As a result, Zhong Xiaoqin interrupted before the flowers were taken out.

"Chen Yu, think about it carefully. Given our current situation, do you think I will forgive you?"

Zhong Xiaoqin hugged her shoulders and also held herself up.

"You came here twice to catch an adulterer, and each time you didn't care about my face at all. This time it was even worse. You didn't even give me the face of my friend. The neighbors all know what you are here for. Have you ever thought about what will happen to Manni in the future? Live here?"

"I beg for forgiveness one by one. I can't see your sincerity at all. I only see your selfishness, arrogance and arrogance!"

"I...々‖." Chen Yu is also very bad now. He has made sufficient preparations every time he comes to work, but he just doesn't know that there is no one there every time.

Wang Manni pointed at the door: "I don't know what you two are thinking now, but I only give you one way now, and that is to leave this home. You are not welcome here, get out!"

Chen Yu had nothing to say. Indeed, no evidence was found today.

It's his fault.

Xu Huanshan felt that he was wronged. He was just looking for this guy to have a drink today, but who knew it would end up like this.

No one can come to him for drinking in the future.

When leaving.

Xu Huanshan and Chen Yu subconsciously glanced behind the three women. For some reason, they felt that there was someone there, but they couldn't see it.

It was proved that his wife's face turned red with anger and her body was trembling slightly.

They knew they had to go.

"Xu Huanshan."

"What's the matter, wife."

"I don't have time to go back these days. You take good care of the child. When I go back, if he has any problems, I will settle the account with you."


Xu Huanshan and Chen Yu left Wang Manni's house and closed the door.

There was another thumping sound from behind the door.

"Tell me, you didn't promise to apologize when you came here. What do you mean?"

dong dong dong~

"Just drag me into the water???"

Chen Yu glanced at him.

"If you weren't worried before, why did you come with me to watch?"

"You looked through every room, and now there's no one there. Do you blame me?"

"Is it any wonder?"

Xu Huanshan: "..."

"...After all, you are also afraid that your wife will steal someone behind your back, but you have never dared to express it after I expressed it."

"Isn't this a good ending now?"

Chen Yu is also very helpless now. He caught Zhong Xiaoqin twice and basically offended Zhong Xiaoqin to death.

I'm afraid I won't be able to catch him back if I want to.

Just calm yourself down.

dong dong dong~

Hearing the noise in the door behind him, he couldn't help but want to go over and listen.

But he was stopped by Xu Huanshan.

"Go away quickly, don't be embarrassed here."

Chen Yu was taken away by Xu Huanshan.

With the elevator doors closing.

Several screams were heard.


Day 2 morning.

Wang Manni woke up slowly, the sun shining through the curtains on her face.

There are wisps of down on the white and tender skin.


Pushing aside the messy quilt, I came to the living room with bare feet.

Found a man packing his things there.

Seeing who the other party was, he leaned against the door frame.

"Morning, handsome boy.".

787: Let’s have breakfast together and have a happy day

Su Chen turned her head.

Wang Manni was wearing a white shirt at the moment, holding the door frame with both hands, leaning her little head on it, smiling all over her face.

The sunlight filtered through the slit in his shirt, allowing him to see Wang Manni's slim figure.

There is hazy beauty again.

"It's almost 10 o'clock. Good morning."

Su Chen didn't look at her, and continued to pack things, saying, "But if there is honey water on the table, there is food on the fire. Go eat by yourself, and don't think about me feeding it."

"Who wants you to feed me?" Wang Manni pouted, but found that no one seemed to be watching.

I went to the kitchen all by myself. When I saw the breakfast prepared, I noticed that I had just arrived and put it on the 563 coffee table.

Watch Su Chen pack his things.

"If someone could marry you home, I would be so happy." Wang Manni sighed while eating.

"If someone marries you, it will be really unlucky. You can do nothing but make money." Su Chen complained at the side.

"Then the two of us can just make do together. We complement each other so well. I make money outside and you take care of the housework and take care of the children at home."

Su Chen smiled: "If someone had said this to me 30 or [-] years ago, I would definitely agree."

"Two or 30 years ago?" Wang Manni calculated and spat.

"You can just say you don't agree. Why are you saying you haven't been born yet?"

Wang Manni didn't know Su Chen's identity and thought he was just teasing her.

But Su Chen told the truth.

If someone had told him when he was a social animal in his previous life that he could do housework and take care of the children at home without having to go out to make money, he would definitely agree.

It's such a good thing, you'd be a fool to disagree.

But in this life he not only has a job, but also a reputation.

It would be a bit silly to choose to be a full-time husband at this time.

Keep packing.

We played a little crazy yesterday and the ground was littered with rubbish.

Various pieces of cloth.

Wang Manni also knew Su Chen's preferences and specially prepared a lot of clothes at home.

But I consumed most of it yesterday.

If you want to do it again, you have to go shopping.

Su Chen turned around and looked at the long legs sitting on the sofa eating.

Feeling in my heart.

If Fang Yu is sitting here now, the two of them should sit there side by side.

The picture was unimaginably beautiful.

Pack up two bags of garbage and put them together and take them with you when you leave later.

At this moment, Gu Jia and Zhong Xiaoqin also walked out of the room, dressed similarly to Wang Manni.

It's just that Zhong Xiaoqin has an extra pair of stockings on her legs with many holes in them.

"Xiaoqin, throw away these stockings. I'll give you a new one later," Wang Manni said.

"No, I think this style is quite good. I like it very much." Zhong Xiaoqin seems to be more open-minded since being caught by Chen Yu twice.

Especially in front of Su Chen.


She wanted to go up and give Su Chen a hug, but as soon as she came to Su Chen, he held his shoulders with both hands and pushed her to the kitchen.

"Eat your own breakfast here."

Zhong Xiaoqin also pouted, feeling that she was being ignored.

But before leaving, I felt a chill on my legs.

This makes me happier.

Gu Jia looked at Wang Manni with breakfast: "You are dishonest. You went out to eat by yourself in the morning without calling us."

"Why is stealing something so unpleasant? I just go out to eat normally." Wang Manni looked at him and said, "Besides, there is nothing to do when I come out early in the morning. I can only watch someone packing things at home."

"And he teased me about not knowing anything.

788: Encountering Emma in the elevator, lots of invitations

Gu Jia smiled.

Three people sit side by side and can sit across from each other and enjoy it slowly.

Everyone has their own unique charm.



Small house jasper.

Seeing this made Su Chen think about last night's scene.

"By the way." Gu Jia suddenly thought: "Su Chen, are you starting school today? Why don't you hurry up and report in?"

After mentioning this, it occurred to Wang Manni and Zhong Xiaoqin that Su Chen was still a student.

Every time I'm with him, I always ignore this identity. After all, how can a student know so many moves?

But it seems to be right when it comes to physical strength.

Su Chen was not in a hurry about registering for the start of school. After all, he didn't even attend a few classes last semester.

He plans to continue doing that this semester.

But he couldn't always be with Gu Jia and the others.

I also want to go to my own company.

"Okay, I'll go to school first, and you guys can have a good rest here."

The three nodded slightly.

Watching Su Chen leave.

The three of them lay on the sofa to rest again.

too tired.

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