can you open the door first?"

"Just open the door if you open the door, why...why..." Zhong Xiaoqin took a breath: "Why?"

"Why are you two here? I want to come too."

Then came Wang Manni's voice, but it was just the sound of him running to the door and not saying anything else.

As you can imagine, the three of them are behind the door now.

3.9 Xu Huanshan hugged his shoulders.

"What to do now? Everyone is behind the door. The problem is how to open the door."

Boom! ~

Boom! ~

Chen Yu gritted his teeth and smashed the door with his fist.

"Zhong Xiaoqin, please open the door quickly. Are you stealing a man inside?"

"And Wang Manni and Gu Jia, you two hurry up and open the door!!!"

Seeing Chen Yu's actions, Xu Huanshan was stunned.

What the hell!

That’s not what you said when you came here! ! ! .

785: If you lose in a game, what’s wrong with changing your clothes?

Xu Huanshan was confused. He didn't agree before he came, he just came here to apologize. Why are you here to catch someone raping again?

And if you want to catch me, why do you need to take me with you?

Xu Huanshan now wants to beat the guy in front of him to death. How can he explain this?

Chen Yu was still knocking on the door.

Boom boom boom!

Boom, boom, boom.

But the people inside seemed to be at odds with Chen Yu. He knocked on the inside as many times as he wanted, and he did so very regularly.

"Hurry up and open the door!"

Just when Chen Yu was about to shout again, there was a squeak.

The door opened.

Chen Yu accidentally fell in and almost fell in.

"Chen Yu, what exactly do you want to do?"

11 Hearing the sound, Chen Yu looked up. Surrounding him were three women with frosty faces.

Gu Jia hugged her shoulders, held up the majestic place, and looked at the door: "Xu Huanshan, are you here to catch an adulterer like Chen Yu?"

"No!" Xu Huanshan quickly shook his head and distanced himself from Chen Yu: "Chen Yu said he was here to apologize today, so I followed him to prevent him from saying something wrong. However, he suddenly changed his mind at the door. I didn't know what he said. What’s crazy.”

As he spoke, his eyes kept looking at Gu Jia's face, trying to make sure his wife believed it.

But it's a pity that he can't see it.

Gu Jia's expression remained unchanged from beginning to end, as if she had no interest in his explanation.

Chen Yu was not afraid at all and instead confronted Zhong Xiaoqin.

"I just called you for so long, why didn't you open the door? Are you feeling guilty?"

"Why should I feel guilty and open the door?" Zhong Xiaoqin shouted to him: "What is the relationship between the two of us now? You don't have any idea?"

"It was like this last time, and it's still like this today. How dare you ask me to open the door for you? Do you have to make this matter known to everyone?"

Zhong Xiaoqin was completely sad about Chen Yu.

Wang Manni also knew how Chen Yu bullied Zhong Xiaoqin upstairs last time.

Completely ignoring Chen Yu's angry eyes, he grabbed his collar and spun him around the room.

"You need to take a good look at me now to see where the adulterer you mentioned is."

"Is there a kitchen?"

"My bedroom, see if it's there!"

"There are also closets and toilets. Take a good look at them. Where is the adulterer you mentioned?"

Wang Manni pulled Chen Yu around the room, opening every door for him to check.

behind the curtains.


Not a single place exposed.

Chen Yu's expression gradually changed from anger to surprise, and finally to panic.

Could it be that I am overthinking it again?

"Do you have!"

In the end, Wang Manni didn't hold him back and let him find it by himself.

Chen Yu couldn't believe himself. He just heard a voice that didn't understand the whole process. How could he not?

He walked around the room again.

There was really no one there, just the three women.

If I insist on saying it's weird.

He felt that the clothes of the three women 560 seemed a little wrong.

Why is my wife wearing Wang Manni's clothes?

"Honey, why are your clothes on Gu Jia?" Chen Yu still asked the doubts in his heart.

Zhong Xiaoqin sneered.

"The three of us are here to play together today. What's wrong with changing clothes?"

"Do I even need to explain to you the punishment after losing in the game?"

Chen Yu: "..."

Xu Huanshan actually followed Chen Yu around the room just now.

He also doesn't want his wife to have another man.

And there are three beauties in the room.

He doesn't want any man to be happier than him.

786: This is the second time you have made trouble unreasonably

"Chen Yu, I told you that my wife will not have any problems here at all. Seeing how nervous you are, why don't you apologize to your wife quickly?" Xu Huanshan is not stupid either. The current situation is obviously Chen Yu's. wrong.

If he didn't apologize quickly, he might have to explain it here today.

"I'm sorry, my wife. I really came here to apologize today. Look at the gift I prepared for you."

Chen Yu's expression remained unchanged as he took out the flowers he had prepared from behind.

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