
Baosheng Yongmeng's heart beat suddenly.

But at the next moment, he gave up all thinking.

"It's up to me to change the patient's fate, even if it means risking my life!"



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Chapter 1 Classic: I fight against myself

"Even if it means risking my life! Transform!"

After giving up thinking, Baosheng Yongmeng inserted the blank [Double Play Cassette] into the [Player Drive], and then...


A large amount of high-purity lethal bugster virus was released from the blank [Double Transfer Cassette], almost covering Baosheng Yongmeng's entire body, causing the intern to scream in pain.

Such screams reminded Jing Feicai of some bad memories, which made him struggle. Regardless of his already pineapple-shaped body, he forcibly climbed up from the ground, trying to forcefully pull out the cassette. .

Not only him, but I, the elder of the Hua family, was also struggling to get up from the ground and wanted to do the same thing.

They must not let the Hosei Eternal Dream disappear in front of them like the Kujo Kiriya.

In response, Tan Lidou under the mask smiled crookedly.

Before, Kujo Guiriya was seeking death, but now Hosei Nagamu has chosen the same way to seek death.

In other words, Tan Li Dou almost got rid of several huge threats that hindered his plan. How could this make him not feel happy and relaxed?

"That guy Parade is really vicious!"

Take another look at Baosheng Eternal Dream here.

Extreme pain filled every corner of Baosheng Yongmeng's body.

The terrifying bugster virus is carrying out horrific transformations on every cell in his body, and even every DNA code, to transform him from a carbon-based human into a pure data creature.

In this kind of pain, Baosheng Yongmeng felt that his thinking was infinitely accelerated, and even time was stretched a lot.


For the first time, Baosheng Yongmeng felt death coming.

It hurts so much, so cold, so I going to die?

If I die, who will grieve for me?

my father?

He has been sent to prison by my own hands.

Brother Nangong?

He said that I need to be prepared to die.

Now, I have felt the arrival of death, but am I really ready to wake up?


Probably not yet!



But ah!

Suddenly, Baosheng Yongmeng clenched his hands and clenched his teeth, even though he was suffering from unspeakable pain

, he also endured it.

"I want to save everyone's lives! Even if it is, even if it means risking my life! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Along with the roar, the antibodies against the bugster virus in the cells of Baosheng Yongmeng were successfully activated, completely halting the progress of his body's digitalization.

If it were the Hua family's elder self, someone like Jing Feicai would probably die on the spot just as Tan Lidou said.

It's a pity that Baosheng Yongmeng has been infected with the bugster virus for more than 16 years. The antibodies in his body that respond to the bugster virus can definitely resist such a pure bugster virus.

Tan Li Dou miscalculated after all.

Not only that, the bugster virus, which was completely harmful to the human body but not beneficial at all, was driven by Baosheng Yongmeng's body and forced into the blank [Double Transfer Cassette].

Two different colors of light mosaics were released from Baosheng Yongmeng's body and poured into the cassette.


Suddenly, Tan Li Dou, Jing Feicai, Hua Jia Dawo and Poppy were all stunned.


Parade, who was sitting on the canopy of the tree and had always been OMO, also became interested.

The next moment, the originally blank [Double Play Cassette] popped out of the [Player Drive], and fell right into the hands of Baosheng Yongmeng.

Baosheng Yongmeng's eyes immediately lit up with a burst of red light, and a confident smile appeared on his face.

Not only that, the originally blank [Double Transfer Cassette] seemed to have shed its useless old shell and turned into a brand new cassette with half orange and the other half dark green.

"Is that a brand new cassette?"

Baosheng Yongmeng didn't respond much. He just smiled and pressed the button of the cassette and inserted the new cassette into the [Player Drive].

"Mighty Action Brothers Double X!"


"Gachan! Double Up! I am you! You are me! Mighty! Mighty! Brothers Double X!"

As the transformation special effects appear and disappear, Baosheng Yongmeng transforms into a brand new little fat man form.

Brand new [Kamen Rider exaid]!

[Double Action Player Lv.

Compared with the previous exaid, the biggest difference between the current Baosheng Yongmeng is that it has two different colors at the same time, separated exactly from the middle, one on the left and one on the right.

"It's actually a game that even me, the game administrator, doesn't know about. It must be completely deleted!"

Seeing Baosheng Yongmeng transform into a brand new exaid, Tan Lidou immediately looked like he was gearing up.

Tan Lidou is a man with strong control.

Therefore, whenever there is a slight flaw outside the plan, he will be furious.

It was precisely because of this that he wanted to kill Kujo Guiriya himself, so that he could control the whole situation in his hands like a god.

Like a zombie, after moving his whole body in an extremely awkward way, Tan Lidou charged forward and punched out both fists at the same time.

As expected, both of Tan Lidou's fists were firmly grasped by Baosheng Yongmeng, and they were like iron chains, making Tan Lidou unable to move.

"The new exaid? It's not only superior to me in strength, but also in speed and durability!?"

"I'll let you experience my enlightenment!"

Baosheng Yongmeng's fists charged up and blasted out at the same time, creating huge energy ripples on Tan Lidou's body and sending him flying.

"This punch is for Kujo Kiriya!"

Baosheng Yongmeng exploded at several times its previous speed, ejected, and hit his head heavily on Tan Lidou's abdomen.

Rocket Hammer!

The next moment, Baosheng Yongmeng almost turned into a phantom that was difficult to catch with the naked eye, leaping rapidly among the groves, just like in a side-scrolling fighting game. Through continuous combos, Tan Lidou could not land at all.

Of course, in the game set up by Tan Lidou, there is no floating protection system, so Tan Lidou can only be beaten and beaten constantly.

Although the [Dangerous Zombie Cassette] gives Tan Lidou the ability to have no knight slot and is immortal, attacks on Tan Lidou will still have an effect on him.

For example, right now, Tan Li Dou has been held in mid-air by Baosheng Yongmeng for 5 minutes.

Now Tan Lidou felt dizzy, and his tail was surging like a mountain, making him want to vomit.

Of course, out of his godly dignity, Tan Lidou still held it back and continued to let Baosheng Yongmeng beat him.


After receiving countless beatings, Tan Lidou finally fell to the ground.

I don't know

Either because Baosheng Yongmeng was tired of fighting or for some other reason, Baosheng Yongmeng gave up and continued to attack Tan Lidou.

Tan Lidou felt like he was about to spit out his bile, and even his steps were shaky.

However, in normal life, after using the [Dangerous Zombie Cassette], he always likes to do some actions with unknown meaning, so that others will not see the flaws.

Baosheng Eternal Dream opens its arms as if in a stretching exercise, like a propeller wreathing a wreath in the air.

"Big~~~, transform!"

With a long sigh, Baosheng Yongmeng opened the handle.

Then, something incredible happened!

"Gachan! Level Up! Mighty! Brothers! 2 is 1! Mighty! Brothers! 2 is Victory X!"

Accompanied by the dynamic transformation music, Baosheng Yongmeng's body bloomed with two different lights at the same time, and the armor on his body exploded, revealing his true appearance.


Jing Feicai, Hua Family Dago, Poppy and Tan Li Dou were all stunned as if they had seen the [ultimate true form of the World of Killing Whales], and successfully turned it into emoticons.

"Two exaid!?"

Yes, after the current Baosheng Yongmeng was upgraded, it was suddenly split into two exaids.

The originally huge mask was even split into two, becoming the left and right shoulder armor of the two exaids respectively.

Parade, who was sitting on the canopy of the tree, couldn't help but become even more excited, and even blurted out the word "haha".

Because he knew that one of the exaids was specially prepared for him!


The high-pitched Yazida!

Now you can play games with Yongmeng more happily!

That's great!

At this moment, the two exaids also discovered each other.

The two people are like mirrors, almost identical, but completely opposite in some places.

For example, shoulder armor, color, etc.

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