Such a comparison.

He was like a child who had not grown up at all.

He looks very short and childish.

Feng Xiaobai posed, but was pushed aside by Duoduo before he could take the photo.

"...Xu Zhi, you have a good plan. I haven't even asked for someone's photo here, so you have to take a photo with a handsome guy."

"Isn't it a bit poaching?"

"Who's poaching? You're poaching Emma's corner. It's obviously the man they brought in, but you insist on letting them sign up for a membership with you." Xu Zhi was not to be outdone.

The two people quarreled instantly, and Emma took advantage of the chaos to pull Suchen aside.

"Don't mind. We usually have a good relationship. I don't know why today. Everyone seems to have had little business recently and is a bit grumpy."

Su Chen said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. With such a group of friends around you, at least you won't be sad about your children anymore. It's not easy for a single mother, so you must take good care of yourself."

Emma: "...".

791: He Xingfu: What are you doing now? Come in

Emma was very touched. She didn't expect that at this time, the other party was still thinking about her own affairs.

After exchanging contact information with Su Chen, she told him to leave quickly to avoid being entangled with Duoduo again.

Wait until the elevator doors close.

Duoduo, Feng Xiaobai and the others actually followed.

"Emma, ​​where is that handsome guy? We have already agreed to take a few more photos of him now, and then we will share them." Duoduo said his decision excitedly.

It turned out that Su Chen seemed to be absent, looking at Emma's eyes.

"Emma, ​​you don't want to tell me that you let that handsome guy go again this time."

Emma nodded: "Otherwise, seeing that you are all twisting here like spider spirits, let him leave quickly before he has blackened all the corners of us 563, otherwise I'm afraid next time He won’t come.”

"This is your fault, Emma." Zhang Xiaojiao said seriously from the side: "You can just say they are spider spirits, why are you talking about me?"

Zhang Xiaojiao slapped her stomach with both hands.

"Do you think I look like a spider spirit?"

Feng Xiaobai smiled: "You are not like the spider spirit, but more like the spider spirit's friend, the scorpion spirit."

"What kind of scorpion spirit? The scorpion spirit is a gourd boy, and his wife is a snake spirit." Xu Zhi said, "It should be a centipede spirit."

Emma rolled her eyes.

With such a group of mentally ill colleagues, how could Su Chen be allowed to stay here longer?

What if you think like them?

Shake his head and go back to sell bags.


Su Chen got on the elevator and came all the way to the company.

As soon as I got out of the elevator, I was head-banged.

Come back quickly.

"Oh, who is so reckless?" Su Chen covered his chest.

The guy in front of him was also covering his head with tears in his eyes.

"Ah! Boss? Why are you here!" Qiu Yingying covered her head. When she looked up, she didn't expect it was her boss.

Su Chen wanted to say something else, but she saw her shouting anxiously: "Sister He is in the office. I have something to do here so I can't entertain you. Go in by yourself."

Su Chen looked at Qiu Yingying, bypassed him and entered the elevator.

"This guy hasn't made any progress after all this time."

When Su Chen walked into the company, it was completely different from when he first came here.

Now there are less than 50 people in the company.

Everyone is busy with the work at hand, and the company looks prosperous.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that he hasn't come to the company to check for a long time.

The moment he walked into the company, countless people focused their attention on him.

Everyone stopped what they were doing.

"Hello." Facing this situation, Su Chen was no longer embarrassed at all.

"Hello, brother-in-law!" Everyone shouted to Su Chen.

Su Chen:? ? ? ? ? ?

Good guy, Su Chen was almost startled when so many people shouted one sentence at the same time.

How are you, brother-in-law? ? ?

Before Su Chen understood what was going on, the office door opened.

He Xingfu stood at the door: "Why are you standing there in a daze? Come in quickly."

Those who were still calling brother-in-law well before, the moment He Xingfu came out.

He immediately lowered his head and started busy with the work in hand.

It's like they weren't the ones who just spoke.

Su Chen also felt interesting when he saw their appearance and came all the way to the office.

Looking at He Xingfu who was lying on the sofa: "What's going on with the people outside? Did you teach them?"

"I also have to have some free time and have a hands-off shopkeeper. I'll be gone for months at a time. I have to do everything. I'm almost exhausted."

792: Massage He Xingfu and take Emma to meet clients

Suchen knew what to do.

Find a chair and sit at the end of the sofa, pressing his hands on He Xingfu's head.

"If it's not you, it must be Lan Weiwei. Only she can be so boring and teach her subordinates useless things."

Su Chen likes Lan Weiwei very much. This woman is very measured and knows where she is and what she should and should not do.

And he will also come forward to help him solve some problems between women.

the most important is.

Some women can be trusted to be handed over to her and come back a different person.

But sometimes, they do things that make people laugh or laugh.

Like this.

He Xingfu naturally knew about it, but it didn't affect his work. Everyone also found it fun.

Never cared about it.

"By the way, I heard that you are going to follow Xiaoya to attend his friend's wedding?"

"Yes, you know it too."

"Of course he needs to ask for leave for me." He Xingfu paused and said, "But I think there is one thing that I need to tell you. I also know that the man his friend married is a playboy, and he has been involved in many affairs outside recently. Girl, if necessary, you’d better remind me.”

"Should I remind you?" Su Chen looked at the pretty face in front of him and squeezed it gently with both hands.

"Since you know him and you also know his external situation, why don't you tell him yourself and let me do it?"


He Xingfu said a word, closed his eyes and lay on the sofa sleeping.

Su Chen: "..."

Su Chen's hands were still on her body, so of course he knew whether the sleep was real or not.

"What have you been doing recently? Why are you so tired?" Su Chen's massage was supposed to relax the nerves.

But he must have come here today just to play with He Xingfu for a while, and had no intention of letting him fall asleep directly.

Still fell asleep.

It must be that I have been too tired from work recently.

"I didn't assign a task to you. This company is just for fun. Why are you so serious?" Su Chen held up He Xingfu's face.

Being nourished by Su Chen for so long.

He Xingfu is very young both in terms of skin condition and mental outlook.

Let Su Chen see He Xingfu when his face is full of collagen.

very cute.

Such a petite woman has the soul of a strong woman hidden in her body.

It’s been too tiring.

He picked up Princess He Xingfu and came to the place where they played before.

There happened to be a bed for her to sleep on.


Just when Su Chen was thinking about where to go.

The phone rang.

I opened it and found it was Emma.

"Su Chen? I want you to do a favor. Are you free?"


Company downstairs.

Emma was wearing a blue jacket and a pair of pure cotton jeans that clung to her legs.


This leg is particularly attractive no matter what time it is.

In other words, the winter in the Magic City is not too cold, but if she goes to the Imperial Capital wearing this outfit, she will definitely be freezing.

A car slowly stopped in front of me.

Emma saw the people inside and quickly turned around without saying anything.

"I'm really sorry to ask you to take me to see the client."

"It's okay. I don't have anywhere to go now anyway. It would be nice to see how you sell things."

Su Chen drove.

Emma was guiding the way.

"The heating effect of your car is very good. I feel a little hot." Emma said, taking off her scarf and her little jacket. The black shirt in the room was used to put the cotton jacket on the seat. When he was carrying it, he looked back at Su Chen.

"You do not mind right."

"I definitely don't mind. It's too late to be happy to have such a beautiful woman changing clothes in my car." Kou.

793: Changing clothes in the car

Regardless of whether what Su Chen said was true or not, Emma took it seriously and actually started changing clothes in Su Chen's car.

This temptation was completely ignored by Su Chen.

It's just multitasking, he has already mastered it.

Emma felt depressed.

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