
Su Chen left Wang Manni's home and took a car to the company.

After getting on the elevator.

I saw a man crying there.

These are long legs.

A little familiar.

"Here, paper."

"Thank you."

The woman with the wavy hair reached out to take the paper and wiped her tears.

When I looked up, I saw it was Su Chen.

"That handsome guy?"

"Are you, Emma?"

"I didn't expect you to still remember my name. It's so touching." Emma's eyes flickered, and after seeing Su Chen, the sadness in her heart also weakened a lot.

"What's going on? What makes you so sad?" Su Chen stood next to Emma, ​​with less than a fist distance between them.

"I am a single mother. I went to school today and saw that my child was called a wild child without a father. I felt sad."

Su Chen was a little surprised.

The Good-for-Nothing Brothers is a comedy, so most of the characters in it are very strong, or just a bit funny.

Emma, ​​this person gave Su Chen the impression of being very self-respecting and independent.

It is much better than those women who say they are independent but rely on men behind their backs.

But I didn’t expect that I would be sad in places where the camera can’t see it.

As soon as Su Chen opened his hand, Emma leaned over and pressed her face against Su Chen's shoulder.

"Can you let me lean against you for a while? I feel like this is the only way to make me feel better."

Su Chen hugged her and patted her back gently.

Emma is over 1 meters tall, which is the main reason why her long legs are so attractive.

Plus her high heels.

If you don't stand next to Su Chen, people will definitely think that she is 1 meters tall.

But standing next to Suchen, Emma's face could just be placed on his shoulder.

"It's been a long time since I had such a strong shoulder to lean on." Emma sighed in her heart.


She didn't know why she was so relaxed about a man she had only met twice.

You can even let his hands move around your body.

Change to before.

Any man who dared to lay hands on him would be beaten by the violent storm.

But this time he just wanted to feel the hug.

The elevator door opens.

Another woman wearing a plaid skirt appeared at the door, her eyes widened when she saw the two men's movements.


Emma was agitated, quickly wiped her tears and turned her head.

It was back to the way it was before.

"Duoduo, what are you doing here?"

"What else can I do? This is an elevator. Of course I'm going to go downstairs, but when I see you two, I'm not in a hurry."

"Would you like to come to our company, handsome guy?"

789: Give me a piece of paper, Xu Zhi! Calm down

Duoduo's invitation was beyond Emma's expectation. It was just a man she met on a regular basis, and she never thought of letting him come in to see her working environment.

Not to mention that his working environment has no environment. Four or five people are crowded in Yijia's office. What's so good about this?

"Duoduo, don't talk nonsense. He has important things to do when he comes to work today, so don't disturb him." Emma glared, trying to get Duoduo to stop meddling in other people's business.

But after seeing Su Chen's appearance, Duoduo couldn't help but wanted to stick to her.

How could such a handsome guy be let go?

One hand held Su Chen's arm and walked out.

"Handsome, I wonder if you have a girlfriend. We provide blind date services here."

Feeling the softness on his arms, Su Chen was not in a hurry anyway.

It’s also a good idea to follow along and take a look at their offices.

Emma just watched the two people walking inside.


"You two wait for me."


walk to the office.

Su Chen saw a small office.

There are four tables set up here.

Directly opposite the gate were two people sitting side by side.

One of them is fat and the other is thin.

The thin man's suit looked very big and ill-fitting.

The fat one has a full beard and looks very slovenly.

When the other two saw Emma and Duoduo coming back with a man, they thought it was a customer.

"You two can do it. You can bring a man back when you go to the restroom. If you don't know, you might have thought you went to the men's restroom." Zhang Xiaojiao came to Su Chen, stretched out her hand and said with a smile: "Handsome guy, do you want a CD? I'm here There are all types.”

"A nurse, a lawyer, a teacher, stockings and long legs, the owner of a dating website."

The characters introduced by Zhang Xiaojiao made Su Chen inevitably compare with the two people around him.

Aren't these the two people around me?

"Zhang Xiaojiao, please don't make trouble. This person is here to visit our office, not our guest." Emma pulled Su Chen aside: "This is my workstation, and the whole row behind is mine."

Su Chen looked at the bags in the cabinet next to him. There were all brands on them.

There are many tags on the handle of the bag.

very new.

It seems that they are all goods.

Su Chen pointed to a few empty seats: "It seems your business is good..."

"It's okay, it's okay. Isn't it Chinese New Year recently? Many men come to buy bags from me because they don't want to spend money to coax girls. They are all old customers, so the discount is gone." Emma said with a casual smile.

Seeing Suchen and Emma chatting happily next to them, Duoduo felt a little unhappy and pulled Su Chen to the other side.

"Handsome guy, come and see me. This is a blind date website. In the future, I will compete with Baihe.com. Are you interested in entering your personal information and becoming a member here?"

"If I don't find the best one for you by then, I, the boss lady, can only have a drink with you and apologize."

The voice she spoke in was a bit charming.

In addition, she held Su Chen's hand and kept shaking it. The sound and touch were so stimulating that even a man could not stand it.

Zhang Xiaojiao and Xu Yi opened their eyes wide.

"Xu Zhi, hurry up and get me some paper, I can't stand it anymore."

"Give you."

Zhang Xiaojiao took the paper and wiped it, and suddenly found that her hands were full of blood.

Immediately angry.

"Why did you give me used paper! Isn't it disgusting?" Zhang Xiaojiao turned around and yelled, only to find that Xu Zhi's entire mouth was eroded by red.

"Xu Zhi, please calm down!!!".

790: Xu Zhi spurts blood, too dry

Xu Zhi didn't notice anything strange about him at all, but Zhang Xiaojiao yelled, and everyone noticed it when they looked over.

This guy's face was bleeding all over.

"Xu Zhi, if your body is so weak, don't watch such exciting content. Be careful of anemia!"

Emma hurriedly took the paper.

Zhang Xiaojiao looked for water and wiped it on his face.

Feng Xiaobai, who was sitting on the table and taking pictures of Su Chen, took a few pictures of Xu Zhi with his camera.

Duoduo didn't want to care about this matter, but saw Feng Xiaobai's look a little strange: "Why are you taking these photos when you have nothing to do?"

"I will put it on my website later, with the title: After seeing my photo, your blood will surge like his."

"The blood pressure is still rising!" Zhang Xiaojiao was very angry when she heard Feng Xiaobai's words, and hurriedly shouted from the side: "Why are you still standing there? Call 120 quickly. If you don't save Xu Yi, this guy will really burp. Got it!"

"It's okay, let me see."

Under everyone's surprised gaze, they came to Xu Zhiyi and took a brief look at his condition.

Hold the cold water around his nose and press it gently.

Then tap a few times around your neck.

Xu Zhi's eyes widened instantly: "Eh? I feel something cold on my neck."

"It's still cold, but you will be cold if they don't help." Zhang Xiaojiao felt Xu Zhi's nosebleed stopped flowing down, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it was his own board game, so he just hung up and let him It's not cost-effective to bear the rent here alone.

Emma saw that Xu Zhi was okay.


He said to Zhang Xiaojiao: "I didn't expect that I usually see you scratching and searching, but when I encounter danger on a snowy night, you will be the first one to get in."

"Of course, I have always told you that I am a very principled person and will help the weak when I encounter them, but you yourselves don't believe it."

Xu Zhi quickly ran to the bathroom to wash his face.

After coming back, I was extremely grateful to Su Chen.

"If it weren't for you, I would definitely have to go to the hospital again today, and that would be a huge expense, which is very difficult for me to afford now."

"There's nothing I can do to repay you."

Xu Zhi handed Feng Xiaobai to his side.

"Well, let Xiaobai take a picture of the two of us. Today I will have your picture on the cover of Zunzong."

Su Chen hadn't agreed yet, so Xu Zhi stood beside Su Chen.

I originally wanted to hook up with each other, but found that I was not tall enough.

I thought about holding my arms again, but that kind of gesture is usually only done by women.

no way.

Xu Zhi could only stand beside Su Chen very honestly.

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