"I am Baosheng Yongmeng, who are you?"

"I am M (Yongmeng), who are you, the fake?"

"I am Yongmeng!"

"I am M (Yongmeng)!"


In front of three people and two bugsters, the two exaids started arguing as if no one was watching.

It was during the quarrel between the two that Tan Lidou finally woke up from his coma.

"So what's going on with this cassette?"

Doubts filled Tan Li Dou's mind, but the current situation of [Two Action Players] gave Tan Li Dou new inspiration.

After the two exaids argued with each other for a while, they also remembered that there was an enemy in front of them. One of them immediately held the [Gashacon Keyboard Sword] and the other held the [Gashacon Destroyer], which was a hammer, and prepared for battle.

However, as expected, the accident happened again.

The two exaids argued again about which enemy they should deal with first.

"Of course we should have surgery first!"

"No, no, no, we should defeat genm first!"

"No, no, you should listen to me!"

"listen to me!"





After Tan Li Dou secretly cursed, he immediately waved to the Bengyuan Body not far away, turned around and left the ancestral grove of Dong Aunt Ma.

At this time, the two exaids were still arguing.

When the two finally gave up and continued arguing, Tan Lidou had completely walked away.

"Hey, it's boring!"

One of the exaids took the initiative to close the [Player Drive] and pulled out the [Two Player Action Player] cassette.

Unexpectedly, the same thing happened to the other exaid. The [Player Drive] automatically closed, and the cassette also automatically ejected.

The next moment, the two people turned into countless photon mosaics at the same time. They screamed and stuck together, changed into the form of the little fat man again, and finally turned back into the eternal dream of Baosheng.

"New, cassette?!"

Baosheng Yongmeng looked at the cassette in his hand and suddenly covered his head.


It hurts!

My head hurts so much!

It's like a saw was driven into him

into his head, and then cut his brain and skull bit by bit.

Soon, Baosheng Yongmeng stopped crying in pain.

Because he had completely passed out from pain.

"Eternal Dream!"

Poppy rushed up to confirm Baosheng Yongmeng's physical condition.

Jing Feicai and Huajia Dawo looked thoughtful.

Why can Baosheng Yongmeng transform into Exaid without undergoing adaptation surgery?

Why was he able to create new cassettes?

Why does he get headaches when he transforms?

Questions one after another appeared in the hearts of the two arrogant doctors, leaving them silent.

Soon, Baosheng Yongmeng was sent back to [CR] for examination.

It’s no big deal!

However, Jing Feicai took the initiative to find Nangong Qi and invited him to meet on the roof of Dongda Ma's ancestral building.

On the roof of Aunt Dong's ancestral building, Jing Feicai put her hands in her purse, waiting for Nangong Qi's arrival.

Suddenly, the iron door opened, and Nangong Qi kept a cold expression and greeted Jing Feicai in a friendly manner.

"Huh? Jing Feicai, you are really interesting. You always invite me to meet on the rooftop!"

"Stop cheating on me, I just need you to answer my questions now!"



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Chapter 1 Nangong Qi: Feicai, I didn’t lie!


Nangong Qi raised his eyebrows, probably guessing Jing Feicai's question.

However, he still pretended to be profound, looking at the scene in the distance and resting his hands on the railing.

"If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Anyway, I can only answer the questions I know!"

"Let me ask you, why can an intern transform into an exaid without undergoing adaptation surgery?"

Jing Feicai was also rude and immediately threw out the doubts in his mind.

"Also, today the intern actually programmed a blank cassette into a brand new cassette, so what is going on?"


Nangong Qi took a long breath, continued to pretend to be profound, and said:

"I don't know anything about this either!"

"Really? Are you sure you're not cheating on me?"

"Haha! Feicai, you are too sensitive! To be honest, I didn't lie. But..."

Nangong Qi touched his chin, looking thoughtful:

"I have a rough guess. I wonder if you would like to hear it?"


"Feicai, do you remember how the bugster virus adapts to surgery, right?"

"Of course I remember! That was a surgery I performed five years ago. How could I forget? A very small amount of bugster virus was injected through a special syringe to produce antibodies to the bugster virus in the body."

"That's right! But Feicai, do you know what will happen if you forcefully use the [Player Driver] without undergoing adaptation surgery?"

Nangong Qi squinted his eyes slightly, seeming to enjoy the power, looking careless.

"Also five years ago, a doctor who had not been adapted to surgery made an attempt. His name is Makijiro, and he is also a close friend of the Hana family!"

"Big me, is this still happening? Then Xiaoji..."

"Of course, Makijiro was very brave, but the result was also very tragic. Not only his patients, but even himself died directly because of the forced use of the [Player Driver]!"


Having said this, Nangong Qi snapped his fingers and woke up Jing Feicai, who was missing his girlfriend.

"So, smart Feicai, think about it for a moment! Why can Hosei Nagamu transform into Exaid without undergoing adaptation surgery and not disappear like Makijiro?"

Jing Feicai began to think. Gradually, he felt as if

After understanding something, his frowning brows suddenly became enlightened, and his whole person seemed to be suddenly enlightened.

"Because the intern has been infected with the bugster virus for a long time! But because of his special constitution, he does not suffer from high fever and painful symptoms like other people when he is infected with the bugster virus!"

"Don't be so full of words yet, after all, I'm just guessing!"

Theoretically, Jing Feicai only got half of the answer right.

It's not because Baosheng Yongmeng has a special physique, but because the bugster in him, which is Parade, has long been separated.

Feeling that her Xunsi throw was a great success, Jing Feicai immediately turned around and left the rooftop.

"Hey, Feicai, what do you want to do?"

"Of course we are going to check the intern's body and verify our guess! If the guess is correct, then we should separate the bugster from his body as quickly as possible and then eliminate it completely!"

"Feicai, have you forgotten? Once a patient with gaming disease learns that he has gaming disease, the pressure in his heart will increase dramatically. Baosheng Yongmeng not only knows about gaming disease, but also knows about gaming. The consequences of the disease. If he knew all this, he might just disappear on the spot!"

Jing Feicai couldn't help clenching her fists, and her nails even pierced into her flesh.

"Then we can only watch from the sidelines? Waiting for the experimental doctor's game disease to attack? Dr. Nangong, you are my senior, so I will respect you. But what you are doing now is completely abandoning the patient. Unresponsible and irresponsible behavior!"

"I understand the urgency in your heart, because you have witnessed the disappearance of Momose-chan, and you have personally experienced the death of Kujo Kiriya, so I understand it very well. But, who told you, I don't have the eternal dream for Baosheng Have you received treatment?"

"Huh? Making him black tea and sending his father, Tao Sheng Kiyonaga, to prison, is this called treatment?"

Jing Feicai almost laughed out of anger at Nangong Qi.

"This is a trial! I think this is a trial for the eternal dream to overcome the past, so I helped him accept it. Only after overcoming the immature past can a person grow! Neither are you Is it the same, Jing Feicai?"

Nangong Qi was referring to the matter of Hyakase-chan.


Although Kagami Aya completed his revenge on Gurafat, he still could not get over the shadow of losing Momose-chan.

After hearing this, Jing Feicai immediately felt panicked.

"Stop changing the topic for me! Your behavior is irresponsible!"

"No! As I said, I am now trying to make Baosheng Yongmeng more mature, so that when he knows that he is suffering from gaming disease, he will not disappear on the spot due to the increased pressure!"

Nangong Qi played with his fingernails nonchalantly, as if everything was under his control.

"Everyone has a different degree of stress tolerance. In other words, as long as I can improve Baosheng Yongmeng's stress resistance to a high enough level, then he will not be stressed because he knows that he has gaming disease. Increase dramatically, or even disappear!”

"You are simply unreasonable!"

Despite this, Jing Feicai gradually calmed down and began to think about the effectiveness of Nangong Qi's method.

"Then when are you going to tell the intern? You can't hide it from him for the rest of your life, right?"

"Young man, don't be impulsive, just feel at ease! After all, gaming disease will not evolve from early stage to late stage symptoms over time like cancer. In other words..."

Nangong Qi changed his position and leaned directly on the iron railing, looking particularly leisurely and relaxed.

"In other words, the longer it takes, the more Baosheng Yongmeng will be able to grow under my instruction, and at the same time, it will be more beneficial to him!"


Without saying anything else, Jing Feicai just turned around and left with a complicated look.

He couldn't understand Nangong Qi's brain circuit.

If you can't figure it out, then just don't think about it.

However, Jing Feicai still decided to give his senior genius doctor a little face.

At least, he would never take the initiative to attack Baosheng Yongmeng before his gaming disease broke out.

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