"Don't worry, it's more exciting than the new game!"

"That's really great!"

Playing with the blank [Double Play Cassette] in his hand, Parade fell into distress.

It’s very similar to you who got a genuine Bandai toy but forgot to read the manual.

"How do you play this thing?"

"Put this on the bugster and you can collect experimental data!"

"Hey! Do you want to experiment again? Didn't that guy Ce work so hard, why do you want to experiment again? Also, aren't you afraid that this cassette will be taken away by those Kamen Riders? The current Ce may not be those Kamen Riders Our opponent!"

"Don't worry, this cassette contains a lot of Bugster virus. Once ordinary people use this, they will die on the spot due to the lethal amount of Bugster virus!"

"Sounds very interesting!"

Parade showed a healthy smile, and immediately digitized the blank [Double Transfer Cassette] and disappeared.

Ce Ze looked at Tan Li Dou expectantly, with bright eyes.

"Where's mine? Where's mine?"

"Don't worry, Ce! You are my best friend, and your cassette can only be the best! When all the experiments are done, I can create the strongest cassette! Hahahahahahahahaha! "

"Then I'll go cook first!"

After receiving a satisfactory answer, Ce nodded and immediately jumped to the kitchen.

——————————————Basheng Kiyonaga was taken to court——————————————

Dongda Ma’s ancestral home is on the shores of Daming Lake.

Baosheng Yongmeng is bowing to Nangong Qi continuously.

It’s funny to say that it was Nangong Qi who caused Baosheng Yongmeng’s biological father to be sent to court, but Baosheng Yongmeng was so grateful to Nangong Qi, a person who should have been an enemy.

This is probably the traditional art of Kamen Rider: the father says goodbye and the son laughs (laughs).

"Baosheng Yongmeng, please don't thank me yet. After all, your father deserves what he deserves. You are just ignorant of this!"

Nangong Qi helped Baosheng Yongmeng up, looking very unconcerned.

"Brother Nangong, I don't even know how to thank you! Without you, I don't know how long that guy Qingchang will be at large!"

Baosheng Yongmeng probably no longer regards Qingchang as his father.

Therefore, when people from the Ministry of Health came to arrest Baosheng Qingchang this morning, he actually felt an emotion called joy.

And now, these joyful emotions have turned into gratitude to Nangong Qi.

Nangong Qi vaguely felt that something was wrong with Baosheng Yongmeng's eyes, even a little familiar, and he immediately felt something was wrong.


Baosheng Yongmeng won’t treat me as a meal replacement!

Shocked, Nangong Qi quickly changed the topic.

"Yongmeng, let's talk about Kiriya again!"


In an instant, Baosheng Yongmeng's entire face collapsed, and the area around his eyes was extremely red, as if he was about to cry.

No, Baosheng Yongmeng actually cried.

Although it is said that Nangong Qi solved Yongmeng's childhood heart disease through the method of father's words and son's laughter, the death of Kujo Guliya is still a lingering shadow in Yongmeng's heart.

Baosheng Yongmeng doesn't have many friends, so he cherishes friendship very much.

Nangong Qi couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Maybe I should use a slightly Showa method to educate Baosheng Yongmeng.


Nangong Qi gave Baosheng Yongmeng a crisp slap in the face.

Baosheng Yongmeng's expression was a bit astonished, as if he couldn't believe that his elder brother who had just made him so angry would treat him like this.

"Big brother..."

Nangong Qi looked like he hated iron.

"What do you look like? What's going on with those eyes, those tears? Can these tears of yours undo everything that happened?"


Baosheng Yongmeng's tears stopped abruptly.

This is not over yet!

Nangong Qi grabbed Baosheng Yongmeng's collar and closed the distance between him and him.

"Yongmeng, you are here secretly grieving now, will Kiriya's spirit in heaven feel better?"

"No! In fact, from the day I was selected to become a Kamen Rider, I had already prepared myself to die! Not only me, but also the big self, Hisai, Guiriya and others

Everyone, everyone is ready to sacrifice themselves for others! "

"We Kamen Riders are not only doctors, but also warriors! Fearless warriors who risk their own lives in order to save the lives of patients!"

"Maybe you are kind out of good intentions, but you have no idea that your kindness and sympathy are the real insult to us!"

Nangong Qi's iron-blooded speech successfully shocked Baosheng Yongmeng.

After all, before Baosheng Yongmeng became a doctor, he was in a state of confusion. Unlike the big ego of the Hua family, Kagami Aya and Kujo Guiriya had experienced life and death. Naturally, they could not keep up with such a hard-blooded warrior theory as Nangong Qi. .

"Then what should I do?"

Baosheng Yongmeng's eyes were full of confusion.

Nangong Qi took out the [Knight Cartridge] from [Rampage Motorcycle] and gave it to Baosheng Yongmeng.

After originally recycling Kujo Kiriya's [Knight Transfer Cassette], [CR] meant for Nangong Qi to use this to fight in Kiriya's place.

But now, Baosheng Yongmeng needs the relics of this old friend even more.

"this is......"

Baosheng Yongmeng was a little at a loss.

He didn't understand what Nangong Qi's purpose was in giving this cassette to him now.

"Inherit Kiriya's legacy, and let's fight together for his sake!"

"Go and change your destiny, change the destiny of the world!"

"Fight for all the smiles in the world!"

"Completely defeat Tan Lidou's plan and drive all bugsters out of this world without leaving a single trace!"

"This is the greatest respect for him and the best way to commemorate him!"


Before Baosheng Yongmeng could finish speaking, Nangong Qi grabbed his shoulders with both hands and forcibly interrupted.

"Baosheng Yongmeng, I don't want to listen to your sophistry and excuses. I just hope that one day you can be enlightened like Jing Feicai and the others! Only those who are enlightened can gain the power to change their destiny! "

After saying that, Nangong Qi turned and left.

"Are you aware? And also, are you aware that you will risk your life and die?"

Talking to himself, Baosheng Yongmeng found a bench, sat down, and thought about enlightenment.

"Bao Sheng Eternal Dream!"

Just as Baosheng Yongmeng was thinking, a voice sounded behind him.


Looking towards the source of the sound, it turned out to be Parade.

Of course, the current Baosheng Yongmeng does not know Parade at all, nor does he know this bugster who was separated from his body.

"Who are you? And when did you appear there!?"

"My name is Parade! I have wanted to make friends with you a long time ago! If you weren't wearing that white coat!"

With that said, Parade lowered his head and got close to Baosheng Yongmeng's head.

"So, stop worrying about those insignificant lives! Put aside all your responsibilities and enjoy the game!"

"This is impossible!"

Baosheng Yongmeng pushed Parade away.

Parade's face immediately turned crooked.

"Whether it's Guiriya, Feicai, Taiga, or Brother Nangong! They all risked their lives to save the lives of patients and fight! How could I just watch from the sidelines?!"

"You guy, you actually persuade me to do this kind of thing? What are your intentions!?"

Suddenly, Parade felt as wronged as a six-year-old child.

He obviously wants to play games with Baosheng Yongmeng, but he really has no other intention!

Why is Yongmeng so cruel to him!


Suddenly, the rapid and harsh ringtone of the cell phone rang.

After Baosheng Yongmeng was connected, Poppy's voice came.

"Yongmeng, it's bad! Genm and the Beng Yuan have their sights on Feicai, and they are currently fighting..."

Before Poppy could finish speaking, Parade grabbed the phone and hung up.

"Hey, you guy!"

"Now genm has the power of lv.

"Even so, I don't want them to die! I want to protect their lives!... No! No matter who they are, I don't want them to die!"

His eyes widened, Baosheng Yongmeng was extremely tough at this moment, even harder than the pancakes next door.

Faced with Parade's cynicism, he actually fought back.

In response, Parade could only obediently push the blank [Double Play Cassette] he just took from Tan Li Dou into Baosheng Yongmeng's hand.

After all, facing Tan Li Dou of lv.

"If you really don't want anyone to die, then take this cassette, defeat genm, and change everyone's destiny!"

After saying that, Parade directly digitized it in front of Baosheng Yongmeng and floated away.

Baosheng Yongmeng looked at the cassette in his hand, recalling Guili Ya's last words before his death and Nangong Qi's lecture to him just now in his mind, and the hand holding the blank [Double Play Cassette] became tighter and tighter.


Although I don’t know what enlightenment is, but..."

"It's up to me to change everyone's fate, even if it means risking my life!"

—————————————— Tan Zhengzong is in the process of appeal————————————————

In the grove of Aunt Dong’s ancestral home.


Along with Tan Lidou's roar, Jing Feicai and the Hua family were knocked out together. Even the cassette and drive were knocked out, and they were forced to contact the transformation.

Both of them were exhausted at the same time.

"Start recycling brave and snipe cassettes now!"

"Don't think about it!"

Suddenly, Baosheng Yongmeng broke into the battlefield, still holding the blank [Double Transfer Cassette] that Parade gave him.

"Hooray? Did that guy from Parade actually give this thing to you?"

Tan Lidou mocked disdainfully.

"You don't know, right? If that cassette is used, people will die!"

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